
Wasserman-Schultz: WW2 Headstones of German Veterans Mentioning “Leader” and “Fatherland” Must Be Removed

A Jewish supremacist American congresswoman called on the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to replace three headstones in military cemeteries bearing swastikas and invoking Hitler.

“IT IS deeply troubling and terribly offensive that swastika-adorned headstones that include messages honoring Hitler continue to stand in this nation’s Veterans Administration National Cemeteries,” Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., said in a ridiculous statement. “The VA’s decision to leave the swastikas in place, as well as the messages honoring Hitler, while ignoring calls to take the headstones down is callous, irresponsible and unacceptable — and comes at a time when documented antisemitic incidents in the United States have reached a new high.”

Wasserman Schultz is among the most senior Jewish Democrats in Congress and for a number of years chaired the Democratic National Committee.

Earlier this week, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation called on Veterans Affairs to replace the headstones on the graves of German prisoners of war who died in U.S. internment camps during World War II. Two are in a San Antonio cemetery and another is in Salt Lake City.


In addition to the swastikas, the tombstones include the phrase “He died far from his home for the Führer, people, and fatherland.”

In response, a VA spokesman cited an agency policy to protect historic resources, including those that recognize divisive historical figures or events.

“I call on the VA to eliminate this antiquated policy and immediately replace these inappropriate and insensitive headstones,” Wasserman Schultz said.

Jewish supremacist organizations backing the Military Religious Freedom Foundation’s call include B’nai B’rith International, the American Jewish Committee and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Kevin Alfred Strom, media director of the National Alliance, stated “It is Wasserman-Schultz and her allies who are callous and irresponsible and unacceptable. It is ironic that an outfit styling itself the ‘Military Religious Freedom Foundation’ would want to desecrate the graves of the dead and remove the spiritual message and symbol upon them that has stood for three quarters of a century. But the MRFF is a Jewish-founded and Jewish-run organization, despite its name, so its agenda is not surprising. One is impressed by the VA’s position, to honor the dying wishes and beliefs of an honorable opponent in battle. We hope they remain steadfast under pressure.”

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Source: Daily Archives and National Vanguard correspondents

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23 May, 2020 6:26 am

Her face and demeanor IS deeply troubling and terribly offensive, but no one has removed her yet.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
23 May, 2020 10:17 am

Nobody even noticed except this childish, screeching harpy and her fellow busybodies. They were, no doubt, emboldened by the removal of the Confederate statues.

Mr. Hilter
Mr. Hilter
23 May, 2020 6:57 pm

The jews love erasing truth and historical facts.

mr eye
mr eye
23 May, 2020 9:14 pm

This “woman” is the textbook example of the ugly, hyper-liberal, mentally ill jewess we’ve all come to know and hate.

23 May, 2020 10:11 pm

Florida is the state where a principal was fired for questionning the holocaust curriculum. Parents and kids were not polled.

26 May, 2020 2:29 pm

Tell Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz to go —– yourself …

26 May, 2020 6:25 pm

Just5 thinkhow troubling it must be for jews to paint swastikas on their own homes!

27 May, 2020 2:26 am

I wonder how the Arabs feel about the 666 Star of Satan flying over the desolate badlands the age-old invaders call holy.

Former Liberal
Former Liberal
27 May, 2020 5:32 pm

I’m the child of U.S. World War Two veterans and half Jewish on my Dad’s side, but LEAVE history alone! Whatever those individual deceased Germans and their comrades believed in should be respected, as they also fought for their country. I agree that crazy old Jewish bats like Wasserman- Schultze should just shut up about a bunch of tombstones. And unlike me and many others, though I don’t want to see young Americans signing up to fight for Zionism, she never wore the uniform anyway.

27 May, 2020 10:21 pm

In the same way that the Christian cross symbol chases away vampires, it’s nice to know that the mighty and timeless symbol of our beloved swastika will forever infuriate these repugnant filthy Yids.
I say we need many more swastikas out there to remind them of the beating they received during WWII and to also awaken us from our deep 75 year dormancy.

There is only so much poking that we as a white race will endure. I just hope that the next Yiddish poke will not be our last through their conspired universal vaccination program.

Gott Mit Uns

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Icknay
27 May, 2020 11:52 pm

There is only one solution for the Yid problem….

28 May, 2020 3:54 pm

I don’t believe in the supernatural, but this thing, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, is other-worldly evil. What her and her army of minions did in the last election to win, made a mockery of our election system and very likely cheated her opponent out of a win; we will never know, because the minions illegally destroyed the ballots, on behalf of the Wasserman Schultz Ashkenazi creature. We are up against a sick, twisted, mafia made up of sociopaths. Quantifying the amount of destruction, misery, murder, pedophilia, rape, genocide, (I am pretty sure baby’s blood drinking), organ harvesting and evil they have wreaked upon humanity is impossible —it is incalculable. All of them should be in prison. Many of them, in solitary confinement in tiny, two meter by two meter by two… Read more »

29 May, 2020 7:32 am

I am offended when I see the “Star of DEATH””. Judaism is neither a race or a religion, it is Xenophobic Tribalism. XENOPHOBIC: n.A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples. TRIBALISM: n. 1. The organization, culture, or beliefs of a tribe. 2. A strong feeling of identity with and loyalty to one’s tribe or group. For 3,500 years Israel has practiced eugenics …. Jewishness is based on: Jewish mother determines that you are Jewish …. Jewish father determines the Tribe (cohen, levite, dan, benjamin) They are a TRIBE …. a family based GANG. If you are not an active member you are NOT part of the GANG. No more than having a cousin in the Hell’s Angels makes YOU a… Read more »

Travon Martinberg
Travon Martinberg
Reply to  ALberticus
29 May, 2020 1:31 pm

Jews are a race as determined by geneticists (see articles on genetic diseases that are rife among Ashkenazi), and their eugenics has been based on adhesion to talmudic “tribal” dictates and verbal one-upmanship and negotiation as means of attaining desirable fortune, not valor, physical strength, beauty, inventiveness or other traits necessary to advance a technological yet classical civilization. Jews are matrilineal.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Travon Martinberg
31 May, 2020 1:06 am

This may or may not be relevant to this discussion. At any rate, here it is, from the ancient archives: *********************************************** From “The State”, July 11th, 1945 ________________ 5 AFRIKA KORPS POW’S DIE FOR MURDER Fort Leavenworth, Kan. July 10 (AP) Five former members of famed Afrika Korps were hanged today on a temporary warehouse gallows at the United States dis- ciplinary barracks for the murder of a fellow prisoner. The executions were the first of foreign prisoners of war ever held in the United States. Termed “fanatical Nazis” by army authorities, the men were sen- tenced to death, January 25, 1944, by a general court-martial at Camp Gruber, Okla. The Germans were charged with fatally beating a fel- low countryman, Johannes Kunze, a war prisoner interned at the Ton-… Read more »