
Solving the Case

PLEASE WATCH the following amazing video.

IT’S TIME for a “neighborhood crime alert,” which I guess is code for partially documenting the coming collapse of our Jew-run clown nation into all against all tribal chaos. We get a quick warning that what you’re about to see is actual reality and not the usual kosher fantasy world presented on the talmudvision and then jump to a vision of our dark future. Three dark inferiors, ignoring “social distancing” and “shelter in place” orders break down a door in furtherance of a “robbery gone wrong.” This one goes right, however, as the tar monsters flee an armed non-victim, complete with one genetic alien showing the amazing athleticism that should earn it a full-ride “scholarship” playing Liberia Ball by vaulting over a railing and plummeting to the ground where “racist” gravity injures it.

One “man” showed up at the hospital, but the Jesse Owens act continues for the other two nightmare animals. It turns out the “five oh” would like you to “snitch” if you can identify the identical looking and behaving evolutionary dead-ends who just participated in the Negro triathlon of door smashing, bullet catching and freestyle plummeting. It was broad daylight with people everywhere, explains the reporter. It’s almost like the “African-American” neither respects nor fears our laws and can only be controlled by direct violence and eventual removal.

We get another replay of the actual incident, stressing how it only took “eight seconds.” Don’t worry, the police will be there in fifteen minutes. Turn in your guns, gentiles. You need to be completely defenseless for your own safety. As quickly as it begins, it ends, with the future college students fleeing gunfire and injuring themselves in the Sudan Steeplechase. Think of this as a preview of Civil War 2. Look at that boy run.

More high quality footage of the “suspects” and their getaway “whips” is presented. Meanwhile, a medical miracle saved the life of the worthless groid who got shot in the chest. Truly, this is the end game of civilization: pulling bullets out of a dangerous criminal primate so it can commit more crimes in the future.

It’s time to hear from the sleepy-eyed magical Negro “crime and safety” expert. Dis bee a scaree sit-u-ay-shun an sheeet. This based Congoloid gives low-energy approval to our right not to be murdered in our own homes by roving bands of 70 I.Q. sewage. Wow, run this brilliant beast as a Republican. We have a right to “farr,” as our well-behaved token explains. We are then assured that the other sons of Obama will soon be caught, what with all the video evidence and their “homie” in the hospital taking on repairs before its next attack on a dying nation.

By the way, these incidents are “very rare.” Yeah. Trust me. Everything is fine. Resume meekly submitting to tyrannical orders, slave.

* * *

Source: Modern Heretic

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Rommel 41
Rommel 41
26 April, 2020 12:21 am

The intolerant tone of this article seems kinda harsh. I mean this could be the turning
point in these young men’s lives. After all, they just made some “bad choices”, right ?!
A mentorship, maybe a few midnight basketball games, and who knows – the sky’s the
limit :) Hella good times ahead.

Reply to  Rommel 41
26 April, 2020 7:45 pm

LOL…Wakandans an sheit!

26 April, 2020 11:10 am

If one of robbers was actually struck with the defender’s weapon it was not significant They ran with no distraction. Could have returned fire. How could the defender know and already be armed ? All was finished in 8 seconds . Who was the apartment dweller ?

Reply to  Paul
1 May, 2020 7:03 pm

an American patriot …

27 April, 2020 9:25 am

Many details were left out of the story. I wonder if the apartment dweller knew the perps? Was he white or black? Male or female? The reporting in this story left out many important details. That being said, I personally carry and advise everyone to do the same. Be safe out there, and watch your back.

Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
27 April, 2020 5:09 pm

God (Cosmotheist one) bless the right to bear arms. In countries like Australia, Canada or the UK you would be arrested by the police for aggravated assault on the black. You would then have to prove before a judge and jury that you had no option but to use less than lethal force. The police would probably instruct you to let the robbers rob you and then let the police handle the subsequent investigation. Now let me turn your attention to the case of Martin John Bryant, the convicted Australian mass shooter who murdered 35 people and injured 23 others in the Port Arthur massacre. The massacre was used to strip Australians of the right to bear arms. What the authorities did not tell you is that Martin had a… Read more »

Reply to  Thomas Jefferson
28 April, 2020 5:19 pm

Greetings Thomas. Actually, Bryant has never been tried in a court and convicted. He was placed in a mental institution. There are numerous discrepancies in his case that indicated someone else was responsible.

Reply to  Thomas Jefferson
2 May, 2020 5:56 pm

Port Arthur was a judeo-masonic hoax from start to finish.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
28 April, 2020 10:30 am

I agree with Paul and Karen. Whoever is in that apartment is someone that you do not want in your neighborhood.
There is something very disturbing being left out of this story. At any rate, that apartment complex will probably suffer a massive exodus of Whites if there are indeed any there.

I am sure that the defender is as black as the hoods, and am pretty sure that some kind of insane chimp nonsense is at work here.

29 April, 2020 9:14 pm

Nothing like trotting out a primitive expert to make sure we know these evil home invaders are the exception and not the rule when it comes to negroes. Surprised they did not have a negro reporter giving us the details of the crime. This is the usual play.. We are not fooled!!

1 May, 2020 7:01 pm

sheeeeeeeeeet ! – he’s a goodin’ boy – he’ed “din-do” nuthin’ !!