The Bankers, Their “Federal Reserve,” and Firing Squads
People who have arrogated to themselves the “right” to create money out of nothing — and that includes the entire banking System as well as the central head of the hydra, the Federal Reserve — and then, on top of that, have the chutzpah to charge the people interest on the money they so created, are felons of the most serious kind and deserve the most severe punishment that money can’t buy.
by David Sims
NOBODY should be empowered to give themselves money without having to contribute to society a commensurate amount of work. The penalty for doing so should be death. And any politician who enables a monetized debt scheme is a traitor who should also be executed. It occurs to me that one way to remove debt is to remove the lender, say by putting him in front of a firing squad. Short of that, if it will work, is to cancel the debt by legislation, after repealing the part of the 14th Amendment that says that the public debt shall not be questioned.
Debt is not a force of Nature. It’s a numbers game that has practical significance only when police and soldiers decide to enforce the rules of the game. If they decide not to do so, or if they obey orders not to do so, then the Fed might as well be playing a game of Monopoly with fake money because all their claims on the labor of other people will forever go unheeded. The key to undoing the damage done by the Federal Reserve Act in a relatively peaceful manner might be to persuade the Supreme Court of the United States that justice does not consist of enforcing a scam, and the Federal Reserve System is a scam.
You might say that “we let it happen,” but there was substantial trickery involved. In December 1913, a bought-off portion of our Representatives and Senators stayed secretly in session while most of their fellow federal legislators were at home for the Christmas holiday season. This rump-Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act, which had been drafted three-and-a-half years previously on Jekyll Island in the state of Georgia by bankers who had traveled there secretly, using assumed identities to conceal their meeting and their plans from the public. [And it was sold to the trusting public as a way for the government to control the bankers, when in reality it was intended to do, and did do, the exact opposite. — Ed.]
Essentially, the Fed is the result of dirty deeds done in darkness, sprung into law by corrupt lawmakers aided by lies told in the press. We didn’t have much of a chance to mull the idea of having a private central banking system over, and even if we’d had more time, the average voter might not have had the mental wherewithal to put that time to good use. The Fed was imposed on us because the average banker (predator) has many more IQ points than the average voter (prey) does.
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Source: Author
Money is a paper surrogate for labor and thus hijacks labor making it possible to separate labor from the ownership of labor. A very dicey proposition. But if carefully managed, money is an engine of prosperity that puts people to work creating value. As this article points out, in our country, money issue was hijacked. But from that vantage, it was not enough to capture unearned wealth, then actions were taken to accumulate more wealth, like metering money supply up and down to sell the market highs and buy the lows. And then the mother of all plunders, war. War is profit on steroids and it sells newspapers, don’t forget that.
I read here often and was happy to find something to share here. In poking around the publications section of the site I found this research paper and I wanted to pass it along. It was published in 2018, and examined the self reported health effects of interracial cohabitation and marriage over time to find out if it interracial partnerships/marriages decreased or increased self reported health over time. National Alliance’s perception of the subject was correct again. Here is the link to the paper and some highlights. Thank you National Alliance! “Miller and Kail (2016) instead find that having a White race/ethnicity spouse has positive self-rated health associations for both White and minority race/ethnicity individuals compared to having a non-White spouse. Yu and Zhang (2017) find evidence of… Read more »
” Contrary to stress theory, they find that having a White spouse is associated with better self-rated health for minorities.”
I don’t give a good DAMN about the health for minorities…
The opening sententious thoughts ( who could presume to arrogate themselves money and power without commensurate labour– such should be executed ) are from haste. But if so a natural reaction is truer than the frustration of contemplation. But did the Federal Reserve begin the money problems? Was not from the beginning every “crisis” financial ? Since the federal reserve every thought of government is how can one survive such a capitulation to foreign interest without confessing the crimes. So every word from them that is not a confession is lie. Solution has either been war or inflation or the advent of accidental plague . According to this author congress is corrupted by the bank. But who corrupts the rest ? It reminds you of the verse,” they come into… Read more »
I am not mistaken in my belief that the original Founders
of what is left of this “constitutional republic” stipulated
that the central government was to COIN money….not
PRINT it…and if anyone did so, the penalty for doing such
was death by hanging.
How many morons out there today still believe that the
“Federal Reserve” is an official government agency? Andrew
Jackson fought them in the first round back in the early 19th
Century – he torpedoed the First Bank of the United States.
The Jewish victors gloat by displaying his portrait on their
twenty-dollar “Federal Reserve Note!”
Greetings Walt. The US government could repay its debts by handing the Federal Reserve fraudsters a few trillion-dollar coins.
Greetings James. Latin was involved in the Federal Reserve deception. The cabal had the speaker of the senate interfere with the usual practice of ending the session by stating in Latin :”The Senate is now adjourned for the day.” He left out the words per diem. This meant that after most of the Senators departed, four of them resumed the session. Pres Wilson admitted after signing the bill that he had destroyed a great country.
I suspect that I read it in AR Epperson’s The Unseen Hand which has a comprehensive history of the founding of the Federal Reserve and its misdeeds. I will check.
I’m still looking James. I probably have the source within a ITb drive that failed because it could not handle my 900,000+ files. It would take about two days to recreate the index. I have in the meantime I have perused ‘The Beast of Jekyll Island’, Eustace Mullin’s stuff and many other books without finding the quote. It may be in Birdman Bryant’s stuff.
It’s he even far, far worse than most people imagine; the fact that you create paper money out of thin air means there’s absolutely nothing to back it in a material and even spiritual sense.
When you have created faux wealth then you have in affect stolen from people the products of their labor and allowed that labor to be taken at much, much reduced cost in relationship to the effort that went into making the said product or the service. Additionally to top it all off, then you have the effects of inflation which erodes the purchasing power of other producers as well. So it’s a double hit on those who are productive members of society share.
I am sure most readers are well acquainted with the masterpiece The Creature From Jekyll Island, the book which exposes the rotten Jewish scheme to control money. It started with the Bank of England. But if you are curious about what the Fed actually is, it is an important book to read. The problem with the Federal Reserve is not so much that it creates money out of nothing, but that it does so with interest. Not a single dollar comes into existence without interest attached to it, which pays dividends in perpetuity to the jewish banksters who control the fed . The money is unbacked, but that is not its central problem for it is actually backed by your labor which you render to the blood sucking jews every… Read more »