I just discovered the video has been banned. Can you provide another version for the benefit of ANTIFA so that we can all learn who they are fighting for. Would it be difficult to have the video accessible directly from NV’s site?
16 May, 2020 7:08 pm
Much to my profound dismay, the U.S. military – in which I served as an officer during the first Gulf War – should more aptly be called the Israeli Foreign Legion, with its motto being: Only the Goyim Die Young. I was a young, naïve man at the time and full of patriotic fervor. I did not know what Bush the Elder meant when he spoke of a New World Order and, to my knowledge, none of the “dumb, stupid animals” that I served with (Henry Kissinger’s words, not mine) did either. If I only knew then what I know now. Mothers and fathers, please think long and hard before allowing your sons and daughters to be sent off to the Middle East to fight and die for Israel. Even… Read more »
You are absolutely right. Moreover, the only way to stop this incoming filthy Yiddish nightmare is for the same military officers of the upper echelon to stop thinking about their pensions, see the greater good in humanity, pull their heads out from their a** and change their direction of fire.
If earth and its organisms are to survive, the repugnant Yiddish genome must once and for all be permanently defeated.
USAF JAG VET, thank you for speaking honorably and honestly… I too was sucked in to the “Israeli Foreign Legion,” after completing graduate school. I did not even attempt to go Officer, as I was so filled with patriotic fervor after the 2016 election that I did not want to wait to serve, thereby enlisting. What a supremely naive decision! I trust the military I am a part of today can only be a far more “diverse” version of the one you served in. The obsession with multiculturalism, the obvious quotas, the stupidly destructive propaganda projected from the mouth of every drill sergeant and officer about how we whipped them damn Nazis (White Civilization’s zenith) and now we gonna bomb the Iranians and Chinese, the blindness from senior leaders toward… Read more »
17 May, 2020 7:30 am
Thank you, Mr Rossetti and National Vanguard for sharing this video I made from DC Dave’s parody. He and I have collaborated on many videos over the years, focusing primarily on the jew world order, especially how it relates to their hegemony over America. I’m surprised that it is still on YT, but my suspicion is that they are relaxing anti-semite charges for a time… until they go full ballistic. I have a secondary repository of most of my videos at Bitchute which contains several oldies but goodies that were culled from YT over the years (in many cases, after I was told by a jew that they were going after me). Vids like “It Would Be So Much Easier”, “Aching News!” apparently went too far for YT. You can… Read more »
Thanks BeulahMan, Propose it for the USA national anthem, to replace the ‘land of the fee and the home of the slave’.
I just discovered the video has been banned. Can you provide another version for the benefit of ANTIFA so that we can all learn who they are fighting for. Would it be difficult to have the video accessible directly from NV’s site?
Much to my profound dismay, the U.S. military – in which I served as an officer during the first Gulf War – should more aptly be called the Israeli Foreign Legion, with its motto being: Only the Goyim Die Young. I was a young, naïve man at the time and full of patriotic fervor. I did not know what Bush the Elder meant when he spoke of a New World Order and, to my knowledge, none of the “dumb, stupid animals” that I served with (Henry Kissinger’s words, not mine) did either. If I only knew then what I know now. Mothers and fathers, please think long and hard before allowing your sons and daughters to be sent off to the Middle East to fight and die for Israel. Even… Read more »
You are absolutely right. Moreover, the only way to stop this incoming filthy Yiddish nightmare is for the same military officers of the upper echelon to stop thinking about their pensions, see the greater good in humanity, pull their heads out from their a** and change their direction of fire.
If earth and its organisms are to survive, the repugnant Yiddish genome must once and for all be permanently defeated.
Greetings JAG VET, and thank you. Has anyone ever voted for Henry Kissinger? You are a better person than your leaders.
USAF JAG VET, thank you for speaking honorably and honestly… I too was sucked in to the “Israeli Foreign Legion,” after completing graduate school. I did not even attempt to go Officer, as I was so filled with patriotic fervor after the 2016 election that I did not want to wait to serve, thereby enlisting. What a supremely naive decision! I trust the military I am a part of today can only be a far more “diverse” version of the one you served in. The obsession with multiculturalism, the obvious quotas, the stupidly destructive propaganda projected from the mouth of every drill sergeant and officer about how we whipped them damn Nazis (White Civilization’s zenith) and now we gonna bomb the Iranians and Chinese, the blindness from senior leaders toward… Read more »
Thank you, Mr Rossetti and National Vanguard for sharing this video I made from DC Dave’s parody. He and I have collaborated on many videos over the years, focusing primarily on the jew world order, especially how it relates to their hegemony over America. I’m surprised that it is still on YT, but my suspicion is that they are relaxing anti-semite charges for a time… until they go full ballistic. I have a secondary repository of most of my videos at Bitchute which contains several oldies but goodies that were culled from YT over the years (in many cases, after I was told by a jew that they were going after me). Vids like “It Would Be So Much Easier”, “Aching News!” apparently went too far for YT. You can… Read more »
The video has been censored.