MLK 2020: Courage Is Contagious

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 18 January, 2020
by Kevin Alfred Strom 2020-0118 – MLK 2020 – Courage Is Contagious.mp3
THE MLK MYTH is on its last legs. It may look strong if you’re a TV watcher, with the lying media dinosaurs’ electrodes plugged right into your brain. (By the way, friends don’t let friends watch enemy transmissions.) It may look strong if you go by censored search engines like Google. But among those for whom knowing means finding out for yourself based on objective facts — among those for whom truth is important — the “Martin Luther King” myth is toast. The National Alliance exposé of King — still being published as our “No King Over Us” pamphlet — is now going on its 27th year. It has enlightened hundreds of thousands. It has inspired television and radio broadcasts. It has inspired furious denunciations and attacks on us.
But most importantly, our exposé — and the hard and courageous work of those who have put it out to the public, year after year, decade after decade — has moved the public debate toward the indisputable, documented truth: The fake Saint Martin was a Jewish-funded, Jewish-controlled puppet of nearly the worst character imaginable, and was not only working to destroy White America but was also a betrayer of his own people, who sold out their independence and self-determination for filthy Jewish money and led them to the path of death through “integration.”
And it certainly hasn’t hurt that just a couple of years ago some of the secret files on MLK were leaked about a decade earlier than their planned release date of 2027 — probably by patriots behind the scenes in the government, and possibly by one or more who had read our exposé. These leaked files, buried in FBI papers ostensibly about the JFK assassination, indicate that the National Alliance exposé — that our “No King Over Us” flier (and the “Beast As Saint” video based on it) was correct and accurate.
When just a small part of the FBI file on King was released in 2017, among its conclusions were that:
• King was surrounded by advisers with strong links to organized Communism (just as the National Alliance told you a quarter century ago)
• MLK’s statements were always subject to approval by Communist operatives, especially his main handler, Jewish Communist Stanley Levison (just as the National Alliance told you a quarter century ago)
• MLK was a secret supporter of Communism, “a whole-hearted Marxist” (just as the National Alliance told you a quarter century ago)
• His organization, the “Southern Christian Leadership Conference,” set up a “tax dodge” to raise funds for its activities and conceal Jewish/Communist sources (just as the National Alliance told you a quarter century ago)
• MLK was unfaithful to his wife, and had sexual liaisons with numerous females, including part-Mestizo, part-White folk singer Joan Baez (just as the National Alliance told you a quarter century ago)
• King took part in “drunken sex orgies” involving both Black and White prostitutes, coerced young women to take part in unnatural acts, and “initiated” them into illicit or perverted sex if they were hesitant (just as the National Alliance told you a quarter century ago)
The report states that King’s advisers and handlers — led by King’s communist Jew ghost-writer Stanley Levison — approved everything King said in advance: “King is such a slow thinker he is usually not prepared to make statements without help from someone,” it reads.
Linking King to Communism, it stated: “King is a whole-hearted Marxist who has studied it (Marxism), believes in it and agrees with it, but because of his being a minister of religion, does not dare to espouse it publicly.”
At a February 1968 workshop to train ministers in “urban leadership” evidently monitored by the FBI, the report reveals: “One Negro minister in attendance later expressed his disgust with the behind-the scene drinking, fornication, and homosexuality that went on at the conference. Several Negro and white prostitute[s] were brought in from the Miami area. An all-night sex orgy was held with these prostitutes and some of the delegates.”
The document reports that King also engaged in a “two-day drunken sex orgy” in Washington in January 1964: “When one of the females shied away from engaging in an unnatural act, King and others of the males present discussed how she was to be taught and initiated in this respect,” it added. “It is a fact that King not only regularly indulges in adulterous acts but enjoys the abnormal by engaging in group sexual orgies.”
From the FBI transcripts, we learn that MLK told one of his fellow Black “civil rights” associates on the telephone: “Get your damned ass down here because I have a beautiful White broad here,” referring to a White woman he and his fellow “Southern Christian Leadership Conference” colleagues were sexually abusing that evening. Additionally, in at least one case “Dr. King” witnessed — and encouraged — the rape of one of his female followers, and laughed while the rape was taking place in his presence.
You can read the full FBI report in PDF form here at
And, as I revealed in my broadcast last year: What has been the reaction of the Jewish-run US media to these stories? Mostly crickets.
The Bezos-owned and Jewish-dominated Washington Post ran one story on the new rape revelations in the FBI documents, mostly talking about how wrong one academic was to report on the transcripts that criticized Saint Martin. Beyond that, nothing. The search results for the relevant keywords on the Post‘s site returned only a story about an earthquake off the coast of El Salvador:
The Jewish-run network CNN went even further, giving the MLK rape revelations the complete silent treatment . . .
