
New Arbery Footage: Arrested While Jogging Past Walmart on His Way to Church

ON December 1, 2017 Ahmaud Arbery and three associates were detained by store security as they attempted to push a 65-inch Vizio television out of a Walmart. They were unable to produce a receipt and the store employees would not let them take the TV out of the store. Police were called and stopped the four persons of interest in the parking lot on suspicion of theft.

Bodycam video of the incident shows that Arbery, then aged 23, lied and told the police officers he was twenty years old. When an officer asked Arbery about the 65-inch TV he tried to push out of the store, Arbery replied “I don’t know nothin’ abut no TV brother.” Shortly after that, Arbery claimed “I had a receipt bro.” Arbery was arrested. His associates were released and instructed that they were not welcome to return to the store.

A review of the court files confirms that Arbery was convicted of this “theft by shoplifting” charge:… This arrest violated Arbery’s probation on this earlier gun possession conviction:… Incident/arrest reports related to the Walmart incident are linked here:……

The erroneous “jogger” narrative continues to collapse. During the 2017 arrest, Arbery becomes agitated, disobeys police orders and is placed in handcuffs.

This comes less than 24 hours after footage was released of Ahmaud Arbery encountering police in a known drug dealing area, shirtless and angered. In that incident, Arbery becomes so agitated he is forced to the ground and subdued with police tasers drawn.

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Source: Durian Gray, Red Elephants, and National Vanguard correspondents

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20 May, 2020 5:08 pm

One of the things actually said, “I dindu nuffin” validating the stereotype even further.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
21 May, 2020 9:54 am

Good riddance to this lowlife. But still, if he would have lived, after the dudes pointed their guns at him, he and his lawyers would have ruined those two men’s lives and probably have broken them financially, and Arberry could have gotten more gold teeth. It will probably happen anyway, since the two men are charged with murder. They will be lucky to stay out of jail.

Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
21 May, 2020 4:35 pm
Gregory McMichael is a former law enforcement professional. There is no way this could be called “murder”. Arbery was attempting to wrestle a shot gun out of the hands of Travis McMichael. Both called in a report to police before they took off in the pick up truck . It is perfectly legal to ask someone to come over and answer a few questions. Arbery was a loser. He couldn’t control his emotions and all he had to do is calm down and wait for the police to arrive. Stefan Molyneux does a pretty good synopsis on this travesty of justice. The McMichaels were well within the law.

Reply to  Karen
22 May, 2020 4:41 am

Karen’s was a nice comment until she mentioned Stefan Molyneux. A jew pretending to be a white-nationalist/race racialist. Why mention the Molyneux fraud, it ruined my day, why?

Reply to  XwpisONOMA
22 May, 2020 10:49 am

The video clip produced by Molyneux is the best I’ve seen so far. It totally destroys the MSM story. The important thing to me is that the charges are dropped and that the McMichaels are released from jail. The man who filmed the video of the events was also arrested just yesterday (05/21/2020). William “Roddie” Bryan Jr. is charged with felony murder and criminal attempt to commit false imprisonment. At this stage in the events, whether Molyneux is a shill or a Jew or a fraud is to me rather unimportant. The clip speaks for itself. I hope the video clip helps these three men who are facing murder charges. This “investigation” is political and spiraling out of control. Talk about a travesty of justice. If the races were reversed… Read more »

Reply to  Karen
30 May, 2020 6:00 am

It would’ve been better for Gregory himself to have confronted Arbery instead of his son, the son probably didn’t have the training of his father as a former LEO. I don’t doubt that Arbery was a criminal, but trying to question him with a shotgun in hand was just asking for trouble. “Being within the law”, may not be enough to save them from a long prison term.

mr eye
mr eye
23 May, 2020 8:59 pm

Where was Arbery supposedly jogging to? His medical school class? To the nearest USMC recruiting station? To volunteer at the local old people’s home? Oh who am I kidding? Just another pavement ape up to no good in a white neighborhood. Trust me… I know how that goes.