
Germany: Jewish Official Claims Germans of Every Political Party “Are Infected with Hatred of Jews”

Max Privorozki, who is clearly afraid to wear his distinctive Jewish headgear in public.

“I WOULD NOT recommend to anyone to walk through wearing a kippah,” said Max Privorozki of Halle, Germany.

All German political parties are infected with hatred of Jews, the chairman of the Jewish community in Halle, Germany, told the Bild newspaper.

“All parties are infected by the anti-Semitism virus,” said Max Privorozki. “It is a big problem that everyone points their finger at others, but clears themselves of any suspicion. Of course, the AfD (Alternative for Germany) has a big problem with anti-Semitism, and the willingness to stamp it out is less than with other parties.”

He added, “I would not recommend to anyone to walk through Halle wearing a kippah.”

This is because some leaders of the AfD party have downplayed the remembrance of the so-called Holocaust and praised the role of German soldiers during World War II.

A 2017 federal government study found that “40 percent of Germans hold modern anti-Semitic views, specifically hatred for Israel”, reported The Jerusalem Post. The study also estimated that nearly 33 million Germans out of a total population of 82 million in the country are “infested with contemporary anti-Semitism”.

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Source: Daily Archives

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11 January, 2020 8:40 pm

Correction: They are infested with sanity, and they know it.

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
Reply to  Truthweed
7 March, 2021 2:29 pm


and too bad it’s not 66 million.

wake up Deutschland !!!!

11 January, 2020 8:57 pm

If so many jews were not dependant upon Germany’s financial support, they wouldn’t care what Germans thought of them (the less inherently neurotic jews that is, if you can find them)

11 January, 2020 9:19 pm

I think Max Privorozki and his brethren should be able to wear their kippahs without being molested. Furthermore, it should be made compulsory, and following the example of the yellow vest freedom protesters in France, kippahs should all be adorned with fluorescent-yellow high visibility safety paint. This will help alert naughty goys to get out of their way

11 January, 2020 11:44 pm

The Political parties are actually infested and infected with Jews like Merkel.
Good to hear many Germans hate these murdering, scheming Jews though : ) It’s called the survival instinct.

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
Reply to  Wolf
12 January, 2020 5:41 pm

That’s not accurate. Angela Merkel is not Jewish. She’s a product of Communist East Germany, and for whatever convoluted reason, she places what she sees as the modern-day party line above all else. She sees no contradiction to the fact that these marching orders come directly from individuals in high finance and corporatacracy in the way that Bella Dodd eventually did. She’s an even greater anomaly than the most depraved serial killer, but she is not a Jew.

Reply to  Josef Tone
13 January, 2020 7:20 pm

Merkel is Jewish from her mothers side which makes her JEWISH. To say she is not Jewish is either incredibly naive or it reeks of chutzpa and it once again takes the heat of the JEWS.

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
Reply to  Wolf
1 November, 2021 4:31 pm

that settles it

mommy cyclops is a jew

then ye are a jew

it’s their law

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
Reply to  Wolf
7 March, 2021 2:32 pm


self-hating White faggots call it “racism”…with the hope of abruptly ending the conversation.

real and actually genuine human beings call it “survival “

well said Wolf

Rommel 41
Rommel 41
12 January, 2020 1:26 am

As Dr. Pierce famously (and so accurately) said in one of his talks, “Nobody likes jews …” He went on to say a lot more of course but what he was talking about in this instance was that the motivation of non-jews for cooperating with or doing the bidding of jews surely did not lie in any fondness but instead was due to lack of principles, money corruption, or fear of some sort, but that nobody really likes them. To my mind, nothing could be more obviously true except for that vile sycophantic ingratiation that comes to low people from consistently getting your palms greased. Or to the likes of Bill Clinton and others of his ilk, from regular sleazy jew provided genital titillation. Tell me another truth of any… Read more »

Reply to  Rommel 41
16 January, 2020 4:07 am

Well put. The most frequent response I get when I tell people about Jews in power subverting everything and I cite examples of 911, the FED, the high court etc, they tell me I’m an “awful person” lol. The repulsion is programmed into them at high school and through TV and news. I tell them No, I’m just woke, it’s 1984. Anyway I pray to the real god (not the fake jesus hit me I like it god) but the divine presence that created everything, to bring on that Ice Age. I believe only Natures wrath can wipe out this monstrous Jewish Mafia now. Kennedy was right – there is an overarching monolithic conspiracy. God bless Rommel, the real god and the god of Thor – our God.