. . . with the last major article they ran on the subject of King telling us about “Martin Luther King Jr.’s resounding and living legacy” and “moral” crusades for “love.” Now that’s chutzpah.
What about the news source that’s widely believed to be the polar opposite of Jewish/leftist CNN — Breitbart News? Despite its conservative/populist rhetoric that draws in a lot of White readers, Breitbart was founded by a Jew and is honeycombed with Jews. Except for a very brief mention in one of Ann Coulter’s pieces (they carry her syndicated column), which was just a few words in passing, Breitbart News also gave us the silent treatment on the rape revelations about multiracialism’s Black saint.
As I said last year at this time, it’s time to put your faith in — and your support 100 per cent. behind — the one group that’s told you the 100 per cent. truth all along, and is still telling you the truth on this and a hundred other important issues — the National Alliance.
In 1968 our people’s enemies knew that MLK was a cracked and broken idol of diminishing use to them. So they had him knocked off and made a “sanctified-by-death” martyr out of him. But that charade is now over. The cracked and broken idol, the filthy degenerate phony, is now once again of diminishing use to our enemies. And of increasing use to us. His story — his true story — shows the media liars for what they are, shows the anti-Whites for the anti-White genocidal haters that they are — and even shows nationalists of other races, including Black people, the bankruptcy of the self-serving Jews and race-mixers who oppose the self-determination and freedom of all peoples except their own.
Our “No King Over Us” pamphlet/folded flier can get the truth out to hundreds or thousands of people in your community.
In the text version of this broadcast on, we’ll give you everything you need: A high-quality video, a high-quality audio version of the video, a National Alliance flier in PDF form for printing and mass distribution.
You can watch or download the professional, impressive video based on my original broadcast:
You can listen to or download the audio version of the broadcast, too:″ text=”Listen to The Beast as Saint, audio version”]
And you can download our dynamite, irrefutable “No King Over Us” flier —
— and we even provide instructions on how to fold our “No King Over Us” fliers if you print them yourself (if you get them printed at a print shop they can fold them for you):

Share all this on social media, of course; that’s easy — but also take the extra effort to go to your local print shop with the PDF file, or print it out yourself, and get out there with real world activism. Nothing makes a more powerful impression than a real-world act of courageous truth-telling. Nothing better tells your neighbors that we really care. There is no better way to tell our people that we’re with them, right here on the streets of our community. Nothing makes the White resistance more real.
These fliers have also proven to get results through the reaction of the controlled media, who often take the (mistaken) attitude that they can reduce the impact of the flier by attacking it (and the Alliance) as “bigotry,” “hate,” or “neo-Nazism.” All they succeed in doing is inoculating the public against the use of those pejorative terms, since any reader can easily see for himself who is speaking with reason and authority — and who is frantically trying to prevent the public from reading an alternative point of view.
These fliers can be placed inside screen doors, under windshield wipers, posted in quantity on community bulletin boards, handed out on the streets or at community events, slipped under the doors at college campuses and dormitories — wherever our people can be found.
As our National Alliance chairman, William White Williams, said: “Every year the same old propaganda is trotted out in the controlled media celebrating the degenerate Michael King (aka ‘Reverend Doctor Martin Luther’ King, Jr.) to coincide with the national holiday named for him. So what can we do to expose these lies? Distribute our accurate and truthful flier alerting fellow Whites to the fraud, that’s what. One of our ‘No King Over Us’ fliers is enclosed [with our members-and-supporters only National Alliance monthly printed BULLETIN]. Get a print-ready file of this flier here: — then take it to your local copy store and print as many as you think you can distribute. Fold them yourselves to save money or have the print shop fold them for a nominal charge. Should you hand one to another kinsman face-to-face you might say, ‘Read this to discover why this communist reprobate’s FBI file is sealed until the year 2027.’ …Everyone should download and print out hundreds — or thousands — of copies of our excellent exposé. Each flier fits on a single piece of 8.5 x 11-inch paper. Make sure that this truth-telling work blankets your neighborhood this weekend. It can be distributed at ‘MLK’ events too. The truth is a powerful weapon — use it!” And — as Dr. William Pierce told us more than once — courage is contagious.
* * *
You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. The National Alliance is working to educate White men and women around the world as to the nature of the reality we must face — and organizing our people to ensure our survival and advancement. We need your help to continue. Please send the largest contribution you can afford to National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. You can also help us by visiting Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to never give up.
