Soon It Will Be Illegal Not to Love Jews
Actual headline in Jewish newspaper yesterday: “US Will Push Countries to Love Their Jews More, Anti-Semitism Monitor Says”
“THE OPPOSITE of anti-Semitism is not tolerance,” Elan Carr, the US “anti-Semitism monitor,” said. “The opposite of anti-Semitism is philo-Semitism, the appreciation, respect, and affection for Jewish values and the Jewish community.” Carr is a Jew.
Elan Carr, the State Department’s “anti-Semitism monitor,” wants to get people in other countries to “love their Jews more” as a means of “countering anti-Semitism.”
In a press call Monday to mark “Jewish American Heritage Month,” Carr outlined steps the United States was taking worldwide to advocate for “defending” Jews, the world’s wealthiest and most powerful ethnic group.
Some of these steps include using US taxpayer money to pay for multimillion-dollar security measures for already-wealthy Jewish organizations, prosecuting those who question or work against Jewish power, and condemning “anti-Semitic speech.”
“In addition to all of those important defense measures, we are determined also to work with our allies in developing and driving philo-Semitic narratives for their country, in the hope that we can reach the day when every society dedicates itself, as the United States has, to embrace and to treasure its Jewish community,” he said.
He did not outline what shape the philo-Semitic narratives would take, or how the State Department would drive them.
“The opposite of anti-Semitism is not tolerance,” Carr said. “The opposite of anti-Semitism is philo-Semitism, the appreciation, respect, and affection for Jewish values and the Jewish community. Jewish American Heritage Month is an important vehicle for driving that critical philo-Semitic narrative.”
Carr listed Jewish American luminaries worth promoting, including composers Irving Berlin and Leonard Bernstein, scientists Jonas Salk and Albert Einstein, and Supreme Court Justices Louis Brandeis and Benjamin Cardozo.
“We’ve actually brought together various authorities that work in this area, in governments, ours and others, and in the private sector or for-profit, but also NGOs that specifically address internet hate speech,” he said. “And we’re bringing together these authorities specifically for the purpose of producing a framework to address this.”
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Source: Jerusalem Post and National Vanguard correspondents
The most insufferably self-important nation in human history, bar none.
The group that thinks that “they are chosen by God” must have your complete love and acceptance. Absolutely no criticism allowed. Only a very sick and evil group would need this. They created a religion that encourages their very own “self worship”. They want YOU to worship them in the very same way they worship themselves. What sort of idolatry is this? No sane person would believe that you can literally order someone to love you. It is unbelievable to me, that a government based on the separation of church and state, sponsors this mental illness in an obviously very manipulative population. Adam Green (Know More News) covers this insanity in detail.
The Fear of the Unknown: Know More News to Know Your Jews Adam Green covers these issues very well, but whether he knows it or not, his role is to disseminate vast amounts of information about the Jews, to lessen the degree of shock to the system of the unknowing. The unknowing have been prepared for what is coming thanks to Adam Green. The unknowing, now know what to expect. That alone is comforting for many people and I am sure that is what the smart Jews are thinking also. Green is still on all social media sites with no censorship (or very little), when others, for saying much less, critical of the Jews, have been permanently banned –deplatformed on all platforms. This is proof of nothing, but it sure… Read more »
It is true, KMN is still on NoseTube. However, Green has had his channel demonetized. He has also had his “chat” restricted. His use of Israeli websites and videos from MSM outlets to make his point is not “opinion”, it is legitimate news. He only has 127,000 subscribers, which is not a huge number of people. I don’t think NoseTube really cares about content, (((they))) care about the number of eyes and ears tuning in. If KMN had 500,000 subscribers I think they would get rid of him. As far as suggesting what to do, until millions of people wake up there is very little anybody can really do except continue to spread the word. I have contacted my Republican congress critter and point blank stated that Jews are a… Read more »
Ridiculous. I have had 3 YT channels unceremoniously deleted and my WP blog deleted with just a few hundred subs. The WP blog was 12 years old. At this point I have only acceptable videos on YT.
I don’t know if Green is controlled opposition or not. But I’d be lying if I didn’t say he looks like a jew to me. He is certainly being treated differently than I.
