Ursula Haverbeck Celebrates Her 91st Birthday in Jail
Letter from Ursula Haverbeck. British patriot and frequent National Front candidate Richard Edmonds, writes:
Dear Friends,
Today I have received a letter from the brave campaigner from Truth in History, Ursula Haverbeck. Ursula expresses her astonishment and thanks for the amazing number of letters and cards of support that she receives from Britain and from France, and indeed from the whole world. In her letter to me Ursula H. singles out her specific thanks to Michele R. and to Peter R.
Let me repeat here, that letters and cards of support are a God-send to every brave and honourable patriot locked up in a narrow prison cell mixed in together with anti-social types and criminals, and isolated from the world and friendly faces – that’s prison, and in this nightmare “modern” world many of the prisoners will be Third-world criminals with Third-world personal habits.
All the more reason to send a friendly, cheerful card or letter, (which does not have to bear the address of the sender) to our brave Ursula:
Frau Ursula Haverbeck, JVA Bielefeld-Brackwede, Umlostrasse 100, D-33649, Germany.
Note on a related matter: The Jewish community in Bielefeld has raised its objections to a parade through the town, which friends and supporters of our Ursula have planned for next month, to commemorate her 91st birthday, that the astoundingly vigorous Ursula Haverbeck will “celebrate” in the Bielefeld prison (JVA).
Regards to all, Richard.
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Source: Canadian Association for Free Expression
I sent Ursula a card last week. A very brave lady, doing the work our men should be doing. God bless her.
I sent Ursula a post card a couple of weeks ago thanking her for standing up to lies.
I have a few of my self-made Halloween cards left. Will mail one today, this special day!
How can anyone even look at this lady and not know that she is a good and tender-hearted person?
I just mailed my card.
How much do you think it cost? $15? $12.15? 8.00?
Just $1.15 !!!! Cost is minimal; send that card!
Yes, I took a card for Frau Haverbeck to the post office last week and was prepared to spend whatever it took to send it to her. I was pleasantly surprised to find it only cost $1.15. It was the least I could do.
Federal occupation forces hangout in Germany to ensure people like Ursula can be dragged from their home by the criminal government. Hateful surveillance and rigors of military despotism.
Greetings fodwell. Soon the 9,500 US Troops will leave Germany and Germany’s lawyer criminals will lose their support. Bibi is calling for them. Hurry , hurry, escape to Israel, there are plenty of cheap cruise liners that will deliver you there!!!
Jews think they are going to impose this kind of tyranny in America ? To quote Judas Priest . . .
Jews are evil scum .
Damn. The “Jewish community” in Bielefeld is shameful.
Where isn’t it ?
True. There is a very nasty, hate filled streak in so many members of that community
Wie lange kann das Zeichentrick-Hitler-Bashing in den Medien noch ernst genommen werden? Wie lächerlich muss es werden, bevor der Zauber nachlässt und die Menschen erkennen, dass es die Medien selbst und die Juden sind, die ihn leiten, die unsere wahren Feinde sind und nicht die historischen „Nazis“, die sie so gerne angreifen viel? Wie CAROLYN Yeager kürzlich in einem Podcast betonte, veröffentlicht die britische Zeitung The Daily Mail jede Woche mindestens einen Artikel, in dem Hitler verprügelt wird. Diese Artikel sind aufschlussreich, da sie bei kritischer Betrachtung so gut wie keine Substanz enthalten. Nach einem festgelegten Format nehmen sie entweder eine ansonsten harmlose Geschichte und spucken sie mit emotional aufgeladener Sprache aus, oder sie erheben empörende und unmögliche Anschuldigungen, ohne überhaupt zu versuchen, sie mit Fakten zu untermauern. Am 12.… Read more »
http://www.mourningtheancient.com/z961-1.jpg Die Einwohner Madrids am Bahnhof verabschieden sich von ihren Landsleuten der “Blauen Division” – der 250. Division spanischer Freiwilliger in der Wehrmacht. Das Foto zeigt die Folge des Versands eines Zuges mit Divisionspersonal nach Deutschland (Grafenwer) zur fünfwöchigen militärischen Ausbildung, bevor er an die Ostfront geschickt wird (die unter anderem an Kämpfen in der Nähe von Leningrad teilgenommen hat). http://41.media.tumblr.com/afd91590e61575676ff53f6f2b0d319b/tumblr_n0i5s7iv8N1rfwfq9o1_500.jpg Die Deutschen haben ein sehr strenges Gewissen. Das ist eine Stärke, die sie zu vielerlei hohen, sehr verantwortungsvollen Aufgaben qualifiziert, die sich aber auch zu einer von anderen maßlos ausgenutzten Schwäche auswachsen kann. So lassen sie sich leicht ein schlechtes Gewissen einreden, durch Schuldzuweisungen oder Erwartungen anderer, seien sie auch noch so ungerechtfertigt und manipulativ. Deutschland ist kein Einwanderungsland (ist nicht wie die USA und soll auch nicht so… Read more »
Now that Haaretz has disclosed that the six million defamous lie was invented by Eliezer Unger at a 1944 Zionist conference out of the thinnest air, we should expect that her accusers should volunteer to have themselves jailed for at least the length of her sentences.
Greetings Richard. Does Ursula know that Haaretz has revealed that the ‘six million’ was a lie created by Elkiezer Unger at a 1944 Zionist conference in Jan 144 in Palestine before any census had been implemented?