Attorney General Barr: “Zero Tolerance for Anti-Semitism”
ATTORNEY GENERAL William Barr, who is of half-Jewish ancestry, ordered federal prosecutors across the U.S. to step up their efforts to combat “anti-Semitic hate crimes” as he met with Jewish leaders in Brooklyn, New York, on Tuesday. Barr even suggested that a recent “case” of a woman slapping a Jew in New York City deserved federal involvement and the personal attention of the Attorney General of the United States. Barr said the Trump administration would have “zero tolerance for this kind of violence.”
Barr directed U.S. attorneys’ offices to ensure they have a specific point of contact to handle outreach to the Jewish community and someone responsible for reporting “hate crimes.” He said he was also working with FBI Director Christopher Wray to create a “national plan to combat anti-Semitic violence,” and he announced federal charges in Brooklyn against a woman who allegedly had slapped three Jewish women.
Allen Fagin, executive vice president at the Orthodox Union, one of the Jewish groups present, said that Barr offered Jews “not only a recognition of the problem and a resolve to bring the resources of the federal government to bear — but the very fact that he came to Brooklyn to do that and brought with him senior representatives of local law enforcement, I think conveyed a very powerful message.”
“I cannot tell you how much it means to us when you say our federal government will have zero tolerance towards hate,” Rabbi David Niederman told the attorney general.
To make it clear that the federal government would act immediately in response to Jewish demands, Barr announced federal charges against 30-year-old Tiffany Harris, who made headlines in New York City after she was accused of slapping three Jews.
“This will not be an isolated case,” Barr told the leaders of the powerful Jewish groups. “We will move aggressively if we see this kind of activity.”
Rich Donoghue, the U.S. attorney in Brooklyn, said the charges had been under seal for several weeks and pointed to the case as an example of the federal government’s eagerness to criminally prosecute even small local cases of supposed “anti-Semitism” if the response of local authorities is deemed insufficient by Jewish groups, with whom the Justice Department will remain in constant contact. “We are going to respond if we feel that the laws that they are putting in place do not sufficiently address the local needs,” Donoghue said.
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Source: wire service reports and National Vanguard correspondents
I think I understand his position. The Semitic Palestinians and Syrians et al in America need protection.
What ever happened to Barr’s vow to investigate the “suicide” of Jeffery Epstein? Or all the evidence seized from Epstein’s homes? Why aren’t they searching for Ghislaine Maxwell or asking for her extradition from Israel?
I wonder how much longer it will be before the jews manage to pass laws like their grandparents did after the Bolsheviks took over Russia and mandate the death penalty for anyone who hurts the feelings of someone who is jewish by leveling a perfectly legitimate, easily verifiable, and 100 percent truthful criticism about their virulently anti-White behavior and their genocide agenda that targets White Europeans worldwide?
Judging by the absolutely nauseating subservience to this tribe by the Orange Tweeter, I would bet that such laws are very likely to be on the books before his second term ends.
The deracination of Americans of European descent marches on.
“Judging by the absolutely nauseating subservience to this tribe by the Orange Tweeter,”
That is my biggest disappointment in the man, more so than not building The Wall. I suspect his Judaized daughter Ivanka and court Jew son-in-law has had a lot to do with warping his thinking regarding this age old nemesis of European mankind.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
“I cannot tell you how much it means to us when you say our federal government will have zero tolerance towards hate,” Rabbi David Niederman told the attorney general.
“The resolve of Attorney General Barr to get a handle on the aggravation felt by the goyim — in response to our presence and activities in their society — means that we parasitic Jew weasels will again have the room to maneuver in, profit from and undermine goyim society in the USA for many more years to come.”
The jew is near his “annuit coeptes”. He is now the sole judge. Pres. Trump has promised , “ANti Semitism is a unique crime and will be prosecuted with “capitol punishment .” This is not another gratuitous lie. This you should believe!
Attorney General Barr, you are right on some issues like immigration and the death penalty, but your craven pandering to the tribe sickens me. I have zero tolerance for the jewish boot-licking of you and your cohorts.
“Root cause analysis” is a fundamental component of all problem solving. Even when people make faulty or disingenuous arguments, they at least pretend to be addressing a root cause. Anti-Semitism is the single problem on earth for which no root cause is ever even posited. What is more, those complaining about anti-Semitism don’t even acknowledge that they are not identifying a cause. It is blatant causality denialism. Of course, this is the main factor in creating anti-Semitism: people observe the behavior of Jews, and then are told that they are not allowed to talk about this behavior, or they are evil. They are not told why they are evil, they are simply called Nazis and it is insinuated that they are planning a mass murder and/or a genocide if they… Read more »
Karen: …Anti-Semitism is the single problem on earth for which no root cause is ever even posited. — It’s that simple, Karen, though defining Semitism is avoided. Most online dictionaries avoid defining Semitism, or say something about Semitic languages, comes close with: Semitism 1. the state or quality of being Jewish. 2. anything typical or characteristic of Judaism, as customs, beliefs, influence, etc… Opposition to that — aka “anti-Semitism” — doesn’t seem worthy of the death penalty, unless it is a top cop like demi-Jew Bill Bar enforcing it as a capital crime. A more reasonable definition of Semitism is David Duke’s in his book Jewish Supremacism, found here: — Jewish supremacism is the belief that the Jews are religiously, morally, intellectually, and/or genetically superior and therefore should… Read more »
You are very optimistic. Your intellectual perception reveals your self doubt : a defendant ashamed of malicious allegation but knowing their innocence ; a confidant of reason but stranger to the supernatural; a victim of nondiscrimination and egalitarismus. Your method of discovery is intelligent but painfully slow and before you can perceive the truth , identify the enemy , you will be dead. This is their plan.
