
What We Got for Welcoming the Poor, Persecuted Tribe: A Knife in the Back

Jewish Wall Street vulture Lloyd Blankfein

by P.W. Werren

IT’S ALWAYS just so thrilling to hear the Jews whispering; insinuating that they occupy the top slots in government, Wall Street, Hollywood, the media, the Nobels, academia, high tech, et cetera because they’re simply “smarter than everyone else.” It usually goes something like that.

If you take the estimated number of White folk in the world, even accepting a ridiculously small estimate, it comes in at about 600 million at the unreasonably low end. Meanwhile our conniving “betters” number somewhere around 15 million worldwide.

So let’s just go with that low figure for my comparison. If the percentage holds that 15.8% of the population score above 115 on historic IQ tests, where does that leave us beleaguered White folk? It means that a “modest” 94,800,000 score above 115.

Meanwhile the Jews claim an average IQ of between 108 and 115. Let’s just say it’s 115. Since that’s an average, half score below and half above, leaving 7,500,000 who score above 115.

The problem is not that there are too few brilliant White folk, it’s that we’re a dime a dozen. There are so many brilliant Europeans; which is how and why we built the First World that everyone wants to invade — and which provides the ideal natural environment for a parasite.

So, faced with these insurmountable odds, what’s a relatively average, fiercely tribal money-cult to do? Do what they do best; penetrate the halls of power, convince the nation that two plus two equals five, and then push their competition to the end of the line — with themselves as leaders — and backfill the center with our newly labeled “equals.” (Scott Adams, the Dilbert cartoon guy, began his career as an engineer at Pac Bell. At some point in his career he was told there was no room for his advancement within the company due to his “skin color,” as some inaccurately put it.)

Another tactic used is to get an economic traitor like Clinton [really a general purpose traitor; he’d do anything as long as they come across with the shekels or the whores] to hollow out the US middle class by offshoring much of US manufacturing to Asia via labor arbitrage — thus leaving the flyover manufacturing states packed with “Deplorables” — meaning the hated Whites — high and dry, ready for a meth epidemic.

* * *

Source: Author

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9 February, 2020 1:57 am

The kikes didn’t outsource any of the monopolies they control, very telling.

Reply to  Titus
10 February, 2020 3:26 am

When I used to watch Hollywood movies, I saw in the end credits how few jewish names there were in the technical crafts (carpentry, lighting, audio, continuity, editing, cinemetography, computer graphics, etc). The west coast goyim filled those ranks. I don’t know if that was outsourcing, exploitation or just using the best people available for the job.

Mr Eye
Mr Eye
Reply to  Sethmoto101
10 February, 2020 11:56 am

That is a very interesting point. But it stands to reason they would not be getting their little hands dirty being set builders, electricians, etc. As Peter Griffin said in one hilarious episode of Family Guy “Jews are good at everything. Well, except manual labor.”

I’ll also bet that virtually none of ’em are stuntmen, given their lack of athleticism and being afraid of seemingly everything.

Reply to  Mr Eye
11 February, 2020 2:02 am

Something I learned so long ago I’ve forgotten where I learned it: When there’s any heavy lifting to be done the Jew has a bad back.

Reply to  PvtCharlieSlate
16 February, 2020 1:39 pm

Right…and we are still paying for their physical weakness 80 years later….as all that happened during ((their$)) WW2 is that for possibly the first time in their ugly racial history, these perpetually whining and sqeualing ditch-rats were made to do some manual labor for a few years….

…this so embarassed and demoralized these
psychopathic earthworms….that now all White
men on this planet must perpetually pay for this transgression…against Moloch’s Chosen

Reply to  Mr Eye
11 February, 2020 2:35 am

As to why there are no Jewish stuntmen, “We have different stunts,” Mason explained. “We take in $9 million and call it a loss.” – Jackie Mason (jew), . His “$9 million” of revenue being a loss is a common practice – net sales being used up by salary expenses for all the relatives who do no work, if they even show up.

Mortal Goyal
Mortal Goyal
Reply to  Sethmoto101
25 July, 2020 5:00 pm

Who cares what these rats think

These are filthy people

Mortal Goyal
Mortal Goyal
Reply to  Sethmoto101
25 July, 2020 3:58 pm

For the Kike
It was logic

White Men do the actual doings in this world

And have for centuries

Jew Kikes are here to subvert and destroy everything that they envy

10 February, 2020 3:19 am

Meth allowed working-class whites to work brutal or dead-end jobs back to back with insufficient sleep, and when they got injured or sprains, the jewish Sackler’s opioid mill was ready to get them back to work. And such jews whine about Easter Passion Plays.

Reply to  Sethmoto101
16 February, 2020 1:44 pm

Spot on Sethmoto.