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
Reply to  Rommel 41
1 November, 2021 4:33 pm

all of them though

no stragglers

no Kikes left behind in jew york to continue farming the Goy meat

Get Out!!!!!!!

12 January, 2020 3:18 am

The Jew cries out in pain as he infects you with a Jew-hatred virus.

Reply to  Finlander
16 January, 2020 4:19 am

You said it man. Claudius a Roman emperor around 53 AD famously said. “the jews foment religion and revolution wherever they go and are a plague upon the whole earth”. This problem has been with us so long, I pray to the real god (not the jewish fake jesus hit me I like it god) but the real divine presence that is the fabric of reality. I pray for Natures wrath that there will indeed be an ice age as predicted and all this parasitic jewish mafia government and media will die off like a locust plague :) God Bless Findlander.

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
Reply to  Finlander
7 March, 2021 2:43 pm

…..and then ruins and destroys you because of the audacity you had to point out their murderous, degenerate Kikiness….

and this is after you fell to your shameless, traitorous, groveling ,gelatinous knees and begged forgiveness from this non-human tribe of verminous waste.

Direct to Hell with these ‘things!”

never apologize !

12 January, 2020 10:46 am

How true is that statistic? Jews need antisemitism to get ahead, it’s what keeps them together, and they hope by that accusation that authorities will crack down on the people. It’s part of the victimisation scenario they use to obtain power, and as result a preferential treatment. So they either invent antisemitism incidents or greatly exaggerate them.

12 January, 2020 5:10 pm

This must be recent. Most Bundeslaenders , with whom I’ve “tried” to speak refute this. They have no free speech. But if you witness of free speech , without religious or political attitude , they cry, “Nazi , Ich will dich nicht sprechen. Nazi, I won’t talk to you. They do not want to end up in Landsberg. Years ago….

But if true today —– good news.

a sane world
a sane world
17 January, 2020 2:34 am

Did I hear ‘anti- parasemite’ ? Could that be a vaccine?. Did you know the cat in their ‘feces’ spreads to rats a ‘virus’ in their brain to actually be brave and hang out near the cats ‘food’? This is a real thing! I am so afraid to catch this ‘parasemite’ … wouldn’t you be! Could be these are psychotic, pschitzoid or under mind control! They see demons where there are none! Or I hear they could be smoking the NEW’ marijuana? really?

17 January, 2020 11:18 am

“All parties are infected by the anti-Semitism virus,” said Max Privorozki.
So in effect, Privorozki is admitting that there is an infectious Semitic virus out there, which is causing a worldwide disease pandemic for which currently there is no treatment available to fight it, as well as no vaccine on the horizon to inoculate against it. This makes HIV look like a carefree walk in the park …

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
Reply to  Howard
7 March, 2021 5:25 pm

i was born infected with this “ virus.”

all it took was early- on observations of these insidious insects….and the instinct was inflamed.

these “things, “ who now control the flow of all information worldwide….love to call it a virus….or a decease .

it’s neither
it’s an instinct

an instinct that the Jew itself is in the process of snuffing out…

if we let them.

Reply to  mortal goyal
8 March, 2021 7:07 pm

My answer:

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
Reply to  Oleg
1 November, 2021 4:43 pm

right on Sir.

tony bonn
tony bonn
11 April, 2021 11:14 pm

If Germans do not hate jews, there is a severe mental defect in the German. Under no circumstance should a German love his enemies – especially the Jew. Unfortunately, the German turns the other cheek, and then lays down to play door mat. That is what being goyim is all about.

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  tony bonn
12 April, 2021 9:09 am

That mental defect is twofold.
First, White people – Celts and Germans especially – are unique in the world in their ability to identify and sympathize with creatures different from themselves.
Normally, an excellent characteristic, but the Jew has learned – through millennia of close contact – to weaponize it against them.
Second, it is STRENGSTENS VERBOTEN in today’s Germany and Austria to as much as think even 1 anti-Jewish comma or syllable.
If you do, you’re looking at constitutional court and prison.

tony bonn
tony bonn
Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
12 April, 2021 8:33 pm

Yes, and I often wonder if jews are more numerous than we are led to believe. Germany is basically a US-Jew colony. Somehow they have to free themselves – it is not easy. Do they know that they are jew cattle, or even have the will to fight for their independence?

Southerners used secret societies after the Civil War to regain some control over their affairs. To me it would be a pattern which Germans could follow.