Green’s family attends the Church of Christ, from what I understand. Green has no religious affiliation. Why are you categorizing my comments as “ridiculous”? Green is using his YouTube channel to send his followers to DLive and BitChute. Just because you were booted off YouTube doesn’t make Green Jewish. I haven’t seen your blog or YT channel, but here’s Adam Green’s latest clip on BitChute. Put up some of your content here so that people can see what you are doing. Green has been relentless in exposing that Jews want to INSTITUTIONALIZE Jewish oppression, propaganda, and control.
127,000 is not a low number. He is being allowed to continue. Why? I dunno.
I have added most of the videos that were used to delete my previous YT channels to a Bitchute channel.
My latest video is pretty descriptive of my thoughts on jews:
They are just jealous of blacks.
They just use the blacks as a battering ram against the gates of our caucasian castle
Characterizing Aryans as a castle might have a ring of truth to it. It does little more than just sit around playing defense– winning a few battles, but generally losing the war.
Not all Aryans are this way, but most are. I believe it to be the National Alliance’s task, my task, to turn the best of our people into aggressive proponents of Our Cause– instead of being passive castle-types– and in so doing advance our kind on the path to fulfilling the creator’s purpose.
As Black Americans go, so do we. Black Americans are only first to experience what the Jews have in store for us. i.e. the plight of black Americans is a warning, not something to pity. What many are still unaware of is that the NAACP was founded in 1909 by a gaggle of Jews and one mulatto black. The Jews directed the NAACP for many years there after. The Jews’ well funded and connected NAACP pushed out of operation many black grassroots civil rights movements and organizations–the Jews hijacked the civil rights moment. The attainment of civil rights by black Americans was delayed for at least 50 years. What is more the Jews, as is their plan and nature, turned civil rights in to a tool for chaos and societal… Read more »
They appear to have never considered that Newton’s Third Law applies to politics as much as it does anything else.
Yes indeed well put. Ultimately natures laws must be far more powerful than Jewish subversion and scheming. That’s something we need to remind ourselves of, that nature the universe is on our side because we work with and respect nature.
So now the time has come to us, my brothers and sisters, to do what we have always done, from Celtic hunters, to Gothic nomads, and Nordic Conquerors; to be the best at being the best, and embrace Philo-Aryanism! Let them make their cake, for we will bake ours, and eat theirs as well!
I love that kind of cake!
This is becoming absolutely crazy! We now have a situation where you can’t criticize a group of people simply because of the fact that they are Jewish! Where is this situation going to end up? Probably it’s going to end up where anybody who has any criticism whatsoever and where they are a white person to be in complete praise of these clowns and if you do not praise them and fall down on your knees and worship them then they will round you up and put you into the nearest prison! So as far as I’m concerned that’s what’s happening in the United States and it’s already happening in Britain, in Germany, and many other countries in the Western Hemisphere. We seem to be on a course of being… Read more »
I don’t hate Jews. I hate parasitic plunder and destruction. So it only appears that I hate Jews.
“Love the Devil!” That’s what they’re asking us goyim to do.
Unprecedented chutzpah.
Wie Juden Nationen und Staaten zerstören ,, Juden werden niemals in der Lage sein, ein Volk zu unterwerfen, das seine Rassenreinheit bewahrt hat. Juden in dieser Welt werden immer nur über Nationen herrschen, die die Reinheit des Blutes verloren haben.“ a) Sobald die ersten Orte eines soliden Lebens entstehen, sind die Juden plötzlich genau dort. Zunächst treten sie als Kaufleute auf, da es immer noch notwendig ist, ihre Nationalität zu verbergen. Die Merkmale der externen Rassenunterscheidung zwischen ihnen und den Menschen, die ihnen Gastfreundschaft bieten, sind immer noch zu auffällig. Die Bedeutung von Fremdsprachen unter Juden ist zu wenig entwickelt. Andererseits sind die Menschen selbst, die ihnen Gastfreundschaft bieten, immer noch zu sehr ein geschlossenes Ganzes. Infolgedessen ist der Jude gezwungen, als Kaufmann und als Fremder offen zu sprechen. Angesichts… Read more »