Large Historical Racial Differences in Infection Rates for Sexually Transmitted Diseases
COVID-19 isn’t the only disease with higher infection rates for Blacks than for Whites. Inherent genetic differences between the races, causing structural and chemical differences, are the cause to a large extent, but behavioral differences — such as a relative lack among Blacks of sexual standards, sexual restraint, foresight, knowledge, and self-discipline — are also doubtlessly involved. Here the author shows us that racial differences in sexually transmitted diseases are persistent over time. More current statistics are quoted in the National Alliance health warning stickers shown below.
by David Sims
WHILE BEING only 13% of the US population in 2005, Blacks accounted for half of the AIDS cases diagnosed in the country that year. The HIV infection rate for heterosexual Black men was about 14 times the rate for heterosexual White men. The infection rate for Black women was 23 times higher than the infection rate for White women.
Also, 41% of men and 64% of women living with HIV/AIDS were Black.

Between 2001 and 2004, 61% of people under age 25 diagnosed with AIDS were Black.
In 2006, the infection rate for gonorrhea was 18 times higher for Blacks than for Whites. The group with the highest rate of gonorrhea infection was Black females aged 15-19. When considering all ages, Black males had a per capita infection rate for gonorrhea 25 times higher than that for White men, and Black women had a rate 14 times higher than White women had.
In 2006, the per capita infection rate for chlamydia was 8 times higher among Blacks than among Whites. The rate among Black males was about 12 times that for White men.
Of all cases of syphilis reported to the CDC in 2006, 43% were Blacks. The rate of syphilis infections in Black females was 16 times higher than in White women. The rate of syphilis infection among Black males was five times higher than that of White men. The rate of congenital syphilis among Black babies was 15 times higher than the corresponding rate among White babies.
In general, Blacks are three times more likely than Whites to have herpes.
Half of all Black girls aged 14-19 have, or have had, at least one sexually transmitted disease.
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Source: Author