This radio program and 24/7 radio network are entirely listener supported, and have been for almost 30 years. We received more than 200,000 visits to our site last month, more than some medium-size “mainstream” news outlets. Our outreach is constantly growing. But we totally depend on that responsible, caring, adult fraction of our listeners to stay on the air. Won’t you join their growing ranks?
All we ask for is a donation of $50 each year — less than $1 a week. Are we giving you personally at least that much value? Simply visit — and choose the $50 option to give online.
For a donation of $250 a year, under $5 a week, we’ll send you our printed National Alliance BULLETIN each month. It’s America’s longest-running pro-White publication. Just choose the $250 option at and let us know you want to receive the BULLETIN. If you prefer to donate via postal mail, just write us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. That’s Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. And thank you for your help! 2020-0118 – MLK 2020 – Courage Is Contagious.mp3
MLK cancelled a planned trip to Israel after the Six-Day War and was privately expressing doubts about Israel retaining the land it had conquered. Zionists were sounding him out on his views. Perhaps they were not pleased with what they heard and concluded he was more valuable as being a martyr before the truth came out.
guest: Perhaps [Zionists] were not pleased with what they heard and concluded he was more valuable as being a martyr before the truth came out.
Perhaps. That is one theory among many, guest. I just searched Amazon books for ‘james earl ray’, looking for his 1987 autobiography, Tennessee Waltz, a book I never read but remember Tom Metzger promoting years ago as a must-read. I recall Ray pointed to the FBI as the culprits behind King’s murder (shades of the JFK assassination?). Found Tennessee Waltz here: . TW was allegedly ghost-written by the late Tupper Saussy.
Thanks. I’ll check it out. There is also a book about FBI infiltration of MLK’s inner circle which is on my reading list (and in the local library!).
The arts of the demagogue. MLK has been uncovered. A great embarrassment for those who relish a false greatness.
Is it a “great embarrassment” for demagogues who advance King the Plastic God when too few of us alert our fellow Whites living beside us about the real King? Try this Fodwell: take Mr. Strom’s suggestion and print up 100 flyers and distribute them to Whites in your community this coming Monday (Jan. 20th, 2020) and make that “great embarrassment” a reality.
Oh, don’t worry. Negroes have no problem relishing a false greatness, because they got nothing else. They have to invent heroes, claims of great civilizations and inventions, etc. Very insecure people.
When you believe Wakanda is a real location, you will believe anything. Meanwhile, white people are told that they never had any real accomplishments. Upside down and inverted.
“When you believe Wakanda is a real location, you will believe anything.”
You mean it’s not?
To those who believe they can leave it to others to “awaken” Whites to the truth of MLK and hundreds of other topics lied about or intentionally obscured by outlets like Google, Breitbart, and so on: When was the last time you saw these flyers circulating in YOUR community?
Now perhaps your courageous act of awakening by itself won’t be much (though 200 flyers distributed are very likely to get amplified by the local media, multiplying the effect by thousands), but together we can make a huge impact on Whites everywhere–media amplification or not.
I’m doing my part, how about you White man?
$13Billion aircraft carrier to be named after black Navy cook who shot at Japanese planes at Pearl Harbor and got a medal:
Why are we spending $13 billion on another sitting duck?
Very good question…
I thought carriers were normally named after presidents or great Navy admirals of the past.
Does this nauseating pandering to the negro, the least accomplished race on the planet, ever end in western countries?
JM/Iowa: You have a tendency to lecture the reader. Talking down to people–insulting people–sends a message that the NA prefers rough companionship. It’s a bad move. You don’t have to school me on racism. I was among the terrible teenage Boomers who fought for White separation in the hated Southern nation, while the rest of the country watched us on TV.
Fodwell, I’m sorry you feel “schooled” –perhaps what you did 50+ years ago was effective then, and I’ll let you be the judge of how that turned out.
It’s 2020 now. Is the need for the dissemination of our Cosmotheist message still necessary or not? Are we all holders of responsibility for putting that message or are some now exempt due to past service for some creed that may or may not have been that of those in the National Alliance?
Repulsing the 2d Reconstruction: We had perfect communication, free of indignities. Everybody was in sync. Self-righteous racism was unknown to us. It was a sectional effort. The hot zones were occupied by marauding parties of Federal agents.
It sure is irritating that MLK day is another day off on the school calendar- there are enough holidays already without having to observe a day for such a low level phony. I was never impressed when I saw footage of MLK speaking and always sensed it was fake and insincere — I plan to red pill my kids later on about what a puppet and fake degenerate he really was, since they’ll probably be getting the typical controlled story in school.