We Are Not an Accident
THE DIVINE Creator of the entire universe wouldn’t accidentally create multiple races if race didn’t matter.
Each race is different. And each race serves a different purpose in the natural order of life. It is a crime against humanity to deny the importance of racial differences.
Dilution of the blood reduces the potential of the race — the potential for culture and creative expression. Dilution of the blood not only limits the good qualities of the race, it also allows harmful qualities to enter.
Nature produced the blood pure. [Evolution, in fact, is a purification process. Races become more pure, more different, over time. — Ed.] Purity is Nature’s way.
A race’s instincts are somewhat like an inherent philosophy — a blood-philosophy. The White race’s blood-philosophy is to be in harmony with Nature. It is a spiritual bond to the natural order, the laws of life.
Whites also have a blood-philosophy of higher culture and civilization.
There was once a time when the voice of our soul, transmitted to us through our blood, was one we could understand. But now that voice comes to us as a foreign language. We’ve forgotten how to understand it. We now ache to hear that voice, to understand it clearly.
White people have an inherent need to be out in natural environments. We grow inwardly unwell if we spend all of our time in unnatural places, surrounded by unnatural constructs. Out in Nature, White people can finally hear the voice of their own soul.
The White race’s passion for exploration and discovery: We are Nature’s consciousness. Through our eyes Nature takes her first look at herself, and she likes what she sees. Like looking into a mirror, our compulsion to explore and discover is her desire to see more of herself.
National Socialism is the rebirth of an ancient consciousness — a consciousness that once predominated. It is the consciousness of Nature and of mankind’s adherence to natural law and order. National Socialism is an organic rebirth of all things: political, philosophical, and spiritual. The war against Adolf Hitler was a war against the awakening of the White race’s collective racial consciousness.
This era seems like senseless chaos, but everything serves a purpose. In this era the White race is being tested. Those bloodlines which contain a healthy racial instinct will survive. Those that don’t, will not.
Have faith, brothers and sisters. All eras reach a conclusion.
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Source: Racial Consciousness
Two days ago I was at a small amusement park for children. In front of me scampered a beautiful 3 year old white girl with curly blonde hair and blue eyes. As we rounded a corner, a biracial (white woman, black man) couple with their two mixed-race children came in front of us. They all appeared healthy and attractive, but at the moment the white mother cast her eyes on the white girl in front of me, there was an instantaneous stricken look on her face. I don’t think I’m projecting my own beliefs onto her when I say I believe she had grief that she didn’t have white children and that she might be regretting her choice of a husband. It would be good if we can reach out… Read more »
That’s a tough row to hoe once they are completely brainwashed but there are many who just don’t know any better because there isn’t anybody telling them different and those are the ones we have a chance with. Once they become race-traitors though the only thing to do is complete shunning of them by all other whites even if it’s a family member-that means we don’t go to any family gatherings if they are there at the least, and the same with friends and acquaintances. If it ruins the family or friendships, the race-traitor caused it, not us.
Greetings Susan!
If they do not marry within their race, they cannot expect their children will be able to access tissue culture matches.
Article: “THE DIVINE Creator of the entire universe wouldn’t accidentally create multiple races if race didn’t matter.” I must offer a dissenting opinion here because I believe the above statement is blatant hogwash. If race truly matters (as I believe) then this alleged “divine creator” would never have created the negro race to begin with. What for? To inflict the world with endless millennia of disease, dysfunction, and death? To poison the continent of Africa with their low-IQ presence and shackle the white race with their perpetual care? No “divine creator” would ever have consciously done that, had they viewed the white race as the apex of their creation. Therefore, the only logical view to hold is simply this: life evolved on Earth over billions of years as a result… Read more »
And if ice didn’t float because water is the only substance that expands when it freezes it would have sunk to the bottom and prevented the process that facilitated the beginnings of life
I agree that Odin wouldn’t have created 1/2 evolved ape blacks so they could destroy everything they touch. God DOES play dice.
Science does point to divine creation for purpose of providing an eternal, universal struggle for life, not security or victory for life. The laws of nature, limited number of elements and the rules by which they can combine and react, mean that life based on carbon is possible anywhere in the universe. The presence of atmospheric layers that permit long-range radio transmissions, among the endless number of fortuitous gifts of nature, from coal to bluebirds to the Van Allen Belt, all created and forming and dying under strict natural laws, reveal intelligent order therefore divine creation of those laws, not accidental formation in a void without time. The death toll of microbes, insects, and small mammals on this planet is incalculable; wasps in the northeast, after a long and productive… Read more »
Excellent words
Presuming “strict natural laws, reveal intelligent order therefore divine creation of those laws” begs the question: Who created the divine creator? If that question can’t be answered then saying that a divine creator created Nature is no different than saying that Nature created Nature.
Absolutely true.
The picture above is way too Garish. The mind of the universe would never tolerate such flashy, hyper-aggressive display.
The elementary and Jr. High school I went to was all White. We were happy–we had perfect communication. Maybe the Federals ate some acid and decided we needed more color like the picture above. The Negro schools were closed, and the new students were transferred to the White schools. All that color made us sick–Vertigo.
No federals ate any acid, the jews started the NAACP and pushed for racial integration because they are the destroyers whose plan is to rule over the destroyed.
“We jews are the destroyers”—Maurice Samuel
What in God’s name does it take to get through to everybody? Can’t you see that the purpose of the invasion of white countries is to get rid of whites? They use what they call (presumably) ‘white guilt’ to disarm and force acceptance of whatever nonwhites and Jews want. It’s as simple as that; nothing else is what is going on. Destroy white countries by flooding them with the other and financially drain them dry. You have to stop them or they will never ever stop…
The Federals on the Potomac have been on a forced race mixing campaign from the 19th century forward. The Federals gave nonwhites Carte blanche. The Jew boys love Federal tyranny. It’s their favorite weapon.
Federal agents dying on southern soil is a law of nature.
I don’t worship the Jew god. Natural Selection decides who stays and who goes. Big bombs, big religion and crazy idealists will play no part thereof.
I’m a white racialist ethno-nationalist, but cosmologically speaking I’m an atheist. Educated and aware enough to recognize that there’s no god beyond human brain synapses. The Universe is hostile to life except some tiny islands. We have to help each other in this fight, not to believe in fairy tales from humanity childhood. Our ancestors didn’t know everything. Let’s grow up.