Speaking from a too personal experience
This is now how things work in the working

Mortal Goyal
Mortal Goyal
Reply to  Sethmoto101
25 July, 2020 4:16 pm

Dude…the filthy Kikes whine about everything

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
10 February, 2020 9:33 am

Even the escape-artist, Houdini (he was a good escape artist; as a magician he was not so very good) made his escapes from apparati designed by his technical man, whose name was “Collins.” Actually the only thing he genuinely escaped from was the straight-jacket (impressive) ; all the other “escapes” were tricks based on the expertise of Collins. Houdini did jump into a frozen river, though. That took quite a bit of soakings in frozen water in a bathtub to get used to it. Read the intriguing book, “Hiding the Elephant” by Jim Steinmeyer. I have never believed the Askenazi IQ thing, anyway. It is just another illusion, and that particular IQ test was laxly controlled. Every once in a while articles are written about this. But, as with blacks,… Read more »

Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
26 March, 2022 2:51 pm

Ashkenazim – avg IQ maybe as high as 93, or as low as 88. They’re nepotistic, end of story.

10 February, 2020 6:40 pm

We have a lot of smart Whites on this planet, what we don’t have are very many smart Whites with the guts to substantially stick up for their own kind.

Reply to  JM/Iowa
16 February, 2020 1:49 pm

Comfortable, polite-society fetishist …whose
highest moral achievement is the unmitigated, prostituted approval and love of complete

13 February, 2020 6:22 am

There are FAR more Jews than is “acknowledged” First consider 6 million were NOT killed in WWII. Remember the Auschwitz death toll was dropped from 4 million to ONE million. A drop of THREE MILLION that has never been deductred from the mythical 6 million. When they LIE about that big a number where else are they LYING? ….. then figure Jews have been dodging censuses and disguising their identities for at least 1500 years. Throughout the World when banned from countries grown tired of their conniving, Jews learned to conceal their identities as Crypto or Morano Jews.—- Are you SURE the Jewish population is only 4%? (1) Since 6 million did NOT die …. where are they? In July 1990 the Auschwitz State Museum in Poland, along with Israel’s… Read more »

17 February, 2020 10:28 pm

Well, I may ruffle some feathers here but up to a point is true that the Jews are smarter than most of us. Otherwise, can someone explain to me how did they achieve the immense power they enjoy today? Wouldn’t it be because most Aryans are trusting, naive, morons so willing to help strangers/potential enemies? Wouldn’t it be because Aryans seem to be hard-wired to be “nice and compassionate” towards other races to the point of committing suicide? (BTW thank Christianity for that) Wouldn’t it be because Aryans are so willing to believe the lies told by the smart/cunning Jews? I am sorry folks, but “It takes two to tango” the Jews ARE very smart and know how to manipulate the stupid, gullible Aryans (as Prof Revilo Oliver noticed and… Read more »

Reply to  Angelicus
26 March, 2022 3:00 pm

You confuse psychopathy with intelligence; not a smart thing to do.

Their avg IQ lies roughly ten points below the White non-Jew (White Americans and White Europeans). They do not have the same system of values and morals; they are not brought up in the church. Without them, life would be so much more peaceful and straightforward. But it is what it is.

20 February, 2020 6:03 am

Jews have invented nothing, it’s all Europeans that bought and still bringing mankind out of the caves. Jews have nepotism, and slowly over time buy everything. They can’t create, their true gift is in destroying things. Its easy to smash an aeroplane or computer, it’s easy to smash anything. But it was the European that invented the aeroplane, the transistor, the phone, electricity… and on and on. The Jew would live in filth and innovation would stop if the white man became extinct.

Reply to  Shaun
21 February, 2020 8:12 pm

Please don’t confuse smash with “mark up for a hefty profit.” Clarification: the jew chooses not to live in filth outside of his own making. Jews don’t buy farms, pork, parachutes, hunting rifles, toolboxes, plane tickets for any US state but California, Nevada, NY, NJ, or Florida, Christmas trees, or mixed-breed dogs.

Mortal Goyal
Mortal Goyal
Reply to  Sethmoto101
25 July, 2020 4:31 pm

Trust us
We wont

Mortal Goyal
Mortal Goyal
Reply to  Shaun
25 July, 2020 4:29 pm


By bye kike yid

Mortal Goyal
Mortal Goyal
25 July, 2020 3:53 pm

This is an excellent, succint piece.

Does the average idiotic American know that THE KIKE rolled in, and completely subverted and destroyed his country?

Congo sports ball anyone?

Mortal Goyal
Mortal Goyal
25 July, 2020 4:24 pm

We dont count on filthy jewkikes to tell us anything about objective reality

Thats up to White Men

Mortal Goyal
Mortal Goyal
25 July, 2020 4:26 pm

Btw friends…covid 1984=jewhoax

Mortal Goyal
Mortal Goyal
25 July, 2020 4:38 pm

The filthyugly jew
100 years ago
Tricked us into a work ethic that
enriched them and demised us
Dont believe the filthy kike hype

Mortal Goyal
Mortal Goyal
25 July, 2020 5:05 pm

Gee…i hope no disgusting, filthy jew kikes call me mean names in the internet….the filthy jew and its goyim lackeys actually control this disgusting society.

Good luck