Tennessee: Christian Beliefs Make The Loser Party What It Is
IT’S VERY IMPORTANT that we show our support for the Jew-loving blowhard as he battles the “dumb-o-crat” witch hunt. Our precious democracy, a system that honestly believes a mob of 70 I.Q. brown dullards bused to polls by Jew scumbags are full of preternatural wisdom, must be saved from those dawg gone “lie-brals.” I bet a lot of them don’t even love Israel, the primary job of any patriotic human unit in the North American Kosher Economic Zone, along with promoting analism. Fortunately, we still have based Republicans like our MIGA figurehead or a Tennessee governor who bravely supported more decline and fall in the name of the Semitic mind poison he believes in.
Tennessee won’t stop resettling refugees, Republican Gov. Bill Lee said Wednesday, rejecting the option offered to states by President Donald Trump’s administration.
So much winning, it’s too much. For once the useless shkotzim in the White House does something that actually pushes back against the encroaching rot, but he’s promptly overruled by elected criminals attempting to win brownie points with “The King of the Jews.”
The issue forced Lee, who campaigned on his Christian beliefs, to consider his own experience helping refugees and weigh it against the will of fellow Republicans in the Legislature.
My (((Christian))) beliefs. It sure is easy to dump misery on my faceless constituents and the best part is you can keep getting the crumbs that fall off the Jewish plate to you, the dog. We need a lot more Somalis in Tennessee, it’s what the chosenites I worship would want.
GOP lawmakers had sued the federal government over its refugee resettlement program and legislative leaders hoped Lee would accept Trump’s offer.
Put all your “hope” in one hand and…well, you know the rest.
“The United States and Tennessee have always been … a shining beacon of freedom and opportunity for the persecuted and oppressed, particularly those suffering religious persecution,” Lee said in a statement. “My administration has worked extensively to determine the best outcome for Tennessee, and I will consent to working with President Trump and his administration to responsibly resettle refugees.”
This is some very convincing drivel. Imagine having a pile of kosher excrement in the place of your brain and absolutely nothing in place of your testicles and you’ve got a good mental imagine of your average Loser Party failure.
So far, no states have said they plan to reject refugees. About half the states have given written consent to continue resettling refugees to date.
Keep voting Republican, it’s doing a lot of good. Did you know the embassy is now in Jerusalem and “African-American” unemployment is lower than ever? We’re going to keep using your ancestral homeland as an experiment in kosher terror, but come on, you can’t have everything.
Catholic Charities of Tennessee administers a program under a law that says if a state withdraws, the federal government can pick a nonprofit to administer federal money for cash and medical assistance and social services to eligible refugees.
Pay those taxes, working chumps! The geld goes to great causes, like helping cuck-o-licks import the worst available enemygrants into your backyard.
More than 2,000 refugees resettled in Tennessee during the 2016 budget year. That number dropped to 478 in 2018 under Trump and and has hit 692 in 2019.
Compared to Trump’s normal total failure, I guess putting a band-aid on your severed throat counts as a victory.
House Speaker Cameron Sexton and Senate Speaker Randy McNally said in a joint statement that they would’ve preferred to “hit the pause button on accepting additional refugees in our state.”
Yeah. How about hitting the “stop” button and then unhooking the Semitic VCR and tossing it in the garbage?
When asked about political consequences of Wednesday’s decision, Lee downplayed the concerns.
I mean, what are you going to do, vote for the communists? White support of a broken and corrupt system is always taken completely for granted.
“I certainly know there’s disagreement on this subject but there’s disagreement around most subjects,” Lee said. “You agree to disagree and move forward. But I think it’s the right decision and we’re moving forward on it.”
I mean, it’s not like we’re ever going to agree on everything, so we might as well commit national suicide to appease the synagogue. How many thousand Liberians should we put you down for?
Lee went to great lengths to tout his Christian faith while campaigning. Hundreds of evangelicals appealed to Lee’s faith in a letter this month. In a letter Wednesday to McNally and Sexton, Lee said he’s visited refugee camps on multiple continents and has helped refugees in Tennessee for years.
Wow, what a hero. You’re going to really earn some great rewards in the cold and uncaring ground after you’re killed and eaten by “refugees.”
Holly Johnson, who coordinates the Tennessee Office for Refugees within the Catholic Charities, said employers are “chasing down resettlement agencies because they know refugees work hard, they show up, they’ll work overtime, they call when they’re out,” particularly during Tennessee’s time of low unemployment.
No, really. Those hard-working rapefugees, they’re going to save muh economy. And they’ll work for peanuts! Now we don’t need to hire any more Whites or raise wages!
Fartun Abdi, a 25-year-old Somalian refugee, arrived in the U.S. as a child with her mother and two step-siblings. She now works as a refugee case assistant for Catholic Charities. Abdi said she voted for Lee and prayed over his refugee decision.
