Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

The Sick Man

by Revilo P. Oliver

AT THE BEGINNING of this century, the decadent Turkish Empire was preserved from Russian aggression only by Russia’s knowledge that the British Empire would never permit a potentially hostile nation to take Constantinople and control the Hellespont (also called the Dardanelles). At that time, Turkish territory still included a fairly large part of the Balkans (Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, all mutinous), so the diplomats of European nations and especially of Great Britain were wont to refer to Turkey as “the sick man of Europe.” How the world has changed in three-quarters of a century, as our race became palsied and stupid! I have commented in these pages on the English people, who have become so spineless and abject that they permitted the imprisonment of John Tyndall, the head of the British National Party, for the crime of believing that the self-degraded Anglo-Saxons, who were respected in the world a few decades ago, still have a right to have a country of their own. This past year, the mentally alienated English were so eager to squander what few resources they have left and to hasten the suicide of their nation that they taxed themselves to import eight hundred niggers to stink up their universities. The savages, of course, were to be provided with lavish “scholarships” and enrolled in universities which many highly intelligent English youths cannot afford to attend. (And, needless to say, the academic institutions were ready to prostitute themselves to give degrees to the “underprivileged” refuse, and take pride in their “Liberal” vitiation of such scholastic standards as they had left.)

There is an even grimmer aspect of this national masochism. A still rational and manly Englishman, Peregrine Worsthorne, contributed an editorial article to the Sunday Telegraph, 28 September 1986, in which he pointed out that it was statistically certain that at least eighty of the imported and subsidized niggers would arrive bearing the infection of Immune Deficiency, now become pandemic in the territories from which they come, and that it was by no means improbable that even a larger proportion of the eight hundred would bring the deadly disease with them. The newspaper had urged editorially the week before that the recipients of British largesse be given medical examinations before they were admitted to England. The British government, presumably including the “shabbat goyah” who is the Prime Ministress and her cabinet of Jews and British degenerates, immediately claimed that the proposal was “impractical.” Mr. Worsthorne pointed out the absurdity of that claim, which merely meant that the government loves niggers and White male perverts, many of whom were so vile that they acquired the disease from niggers, and would rather see all Englishmen put in danger of contracting the infection (which can be transmitted without sexual contact) than do anything that might embarrass its darling pets. To protect the English people would be “discrimination.” The rational writer roundly demanded that the government abate its contemptuous disregard of the English who pay for it, and instead turn its discrimination against the bearers of an invariably lethal and epidemic contagion. But he also predicted that the political riff-raff in power would do nothing of the sort. A correspondent informs me that Mr. Worsthorne was right. The eight hundred anthropoids swarmed into Little Britain, bearing their deadly plague and, no doubt, other tropical diseases, and they are collecting their handsome stipends from British taxpayers. There was no real concern among the spavined nitwits who are almost all that is left of the nation that was so great and deservedly proud in 1900: they were too busy watching ball games on the “telley.” But the savages, brutish as they are, are doubtless intelligent enough to despise people so feeble-minded as to admit them at all, diseased or not.

So that is the state of Britain today. It is easy to see what nation is now the “sick man of Europe.” And sick to the death.

* * *

Source: Liberty Bell magazine, May 1987

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Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
20 January, 2020 6:39 pm

“National masochism?” “Is this the inverse of National Socialism? “Today, many white Americans are already proud members of the National Masochist party.” Yep, seems to fit all right.

Say, how about a Christian flagellant as the party symbol? Like this one.

“The prime cause of the Perugia episode is unclear, but it followed an outbreak of an epidemic and chroniclers report how mania spread throughout almost all the people of the city. Thousands of citizens gathered in great processions, singing and with crosses and banners, they marched throughout the city whipping themselves.”

Sure enough, sounds like a modern day San Fransisco “gay pride” parade – absent the crosses of course. The flagellants also killed Jews and priests who opposed them. So what’s not to like?

Reply to  Arch Stanton
21 January, 2020 9:14 pm

Greetings Arch. Perhaps NV should promote the creation of a ‘National Masochist and Apathy Party’. Its publicly advertised agenda should be to support anti-White race-mixing, open borders, jewish supremacy, trading in the environment, control of media, finance, international slavery, corruption of society and its institutions, climate fraud etc. Do you think the mainstream media would attack or support such an organisation?

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  Truthweed
22 January, 2020 8:04 pm

The answer should be obvious from the agenda you put forth.

Reply to  Truthweed
23 January, 2020 2:44 am

Neither NV nor the National Alliance has time for that sort of thing. Certainly there are no resources for wasting on such ventures.

Or is this just idle chitchat?

Either way it appears to be fiddling while Rome burns, so to speak.

Luther Williams
Luther Williams
Reply to  JM/Iowa
23 January, 2020 11:31 am

We need to tithe to the National Alliance at least as much as the Christians tithe to their harmful or confused churches. That way we can be a bigger and more viable organization, hire a larger staff, and then we really could set up front groups and single-issue operations, like Arch suggests, that would generate yet more funds and intelligence — and funnel the best people we encounter into the Alliance itself.

Reply to  Luther Williams
24 January, 2020 12:52 am

The National Office would be glad if just 10% of the readers of National Vanguard would contribute what our supporters and members do per month: $20. There have been hundreds of thousands of hits on this website, or so I’ve heard, yet few donations. I wonder, are Whites just cheap or is $20 per month going to financially break so many people?

A tithe (one tenth of one’s income, quite a substantial sum) would be an incredible commitment. Thank you for being so generous, I’m glad to donate (less, but I donate) alongside you.

William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
Reply to  Luther Williams
1 February, 2020 7:45 pm

Thanks, Luther. You must know that William Luther Pierce briefly used “Luther Williams” nearly 50 years ago as his nom de guerre prior to using Andrew Macdonald to write his novels. Speaking of hiring a larger staff, Kevin and I decided to build a new National Alliance membership organization, literally from scratch in 2013 after my predecessor as NA Chairman had deactivated the Alliance Dr. Pierce founded and that Kevin and I helped him to build. We now have eight selfless, low-paid, full-time National Office staffers and a good number of members who volunteer their time and resources. Kevin and I discuss some of this here last year: Like you say, Luther, the more we are funded by our supporters, the more staff we can employ and the more… Read more »

Reply to  JM/Iowa
2 February, 2020 5:26 pm

Greetings JM. Not idle chitchat. A creative method for revealing, confounding and confusing them. They can’t attack their own agenda. Yes. I understand NV has to focus and channel its resources but such ideas should be in its toolbox.

Reply to  Truthweed
2 February, 2020 11:02 pm

Hello Truthweed, if it’s not idle chitchat and is effective, perhaps you could show me how it’s done. I’m interested in seeing what results you can obtain. Thanks for your efforts in advance.

Reply to  Truthweed
1 February, 2020 9:03 pm

No need. The MSM already has supported it, and extinguished any alternative through public humiliation and career destruction. BTW: Aspiring rapper, Made in America by Jews, or at least their commercialization platform and business standard; the same jews who bitch about Passion Plays during Easter, but require their malformed sex organs be suckled by white girls seeking to advance as actresses: (enabling cookies).