You must know the eternal enemy instinctively and maintain a prejudiced wisdom — what has long been obvious to the uneducated , before they surrendered self respect, common sense and discrimination . Note: “you can not simply arrest and censor everyone.” No.!? Recall Carrie Bowe . She is from West Virginia.
You might change some of your views about me after you read my comments on the thread of this article. I do much, much more than you know. I am probably far braver than most people, and I don’t confine my bravery to the internet.
I found your comment at TOO, Karen. It’s not just probable that you’re braver than most by telling the truth about Jews at your city’s council meetings. you show more courage than almost all men. Hopefully you will win some support in your community for your outspoken truths. It says something for your WV city that they at least have not tried to shut you up like the Canadian city of Hamilton has done to my free speech hero Paul Fromm: You must have really made the councillors squirm when you projected this image of an irrefutable truth from Black NY AG Letitia James up on the big screen for them, while talking about the cause of anti-Semitism: You don’t need “somewhere else to go” as long as you… Read more »
Please do not consider my criticism malicious . Because of brevity and time much must be sacrificed that could prevent misunderstanding. I replied because I consider you a valuable witness of the times. Please forgive me if it has discouraged you. It was just thought from witness , who sees the world being destroyed while people smile and greet , “have a nice day.”
With thousands, perhaps millions of laws on the books, the feds choosing which to put very limited enforcement resources on shows their preference. We don’t have a government to protect us, but Jews do.
Isn’t it time Whites work together for our own government?
I’ll bet if negress Tiffany Harris slapped three white people and shouted anti-white racial epithets then mischling Bill Barr would not be filing federal charges and it would be left to local authorities to sort out. The Trump administration is a government of, by and for the benefit of Jews. Any benefit that whites derive, which is hardly any, is purely coincidental and I’m convinced Trump ran for president to serve Jews and be their protector and his actions have pretty much bore that out. What Barr is doing for Jews he could also be doing to right of center political activists who are violently assaulted by antifa but then invariably are allowed to plead the charges down to misdemeanors or have the charges dropped completely by left wing prosecutors… Read more »
antisemite BAD antiCHRIST GOOD “As for Christianity, there is a dispute among Halachic authorities, but the vast majority consider it idolatry as well. Islam, on the other hand, is not considered idolatry.” Read that last bit again, slowly, so the christianzionists can keep up: “Islam, on the other hand, is not considered idolatry.” No low IQ muslim would love the tormentors of their prophet. It is our duty to force all mankind to accept the seven Noahide laws, and if not ~ they will be killed.” ~ Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg (Islam is NOT idolatry. Christianity IS idolatry) Islam is Judaism for DUMMIES. The Jewish Noahide Laws require the execution of anyone who engages in Avodah zara, i.e. “idol worship.” Orthodox Judaism declares Jesus Christ an idol, and Christians as idol… Read more »
Too bad there is so much room for Political Corruption and Theft.
Billy Barr is under complete Jewish control.
Those Sco-tards in Tennessee are at it again: Tennessee assembly advancing bills against antisemitism “Legislation is currently being advanced through the Tennessee state legislature to better define what constitutes antisemitism, so as to help determine whether an investigation by state authorities needs to be conducted. The bills, currently working their way through both the state’s House of Representatives and Senate, come in the wake of an executive order issued by US President Donald Trump last year that directed the Justice Department and the Education Department to address discrimination cases against Jews under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Gresham pointed out that Tennessee was the first state in the US to pass legislation condemning the BDS movement, and said it was critical that Jews enjoy protections against discrimination and… Read more »
If you want to “cure” the problem of antisemitism, then there is only one thing to do.
Remove all of the Jews.
Problem solved.
So three Jews got slapped! Stop the presses! This deserves a Federal investigation into this Judeo-Orwellian ‘crime’ they call “hate.”
I’ve said it many times before and will continue to say it: What Jews call “antisemitism”, 99% of it is nonsense! And this “antisemitic” attack is a perfect example!
I’d love to ask Attorney General Barr:
Does not your office have FAR more important cases to investigate instead of this ridiculous one? This is STRICTLY a local matter.
Also, is there Zero Tolerance for Anti-Gentilism? Anti-White Gentilism to be precise. Hmmm? Or is that just classified as a regular crime?
We all know the answer to that!
When a Jew attacks you, it’s simply a regular crime and subject to regular sentencing guidelines if found guilty.
When you attack a Jew, it’s a “hate crime” and you’re to be punished with an unusually long and cruel prison term if found guilty.
Ask me why I “hate” Jews?