UK: National Health Service Will Refuse to Treat “Racist” Whites
The increasingly non-White bureaucracy of Britain’s “free” National Health Service (NHS), the only available health care provider for millions of Britons, may now refuse to treat any White person they deem “racist” or “sexist.”
NHS WILL, beginning in April, refuse to treat patients they believe are “sexist and racist.” Bureaucrats claim “new figures” show rising levels of “abuse” of health care workers by hate-filled Whites, a total non-issue until the announcement.
Any patient “inflicting discriminatory or harassing behaviour” on staff could be barred from receiving care — unless the case is an emergency.
Britain’s Telegraph newspaper follows the Jewish playbook by associating “racism” with violence, saying, “The NHS will refuse treatment to racist, sexist and violent patients, amid warnings that rising numbers of staff are facing ‘appalling’ abuse.”
From April, any patient or hospital visitor found to be “inflicting discriminatory or harassing behaviour” on staff could be barred from receiving care, unless the case is an emergency.
Previously, patients could only be refused help if they were aggressive or violent.
“Racism,” NHS bureaucrats claim, was “the most common form of discrimination,” but also allege that “new figures” show “the highest levels of reported sexism and intolerance of religion and sexuality.”
Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, said the situation was “appalling,” pledging to do more to protect NHS workers. Not a word for the White Britons, innocent of any conceivable crime, who will die due to his policies.
Sir Simon Stevens, head of the NHS, said the health service was “determined to clamp down on abuse and aggression in all its forms” — except his “service”‘s potentially-fatal aggression on the White people it was formed to serve.
From April, under new rules NHS services will be able to bar anyone “inflicting discriminatory or harassing behaviour on staff” from non-emergency care.
The Health Secretary today wrote to all NHS staff, promising to do more to “prevent abuse” and “support victims of attacks.”
In the letter, he urges workers urged to report all incidents, saying no act of abuse or violence should be considered minor, and says “being assaulted or abused is not part of the job.”
If anyone is literally attacking NHS workers, it is not racially conscious Whites — it is likely easily enraged and out-of-control sub-80-IQ brown invaders of one flavor or another.
Britain has become a Kafkaesque prison island for the Whites who created its culture and civilization. This latest outrage is a result of the Jewish-inspired tendency to endlessly survey and catalogue every real or imagined instance of racial consciousness among Whites and categorize it as immoral or criminal “racism.”
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Source: The Telegraph and National Vanguard correspondents
Think about how the still living British war veterans must feel now who “liberated” Europe from the Nazis. Their granddaughters are sold as slaves by Pakistani inbreds and their grandsons knifed by Caribbean half-apes. I bet they regret killing Krauts at Normandy.
Greetings Mencken’s Ghost. One sixth of the “Krauts at Normandy” were actually Russians. When they were liberated by the German Army from the USSR they were sent to fight elsewhere, including France. International media liars stated that 840,000 9f them had been killed by the pedal-operated brain-bashing machine of Sachsenhausen.
Given that blacks can be quite racist, and are certainly violent, I hope the NHS applies this new policy equally to our melanin rich friends.
This is truly an anti-white rule. So it will not apply for non-white people. The colored people will be treated from the NHS in every case.
Talking about the UK:
“I understand the desire for open spaces but the moral vacuum created by not locating the Holocaust memorial near the pulse and heart of government defeats our goal to maintain civilization. Remembrance of the Nazis’ crimes against humanity should not be hidden from maximum public view.”
Unbelievable! No comment necessary.