Fartun here is a better American than you. They obviously weren’t kidding about the economic benefits, as this malformed living fossil puts in lots of long hours making sure more members of a failed branch of humanity flood into your community like the vile spray from a broken sewer pipe.
“We are happy that Gov. Lee listened and heard the concerns and wishes of refugees,” Abdi said. “We are glad to have Lee as our governor.”
Whites have been vilified and persecuted in their own countries in the service of a planned genocide, but at least the foreign invader, the Jew and the delusional useful idiot are happy.
* * *
Source: Modern Heretic
It’s a sin for White Christians to worry too much about their impending genocide. If they just chill, the perforated Jew on the stick will reward them with an eternal orgasm:
1 John 2:15-17 15 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. 16 For everything in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life-comes not from the Father but from the world. 17 The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.
Comments are open under this article in the Tennesseean newspaper: https://www.modbee.com/news/business/article238504088.html
I put this one up that will probably be removed. Others are encouraged to comment there.
Will Williams
Not all Tennesseean Republicans are excited about this so-called Christian policy to resettle alien refugees into our state: https://nationalvanguard.org/…/tennessee-christian…/
Comments are not opening now in Firefox. However this issue is a problem (not just for riling up posters below, except for Karen – she’s a keeper!). Numbers like 692 are quite small compared to the level of total immigration into the state (which includes refugees): There were 93,000 immigrants from Mexico to TN from 2013 to 2017, legal and otherwise (an irrelevant distinction), estimated at https://www.migrationpolicy.org/programs/data-hub/charts/us-immigrant-population-state-and-county , based on US Census data (which supposedly omits illegals, a contradiction). That number is *the* major concern in TN after opioid addiction and health care. Refugees are not a random sample of their nationality; they come with life stories that draw great compassion when exploited by a mass media whose management wants every non-white in the world to come here if they… Read more »
I realized that christianity was nonsense when I was about 10. Now I realize that it’s dangerous nonsense.
Christian beliefs had nothing to do with it. (((Someone))) got to him.
What a great write-up from Modern Heretic. Love the contempt! I too believe it is so deserved.
“Keep voting Republican, it’s doing a lot of good.” Excuse me while I throw up. Promoting Jewish Democratic Capitalism by voting. Republicans are the biggest lackeys to Israel in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Republican and Democrat party are both a closed cycle. A very small world. Stay away from the voting temples of democracy. Don’t stand in line. I profess Aryan outlaws will rise up in the near future as they did in the 1870s and ’80s–and again in the late 1920s into the 1930s. White Southern celebrities Bonnie and Clyde and Pretty Boy Floyd didn’t stand in line for food. They identified their enemies and loaded their guns. Racism is not an intellectual effort filled with sterile conversation; it’s not rocket science. Who will be swept aside when… Read more »
fodwell says: “Keep voting Republican, it’s doing a lot of good.” Excuse me while I throw up… — The GOP isn’t known as the Stupid Party for nothing: https://www.conservativereview.com/news/15-gop-governors-asking-refugee-resettlement-red-states/ — Trump actually fulfilled his promise to allow states and counties to veto refugee resettlement. But alas, when Trump is on our side, then we must contend with the rest of the broken party. Now, in states that Trump carried by massive margins, Republican governors are submitting letters to the State Department announcing their intent to accept refugees in their respective states. As of today, the State Department has received formal letters from 18 governors requesting refugees, although many more have expressed support, and not a single governor has outright rejected resettlement. Between those on the State Department list and those… Read more »
I tend to make blunt statements. In the past I have been banned from Stormfront, The Daily Stormer, American Renaissance and have had several post “removed” from a site I no longer visit called Renegade Tribune. Sometimes the truth is difficult to convey to individuals with preconceived biases, the result of psychological indoctrination suffered during formative years. There is a reason why religions insist on “schooling” young children with dogma. Biologist Richard Dawkins( I know, he’s a Jew), wrote in his book “The God Delusion”, that Christian or Muslim children do not exist. They are the children of Christian or Muslim parents. Children have not developed intellect to sufficiently understand concepts as complicated as religion and indoctrinating children with subjective beliefs is in fact child abuse. Dawkins is an atheist.… Read more »
What does the Jew Dawkins have to say about Jew children? Do Jew children exist? How come the Jew Dawkins says that Christian and Muslim “don’t exist” but doesn’t say that of Jew children? So Christian and Muslim children don’t exist but Jew children do exist? Somehow the Jew religious indoctrination the Jew children go thru is not child abuse? The Jew indoctrination that Jew children go thru is not subjective but is the objective truth? How come the Jew Dawkins doesn’t include the children of his Jew tribe in his theory about children not existing because they are taught the religion of their parents and their people? Do the children of Odinists exist? I have news for you, Old Norseman, as per the Jew Dawkin’s theory, the children of… Read more »
You really need to read his book. Your response lacks clarity. What Dawkins is implying is that children are not capable of making decisions involving a belief system. And no, you actually do not have news for me. Your complete lack of a point of contention is a reflection of your limited reasoning skills. I haven’t read Dawkins’ book in a quite a few years. I also have read several books by the atheist and non-Jew(like it makes a difference), Christopher Hitchens. Nearly the same summation, children can not make rational choices involving a complex subject. It appears you have more of a problem with the fact that Dawkins is a Jew than with the ideas being presented. You just re-enforced my entire point, people have preconceived biases that block… Read more »
The point Dawkins was making is that children do not have the reasoning skills to understand the implications of a profession of faith thus, they can not be members of said faith. You make it sound like Dawkins(and myself) were picking and choosing which faith to critic. Sartre wrote that existence precedes essence. Human beings choose what will define themselves. Can children make that choice?
