
Uber-Jew Comedian Larry David Mocks Stormfront — and All Decency

Larry David

by James Harting

UBER-JEW Larry David has a new incarnation of his uber-Jewish situation comedy, Curb Your Enthusiasm, on HBO this season.

This show is easily the most anti-Semitic television comedy ever broadcast in the US — although it’s not clear if David realizes how anti-Semitic it is.

In one episode in 2009 (Season 7, Episode 6), David, who plays himself as a Jew, urinates on a painting of Jesus. His Mexican housemaid sees the urine on the painting, and thinks that it’s a miracle: the Christian savior is crying real tears. The credulity of the Goyim is portrayed as being hilarious. Was this episode offensive? No way, said David, it was all just a gag! Lighten up, Goyim!

See: Larry David Blasted for ”’Curb”’ Episode Where He Urinates on Jesus Painting | Fox News

The show went off the air for awhile but now it’s back. Lucky us!

Last week’s offering (Season 10, Episode 6, broadcast on February 23) featured a sub-plot in which David encounters an inventor who is clearly a Jew-hater. The inventor has a German Shepard named “Adolf.” Adolf doesn’t like Jews, see? They get him riled up. However, if you raise your right arm in a National Socialist salute and say “Heil Hitler!” the dog calms right down. More hilarity, eh?

Naively, David defends the inventor to another Jewish character. The inventor is a man of science, and he is a faithful follower of Stormfront, David tells him. He adds that Stormfront is a meteorological group that chases tornadoes and such. The audience, of course, is in on the joke: they know what Stormfront is really all about. My, these Jews are clever, aren’t they?

I cannot emphasize too much how Jewish this show is, with its unhealthy fixation on feces and urine, and with its lurid, salacious attitude toward sex. This week’s episode included a sub-plot in which four elderly Jewish men ruminated obsessively about the “magic vagina” of a non-Jewish woman character. Yet, it isn’t just the story lines or the content, but the characters themselves, their speech and mannerisms, and above all their values, which all embody the purest and most repulsive type of Jewish humor.

In some future museum there should a room set aside where clips from Curb Your Enthusiasm are shown, along with those from another Larry David production, Seinfeld. Simply describing the Jews to our descendants won’t do them justice: they will need to see for themselves who our overlords were in the bad old days of the 20th and early 21st centuries.

* * *

Source: Do Right and Fear No One

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5 March, 2020 11:33 am

Anyone , who could watch this bastard and not get sick and vomit either has no soul , a liberal, or nothing in his or her stomach. I suggest not viewing the jew unless one needs an emetic.

Reply to  Paul
8 March, 2020 3:21 pm

Good advice, Paul! I’m glad to have taken it in 1989.

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
Reply to  Paul
10 March, 2020 12:29 am

I seldom have an adverse reaction to Jews or those who propagate their program. I try to avoid it when I can, but I just view them as “a thing” that pervades our world. I suppose that it would probably be eerily fun in say some future White civilization, to have a Larry David or a Gloria Steinem in some pleasant contained area. A place where they couldn’t do any damage to society, and be able to hang out with them and try to pick their mind. To figure out what inherently motivates them, out of morbid curiosity. Maybe even to finally come to some sort of conclusion about how it all started.

Reply to  Josef Tone
10 March, 2020 9:49 am

A confession of “not hating ” is a casual alibi. But absence of passionate discrimination is not virtue. The jew is morbid constant , whose quantity indicates the relative morbidity of the host culture Have not changed in millennium nor can. But those , who are enamored with them because they smile and are sociable , good bridge players and conversationalists and the like . Even your family. This must eventually alienate people of race and provenance .The churches have degraded themselves shamelessly to the water beneath the Pharisee’s feet. Congress competes to lick their boots and fear to “think” a thought , that displeases them. Those who serve them are the first enemy , the traitor and coward , who will abjectly serve them reiterating thier lies instead of… Read more »

pj dooner
pj dooner
6 March, 2020 11:13 am

Free jew publicity for Stormfront where most of the Moderators and Sustaining Members are jews, how about that?

William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
Reply to  pj dooner
7 March, 2020 7:39 pm

That is a rather astonishing accusation, pj. Can you prove it? Rather than stir up “movement” controversy here, why not go make your accusation there that most of Stormfront’s moderators and Sustaining Members are Jews:

I’ve never watched Curb Your Enthusiasm, nor Jew-owned HBO, for that matter, and never will. if this s***com is anything like David’s Seinfield, which anyone with a television can’t possibly have missed, it can’t get much more Jewish than that show was. I’m surprised Mr. Kerr watched even one episode of this thin Jewish soup for nourishment.


Larry David noted a “disturbing. pattern” regarding the “me too” predators during a Saturday Night Live monologue. Basically that they are overwhelmingly Jewish. I used to throw this video out whenever the subject came up on social media. The revealing part begins at 3:45.

William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
Reply to  guest
9 March, 2020 7:17 pm

I watched the part you cited. SNL is about as Jewish as network TV gets. Funnyman David’s stand-up bit isn’t funny, but he makes a good point. I searched for ‘jewish sexual predators’ and got a list of eight, five of which I’ve never heard of: Harvey Weinstein (film producer) Brett Ratner (film producer) James Toback (screenwriter) Dustin Hoffman (actor) Mark Halperin (journalist) Roman Polanski (film director) Michael Oreskes (NPR’s Senior Vice President). Leon Wieseltier (writer & editor) There are probably hundreds more in Hollywood alone. Where’s that little pervert Woody Allen? Phil Specter? Jeffrey Epstein and all of his Jew pals that are listed in his little black book, like Elie Wiesel, Henry Kissinger, Ira Magaziner, Rupert Murdoch, Ronald Perelman, Edouard de Rothschild, Edmond Safra, Ron Silver, the son… Read more »

Martin Kerr
Martin Kerr

I’m surprised Mr. Kerr watched even one episode of this thin Jewish soup for nourishment.

“Master Sun said: Know the enemy and know yourself; in one hundred battles you will never be in peril.

If you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning and losing are equal.

If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are certain in every battle to be in peril.”

(The Art of War by Sun Tzu, Chapter 3, 31-33.)

William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
Reply to  Martin Kerr
9 March, 2020 4:50 pm

Thanks, Martin. I know our enemy — an enemy you know even better than I. I know myself also, and our enemies have known us both for decades. They are scared spitless that we will awaken great numbers of our kinsmen to know them as we do. If you have the stomach for it, I defer to you to keep up with the latest bilge the Jews at HBO are spewing for goy consumption. HBO is owned by the Jews at Warner Media. Warner owned MTV until the Jews at Viacom, most notably Murray Rothstein, purchased MTV from those Jews. I get HBO Jewish filth mixed up with MTV Jewish filth because I am never entertained by either and just lump them together. Like I said, I already know my… Read more »

James Harting
James Harting
Reply to  pj dooner
8 March, 2020 7:18 pm

pj dooner: If you have concrete evidence that even one Moderator or Sustaining Member of Stormfront is a Jew, you have an obligation to produce this evidence to the movement. If you do not have such evidence, then I cordially invite you to STFU. Reckless, unsupported accusations of this sort are the bane of the pro-White cause!

Rockford Rick
Rockford Rick
8 March, 2020 1:37 pm

Larry David is a carbuncle on the nether regions of American society, as are the other culture vultures of his tribe.

11 March, 2020 2:24 am

This story represents the Larry Davids’ new America on many levels: The lesbian meztiso kills an elderly white man and critically burns four others by setting her apartment building on fire by hurling a molotov cocktail at her girlfriend: