We Had Paradise in Our Grasp
THIS NEW video by Poseidon has the ability to inspire new people who see it. Here’s what some are saying about it:
“The last three movies I saw I forgot about the second I left the theatre. But this video Made me feel something. Thanks brother.”
“Fully white kids. The biggest nightmare of the synagogues.”
“We defeated the wrong enemy in WW2.”
“I grew up in America. This brings me to tears.”
“Same here in England. Heartbreaking to watch genocide in action. And the tools used to silence and control the flock.”
“Those tools are losing their effectiveness; we can see through to the ones wielding those tools now and we are coming for them.”
“This beauty was destroyed by a small, international, rootless clique.”
“How to crawl out of the abyss is the next story, yet to be told.”
“I keep pressing [ESC] and nothing happens :*( “
“Our people are so beautiful.”
“All the different peoples all throughout time and all across the earth have all only coincidentally been anti-Semitic for no reason whatsoever.”
“White man, you are a bio-ethno-cultural European, you are one of a people. You have a people. Many European/White people are only waiting for a sign, a word, a stronger person to bring them across. Find a brother and bring them over.”
“The night is always darkest before dawn. Hail victory.”
“You are the only cultural analyst that points out a certain, now ubiquitous, device has a more general name: the display screen. It is our mind control entry point. People need to be always aware of when they are exposed to a “screen” and what it is doing to their sense of reality. And when to challenge it, get away from it.”
“If anyone asked: ‘What happened?’ The answer is simple.
Jews happened.”
“I just dropped my son off at the first day of kindergarten. He was the only white boy in his class. All the others were Muslim or Mexican. I feel like a bad parent, just want to cry.”
“‘Because we always win.’ Stay strong brothers. The fight will be long and arduous.”
“As an ashamed, 60-year-old late Boomer who grew up as a child in the 1960s, I testify that this is what life was actually like back then. People were happier, more trusting, more co-operative, kinder, even then, at that relatively late stage, when the rot was already well in progress. Neighbours looked after each other, there was less crime (I remember it rising in the early 70s), there was a solid sense of community, etc.”
“Gen Z don’t watch TV in the traditional sense. Hence the panic of the enemy to control online content. Communication is everything. Its how we get the message of truth out there.”
“Do not throw away your life pointlessly. It’s the biggest gift you have. Use it wisely.”
“I now have to fight back tears when listening to a certain ‘failed’ artist’s speeches to his people.”
* * *
Source: Poseidon Live
“We defeated the wrong enemy in WW2.”
General George Patton also stated this, inferring that Russia was the center of evil. He did not understand that in New York City, London, and Washington DC were progenitors of Trotsky’s communism – more recently morphed into its ‘neocon’ bacillus, among other varieties.
Patton could not dream that “folks back home” were in fact that ultimate evil, even planning his assassination shortly to come. The America Poseidon presents was only part of reality: the one which (((they))), even today, call ‘fly-over country’.
First Thing First : Eliminate Jew Influence
First Thing First : Eliminate Jew Influence
Sure, okay. Now tell us how? Because I see this assertion all the time in places like GAB and Stormfront but no one ever offers any ideas as to how. And if you do – GAB and Stormfront will ban you. So maybe you can tell us how, Bob in DC.
Develop potential, both personally and as a collective.
The greatest strength of Nature is randomness – the unknown. Prepare.
Great opportunity will arise, but should not be forced. Such may be a Jew scheme.
They only get away with it in the dark; the JQ is completing itself in under two years, with normies, sometimes completing the course in under a year, when they realise they have been bamjoozled, they tell others — not how you and me probably scream ‘its the f*****ng JEWS’ at the radio or tv. After 5 to 8 years, after illuminati research, but down at the pub saying ‘oh yes mate 911 def a mossad job’ or ‘EDL yes mate the jews, do you want to die fighting in Iran’ when we all start to ask what is best for the… …us.
GAB might not ban you. Stormfront might. https://gab.com/NEW_ORDER Bitechute is chalk full of Pro White videos.
Patton knew all these things about the Jews. That’s why the OSS had him assassinated.
Wonderful video, very moving. It made me very sad but also very angry. We must NOT give up!
I had a neighbor that got killed in 1969 during harvest season. Since I was only nine years old I couldn’t help in the field(even though I routinely drove tractors on our farm). Friends and people came from miles around with combines and corn pickers to complete the harvest for his family. I was able to help in the kitchen making food with my mother to bring to the men as my father, grandfather and uncles were helping in the fields. Last year a neighbor a couple of miles from me literally dropped dead in front of his computer while checking the farm markets. This neighbor had alienated several in the community by driving up cash rent prices and not spraying weeds or mowing the ditches on the ground he… Read more »
“I had a neighbor that got killed in 1969 during harvest season.”
Farming accident. 1969 South Dakota had few blacks and those were at the Universities recruited for sports. South Dakota has always had “Native Americans”(Indians), but they stay on their reservations for the most part unless they go to WALMART.
Wal Mart, the final integrator.
Thank you
“See, there is the enemy of the world, the destroyer of cultures, the parasite among the peoples, the son of chaos, the incarnation of evil, the ferment of decomposition, the plastic demon of the collapse of humanity.”–Dr. Joseph Goebbels
Can’t argue with that!
God bless white America.
Greetings from Switzerland