The Grotesque Grammys
by Kenneth Lloyd Anderson
THE GRAMMY Awards last night were a dump of emotionalism, arrested development, exhibitionism, freaks, transvestites, Whites trying to sing like Blacks, and hillbillies condescendingly tolerated by the Black-dominated crowd and presenters.
The Grammys certainly do declare the death of White culture — and there is not much worse than destroying the values and morals of our youth. The producers of this cultural destruction began their march through pop culture back in the 1950s when they introduced a naturally conservative White music audience to naturally anarchistic Black music — and we ended up last night with screaming wannabe-Black Aerosmith and Black hip-hop Run DMC together performing “Walk This Way.” I suppose it was their ludicrous way of trying to be inclusively “woke.”
This Dionysian mess was many worlds away from the Aristotelian stiff upper lip of traditional culture. I hold the producers of pop culture responsible for this degeneration… To think that Socrates was killed merely for corrupting the minds of the youth of Athens with Socratic reasoning!
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Source: Civilizing the Beast
Blacks were used in the entertainment industry to wear down the reasonable prejudices of whites. Black “celebrities” and “entertainers” became all the rage during the 1960’s. This change occurred at the very time the disastrous Immigration Act was passed in 1965. The video link below has had nearly 2oo million views. Blacks, who can’t paint anything worth mentioning, slithering around the beautiful, priceless artworks our ancestors created. It is a sad commentary that our once proud people put up with this sort of thing.
You have a way with words, Karen. Well-stated. For some time now there has been a determined effort to “blacken” our popular culture. Even though hispanics now outnumber negroes, the latter are still the minority of choice for our masters to cram down our throats. Why? I suppose our real masters figure the quickest and most efficient way to destroy our white society is to empower the least intelligent and least evolved race.
We know how influential Jewish Time-Warner, MCA, etc., have been in foisting nigger music on White American youth. Dr. Pierce covered that years ago. But Someone needs to volunteer to take a deep into the Jews behind the influential Billboard music conglomerate: I remember when this was announced back in 2003: Black artists take over US top 10 The American Billboard singles chart top 10 is made up exclusively of tunes from black artists for the first time. Nine of the ten are rappers, plus one track by R&B singer Beyonce and reggae star Sean Paul. Jews in the entertainment industry have always said they simply give Americans what Americans want. That’s not true; What Jews give Americans is the Jewish schlock that they want to give to… Read more »
“I don’ t see much hope for the Americans – it is a decayed country. And they have their racial problems and the social inequalities… everything about the behavior of American society reveals that it is half Judaised and half negrified. How can one expect a state like that to hold together?” – Adolf Hitler.
Surely Nature’s God will not tolerate this for much longer. It violates the law of survival on so many levels.
It’s just so gross and it’s getting worse.
Deadly pandemics from filthy animal farming conditions and deviant behaviour. Magnetic pole reversal with accompanied earth quakes, volcanoes and tsunamis, that’s what I’m hoping for.
The remnant of those awake is just so small. Nature is a cruel teacher and this time she is with us.
I thought the half time show was way too sexualized, it might have been okay for late night television, but not for the super bowl.
You are being far too kind. This was nothing less than sexual degeneracy mingled with a pro-minority message. Orchestrated by the yids and probably a few braindead liberal whites. Our culture is sinking fast.
Today on another site I read about how the male cadets at West Point are undergoing gender sensitivity training and how to control “toxic masculinity.” This comes a few months after West Point officials could hardly contain their joy that the latest incoming class of cadets was the most diverse (blackest) ever.
NONE of our institutions are safe from the cultural rot.
Why are you are watching sweaty negroids running into each other, in the first place.
Could not even finish the 2 minute video in the article. The soul rotting filth portrayed to our people today is straight from the devil’s own children, the Jews. May the day of reckoning be soon!