Kroger Installs Theft Barrier at Store in Black Neighborhood
A KROGER GROCERY STORE has caged part of its store in College Park, Georgia. The glass enclosure has one entrance. The apparent objective is to decrease shrinkage, otherwise called shoplifting or, as I prefer to call it, slow-burn looting.
As expected, the store is accused of “racism” because it is located in a Black-majority neighborhood.
Stereotyped, intimidated, racism, and uncomfortable, all words used by shoppers to describe their shopping experience at a Kroger in South Fulton.
“I think it’s kind of racist you definitely see that here on Old National,” said a mother of three who had just finished shopping.
College Park Kroger shoppers are upset over a new security installation leaving them to feel stereotyped.
“You won’t see that in Fayetteville or maybe Cobb County anywhere, doubt it,” said the mother.
The security installation only has one entrance.
Many took to social media to voice their anger at what they say feels like shopping in a prison just to buy toiletries or laundry detergent.
We asked the City of South Fulton for crime rates at the store but did not get an answer in time for this report. However, shoppers were more than happy to tell us about the amount of theft at the store.
CBS46 reporter Jamie Kennedy asked customers if they’d heard of theft being an issue at the store. “Yes I have, I have, yeah, quite a bit,” said a longtime Kroger shopper.
Other shoppers tell CBS46 that many people take things from shelves and use them in the bathroom without paying, but feel a less intimidating approach should be taken.
CBS46 spoke to the company who sent a statement reading:
“Thank you for reaching out to us. These changes are being implemented to help improve operational efficiencies, provide better inventory management and increase profitability. We take pride in keeping our shelves fully stocked with the items our customers want and need and we believe these changes, which are part of a pilot project, will help us do so.”
An officer with the city of South Fulton, on duty at the store, said the Kroger doesn’t have anymore [_sic_] thefts than other stores in the area.
Besides the inconvenience, shoppers say if they care about their customers a different solution should be found.
“Of course you don’t want to come in to where you’re afraid to shop, because you’re afraid someone’s going to steal or you’re afraid you’re going to be enclosed in the environment of them stealing, so of course you’re going to take precautions, but I don’t know if that’s the safest precaution,” said the longtime Kroger shopper.
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Source: Daily Kenn
We have to deal with the crime where it is happening.