That old saying, you know who rules you by whom you can criticize.

Reply to  tony bonn
13 April, 2021 7:33 pm

I also think that the ‘2%’ is a fantasy number, much like ‘muh6million’. If we include ‘Ashkenazi’, non-almost White Jews and Mischlinge, the real number – in the US – is probably closer to 5-8%. It pains me to admit this, but Germans are, by nature, very good citizens and very obedient order followers, Austrians can be downright servile, they’ve been trained to be that way for many centuries. Their trust in authority is near unshakeable, even if that authority repeatedly kicks them in the teeth with steel toed boots and does so with glee. People with titles in front of their names (Dr., Prof. etc.) enjoy almost demi-god status, although that may have slipped a little as of late. It is also a VERY densely populated country with little… Read more »

tony bonn
tony bonn
Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
14 April, 2021 6:54 pm

If one is an adherent of evolution – of which I am not – then one can see no hope here. A people as you describe are not the fittest psychologically to survive. They can’t see their enemy, and thus cannot fight him even if they wanted. And it isn’t just the German – I am not picking on them per se. Because I have some German ancestry, and they have a great past, it disturbs me to see this state of affairs. The German is down – way down. He needs to be reawakened to fight rather than being trained to be a mensch. By way of an aside, a couple of significant studies in the 1970s of JudenWehr II showed that German soldiers were much more effective than… Read more »

Reply to  tony bonn
16 April, 2021 8:04 am

I think evolution is probably correct, the similarities between apes and humans are too numerous and obvious to ignore, the tailbone is, indeed, a vestigial extension of the spine (read: tail) and water affects the human body profoundly enough to hint at ocean origins. I’ve also taken the Cthulhu pill – the very last in this long series of pills, I promise – and have come to believe that humanity is, ultimately, a misstep of nature, which will eventually be corrected. Nature has LOTS of time….. The German IS way down – as are all Whites – and the efforts to down him even further are fierce and unceasing, round the clock, every day. However, he’s been down before – Napoleon’s mostly Mediterranean armies ran rampant all over those German… Read more »

tony bonn
tony bonn
Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
16 April, 2021 9:47 pm

To me, evolution is hopelessly doomed on account of two major problems, one of which is that it has no ability to explain irreducibly complex organisms. In other words, there are organisms which cannot be explained by the sum of their parts because there is simply no explanation how a collection of cohesive components could have known about each such that they could fit together operating under conditions of random mutations. It becomes an exercise in mind numbing to fathom the difficulties and requirements of such a state of existence. The cell is the classic example. A more conceptual problem is that people fail to distinguish between design evolution and construction evolution. In other words, are two instances of an object similar because of continuous design or continuous changes in… Read more »

Reply to  tony bonn
17 April, 2021 6:56 pm

Sounds like the main point we disagree on is the position of humanity on the ladder. From your post, I’m assuming that you place us at the very tippy-top, pinnacle of creation, all that good stuff. Perhaps even ‘in the image of (((God)))….. I do not hold that view, my esteem for humanity has never been particularly high and has almost completely evaporated over the past 12 months or so, I don’t think I need to tell you why. To me, the biggest difference between humans and other animal species is that we make our lives FAR more difficult than they need to be, which no other animal does. Ape ancestry is very obvious in Negroes, slightly less so in SE Asians and the scale slides away from there, with… Read more »

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  tony bonn
18 January, 2022 2:42 pm

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Throughout the war, the German soldiers’ performance remained unequaled. “… The Americans, like the British, never matched the extraordinary professionalism of the German soldier,” Hastings writes. “Few Allied soldiers saw themselves for a moment as other than civilians temporarily in uniform, while their German counterparts possessed an uncanny ability to transform themselves from butchers and bank clerks into natural tacticians. One of the more absurd propaganda clichés of the war was the image of the Nazi soldier as an inflexible squarehead. In reality, the German soldier almost invariably showed far greater flexibility on the battlefield than his Allied counterpart … The inescapable truth is that Hitler’s Wehrmacht was the outstanding fighting force of World War II, one of the greatest in history.” 

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mortal goyal
mortal goyal
Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
1 November, 2021 4:54 pm

well said


mortal goyal
mortal goyal
1 November, 2021 4:26 pm


let’s hope so.

come on Germany… are so above these insects.

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
18 January, 2022 3:01 pm

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If the lie is demonstrably Semitic the truth is clearly anti-Semitic just as the alleged victim is the hangman and vice versa

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