Video of the Day: Glenn Beck Shows Why We are Not Conservatives
This is a good illustration of why we are most definitely NOT with the Conservatism, Inc. crowd of autistic hucksters, evangelists, and Israel-firsters. These snake-oil salesmen are a cringeworthy embarrassment to middle America. — Dissident Millennial
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Source: Occidental Dissent
Conservatism is pretty much just the liberalism of yesterday, served up with waving the meaningless peppermint striped flag and screaming USA!!! at the top of their lungs.
According to these types Drag Kids Story Hour, unnatural acts with the anus, mass immigration, amounts of race blending not seen since the settlement of Brazil, and Cohen Act-style gun control are “conservative”.
I wonder if there is a late-Roman equivalent to this. There seems to be with most of the other things in our American Nightmare.
J.D, I agree. The modern conservative is all over the board. Schizophrenia. Their ideology bleeds across the liberal line in the vain hope of obtaining votes from those who sit on the middle of the fence or just left of it.
The 14th amendment police state citizen is a Federal citizen. That mentality is equivalent to placing your state under the military boot of the authoritarians at Washington city.
“You are for liberty!” It sounds to me like he has liberty confused with anarchy. Not an uncommon error among today’s conservatives.
I’m not advocating for an Islamic state, but for all of its faults, its followers are at least willing to put their feet down and draw lines in the sand when it comes to what they are willing to tolerate. Muslims are also inclined to fight back when they encounter ideologies aimed at subverting their culture and destroying their way of life. We have too much of a ‘live and let live’ attitude in contemporary western society. I believe that this is because our culture is deeply rooted in Christianity. Christian dogma is the origin of liberalism.. When given too much freedom children become spoiled and unable to cope with the harsh realities of life. Such is the current situation of the west. Although their ways are a bit extreme… Read more »
We can start by supporting the National Alliance and not hiding behind fake screen names. Our people need to get out of their comfort zone, or risk extinction.
Everyone has an answer, but no one wants to put in work.
“Fake screen names” are necessary, Donald MacMullen. Even the person behind the screen name below yours -i.e., “Hadding” – is itself a “fake screen name”.
You have no idea the sacrifices Donald McMullen and his family have made to be on staff with our Alliance. He doesn’t feel the need to hide behind a fake name, nor does Hadding Scott whose given name is 1/2 of his nom de guerre which he has used for more than two decades, at least. He was an Alliance staff member back in the 1990s. Mr. Scott receives a monthly National Alliance BULLETIN in the mail under his given name, though he is not required to do so. Hadding’s given name was outed numerous times years ago by a perfidious enemy, Harold A. Covington (HAC), a professional political saboteur, posing for decades as a pro-White leader who used dozens of fake names to spread his poison. HAC messed with… Read more »
Very Well put, Donald. I’m as sick as you are of anonymous visitors coming to this National Alliance site and telling us what the National Alliance needs to do. Needs, needs, needs. We’re not going to “take a page out of the Islamic playbook” any more than we’ll be taking pages from the other Abrahamic religions’ (Jew and Christian) playbooks. We won’t be worshipping their imaginary Semitic god — Allah/Yahweh/Jehovah. Our Alliance has it’s own belief system, unlike those otherworldly Semitic ones, that holds to the primacy of race — the preservation, welfare and advancement of our own race, The White race — something those other religions will never do. If the words of the founder of the National Alliance, of National Vanguard and of Cosmotheism resonate with you, then… Read more »
Well I suggest that this site be revamped so that no one can post without using their real name, registered to their credit or debit card or crypto-currency account with SEC compliance, on file with the National Alliance. By becoming regular financial supporters also, their posts gain priority on the opening page. Using real names will temper and tighten up some of the prose here to meet the standards set by the blurb right below the entry/edit box. I’d love to know if the guy named Goldberg is really named that. The Islamic playbook obviously cannot be racial. With its sharp tenets, Islam structures a pseudo-race (actualy two, Sunni and Shiite) by proceduralizing the belief system into a daily agenda of do’s and don’ts. Those who embrace Islam have nothing… Read more »
PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATISM is not unknown. Eugenic sterilization is a progressive conservative policy. It’s conservatism based on the recognition that decay is the norm and that nothing is conserved without effort.
Conservatism is not the idea that the chips should be allowed to fall as they may, or that social problems should be addressed only through individual choices. That’s liberalism.