Don’t Take Even a Single Step Down That Road
by David Sims
THERE IS a consistent pattern in the way the Jews and Cultural Marxists corrupt culture by instilling some sort of perversion within it. It begins with a request for tolerance, which is simply the right of the pervert group to be left alone and allowed to do their thing behind closed doors.
When the perverts have gained tolerance, they (and their Marxist allies) push for “acceptance,” or equal status.
When the perverts have equal status, they demand that their “lifestyle” be celebrated, or recognized as a good thing.
After that, the pervs — and their powerful allies — push for forced participation in their culture by all the normies. They begin carrying on their perversion while parading through city streets, and they begin going into the classrooms of young school children to extol unto them the virtues of their kind of perverted behavior. They might even change the textbooks to make what they do seem “normal.”
Finally, they lobby for laws that punish people for disagreeing with them on the superiority of their perversion to normal ways.
This is a slippery slope argument carried out through cultural degeneracy. The only rational lesson to be learned from it is: Don’t take that first step. Perversion is never to be tolerated. It is to be put away from us, just as any other evil should be put away.
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Source: Author
What’s shocking is how small the number of activists it takes to make an off-the-wall concept into an unassailable policy. How many homosexuals did it actually take to achieve gay marriage, gay adoption of children, etc. This is an area that is open to study because it can be applied to white nationalism. If just 5,000 gay activists (marchers, organizers, columnists, etc) was all it took for the media, courts and legislatures to about-face on such long-standing opposition, why can’t a similar number of white nationalists make a similarly effective stand for their agenda? Think of the untouchable subjects that had small numbers of activists (compared to the electorate) to create: State of Israel, Civil Rights, Abortion, Open Borders, Homosexual Marriage. Why is there no reversing course on these subjects… Read more »
The queers wouldn’t have gotten anywhere without the full support of the jew-controlled media, jew-tool politicians and the jew-controlled legal and education systems-same thing with all the other anti-white policies.
Correct! No subversive or “revolutionary” movement-takes off without Jewish involvement. That has been my observation.
Hallmark APOLOGIZES for pulling ad featuring a lesbian couple kissing and says it will return it to cable television following fierce backlash
Actually, I don’t recall there being an incremental introduction of LGBT into our culture. They switched it on over night and demanded we accept it. They use the victim status to protect it from criticism while continuously encroaching towards your children. Make no mistake, it was no accident that they adopted rainbows and unicorns as their identity and it’s no coincidence they’re hellbent on getting into the schools. This is totally supported by the state now – last week UK courts outlawed parent protests against schools teaching this stuff.. The next inevitable step is them giving the victim status to pedos. Anyone who still can’t see this are truly blind. The purpose is clear: corrupt, desensitise and mentally abuse the next generation to a point the white race is hanging… Read more »
You are correct. This whole gay and tranny thing, including the adoptions by gays and gay marriage, happened fast. Sethmoto above postulates that it may only have been about 5000 activists that pushed and brought about these major societal changes.
Let’s imagine that all 5000 were white, non-jewish gays. The very fact that it was an agenda destructive to a white-European society/culture, the jews would be immediately compelled to support it. And given their wealth, control of news and entertainment media, control of education, and control of government and legal profession, we never had a chance.
They have really pushed the envelope with this LGBTQ stuff, among other issues. Maybe there will be a backlash one day. One can but hope.
The gay rights movement began “officially” in the NYC mass-media from an uprising in 1969 at a gay bar called The Stonewall. The movement expanded with the San Francisco riot after the sentencing of Supervisor Harvey Milk’s (and Mayor Moscone’s) assassin – a traditionalist white man suffering diminished capacity due to depression at being in, San Francisco – in 1978 (mayor Diane Feinstein facilitiated that riot by allowing rioters to vandalize police property and vehicles with impunity). A 3rd leg was the AIDS outbreak, where gay activists in Act Up! held sit-downs and protests against the methodical approach by the FDA in reviewing treatments, starting in the mid 1980’s. As I speculate, the total number of activists, marchers and rioters, AND the total number of media-decision makers who chose to… Read more »
Gay bars in Stonewall had underage prostitution going on in the back room. Queers always eventually gravitate to young teens.
That is how, from what I understand, they recruit many new homos into their sexual deviant “lifestyle.”
Sethmoto101 – Yes the gay movement has been there for years and steadily gaining over-representation like all corrosive attacks on whites, but the LGBT movement is a new monster that was inflicted on western society seemingly within a few years. There was a Youtuber who warned it was going to happen in advance and I like many scoffed at the idea, thinking it was absurd. But it proves just how powerful the Victim Status is at protecting these movements (no matter how ridiculous they are) as they take over. Schools and libraries are now littered with LGBT books, they’re adopting “gender-neutral” uniforms and they’re welcoming men dressed as women to read these LGBT stories and to lectures children about being “non-binary”. Meanwhile, parts of Europe, like the Scottish, are hellbent… Read more »
There were early seeds, such as in the 1970s it was that they “just” wanted to be left alone. Today, they’re already started the early seeds of normalizing zoophilia, pedophilia, and incest. For example, something such as an Ivy League professor (Peter Singer, Princeton) announces that sex with animals is harmless in 2005. Now fifteen years has passed, and nothing substantial has changed in how most people view that “subject.” However, to the planners it’s a very real goal on the burner. We could say that those concepts are simply too sick to be taken seriously, but who would have thought that a sitting U.S. president would have lent his support for men being able to use the women’s bathroom… essentially saying that he would be okay for a grown… Read more »
disgusting freaks of nature. The left-wing can have them.
Just awful. Women used like livestock to breed. The real Fathers pushed out of the picture.
This wasn’t an organic movement. Gays are just useful idiots with benefits. So are feminists, Jews, blacks and every single group. Dividire et Impera, divide and conquer.
Sooner or later you are going to figure out that the true enemy has been right in front of us all this time. Everything we believed in is compromised.
It is in Washington, in government agencies, federal institutions, intel agencies, think tanks, universities, New York, Unesco, UN, London, Paris, Geneva.
Only when we decide to confront and attack them things will either slow down, or perhaps change. I cant say more.
This will be the hardest part to accept.