If you have never read Dawkins’ book, how can you make statements pertaining to the book? Ad hominem attacks on Dawkins race and my religious preference do not address the subject matter in a constructive or useful manner. You proved my point completely. Subjective preconceived bias is no alternative to rational thought or logic.
Actually, I didn’t make any ad hominem attacks on Dawkin’s race the Jews and I didn’t make any ad hominem attacks on you, not for your religious preference or for any other reason. I simply asked you why Dawkins doesn’t include the children of Jews in his theory. When I asked you that question I kept it in mind that maybe Dawkins did include the children of Jews in his theory and maybe for some reason you failed to mention that. I was waiting for your reply to find out if Dawkins includes the children of Jews or not in his theory. Having received your reply, now I know he doesn’t include the children of Jews in his theory. Again, asking you a simple question if Dawkins includes Jew children… Read more »
I’m the sensitive one? You had a tirade over a book you haven’t even read. Dawkins and Hitchens are against all RELIGION. PERIOD. If this topic is so infuriating to you, go to your local library and get the book. Or is that against your beliefs to read books written by Jews? As far as I know, Dawkins isn’t a Zionist, he’s a biologist. If you limited your knowledge intake to only information provided by non Jews your ability to function in daily life would be severely curtailed. And you have the gall to speak of logic? I am a farmer in South Dakota, how many Jews had ancestors that came to Dakota Territory in the 1860’s. I was banned from various platforms for making similar statements about objective thought… Read more »
I am going to approve this comment, but would prefer it if the argument didn’t continue. Racially-aware Whites’ tendency to make disagreements personal hampers our ability to unite against the threats and enemies we face, but it seems to be part of our psychological makeup.
I wasn’t aware that Dawkins was Jewish, and can’t find any documentation of that. He doesn’t look like one, though his mother’s name sounds like it might be Jewish — but no source I could find says she was. If anyone has proof, I’d be interested.
Other than that, both men have had their say and I don’t wish to continue the dispute on NV. Any comments that continue the argument will not be posted or will be edited to leave that part out.
FYI, I knew David Lane and Robert Matthews. I attended several meetings with Richard Butler and actually lived in Idaho for a short time until I moved back to the Midwest to help form the Northern Hammerskins. Met Tom Metzger a few times. I’ve been in this struggle a long time. One thing I learned in all these years, life is a struggle.
Jim Justice, the bloviating governor of W.V., follows the same play book as Lee. Justice ran as a Democrat, was voted into office, then switched parties. Folks, we can’t vote our way out of this. I did leave my “two cents” at the end of the article on the Intelligencer website. (The only good news is that West Virginia settled less than 10 ‘refugees’ during the 2019 fiscal year. Maybe we’ll get lucky and they’ll move out of state.)
Let’s get this away from arguing over the merits of Dick Dawkins’ book and back on topic. The racial betrayal by otherwise White Republican governors is much deeper than just Tennessee’s Bill Lee, and shows just how broken the democratic electoral system is for the White American majority. Tennessee won’t stop resettling refugees, Republican Gov. Bill Lee said Wednesday, rejecting the option offered to states by President Donald Trump’s administration. The issue forced Lee, who campaigned on his Christian beliefs, to consider his own experience helping refugees and weigh it against the will of fellow Republicans in the Legislature… https://www.conservativereview.com/news/15-gop-governors-asking-refugee-resettlement-red-states/ […] Trump actually fulfilled his promise to allow states and counties to veto refugee resettlement. But… in states that Trump carried by massive margins, Republican governors are submitting letters to… Read more »
Governor Ducey of Arizona just visited Israel and said he, ” feels a very close connection with Jews and Judaism, and even gave his three sons biblical names”.
Arizona governor visits Western Wall with family for Christmas
DECEMBER 25, 2019 01:17
What about White refugees from South Africa and Rhodesia? Are they welcome in Tennessee too?
How are the jews and their Christian tools going to exterminate the white race if they help whites survive?