California: “Defund Hate, Defund ICE” Event Is Part of Nationwide Jewish Campaign
Jewish money and Jewish organization is behind the drive to destroy all border enforcement and flood America with hostile, incompatible aliens, as this controlled media article makes clear. They are even coordinating their rallies to avoid conflict with Jewish holidays!
A RALLY TO “advocate for immigrant rights” was held in front of the San Luis Obispo County Courthouse on Sunday.
San Luis Obispo Mayor Heidi Harmon spoke at the event on her recent visit to one of the border detention camps.
“Often we hear the phrase never again when we talk about the Holocaust. We are here with the rest of the community to say ‘never again,'” said Mayor Harmon.
The rally was held by Bend the Arc: Jewish Action and a coalition of supporting organizations.
“As Jews we know the immigrant experience, we are all just a generation or two removed from that experience,” said Bend the Arc: Jewish Action representative Barry Price.
“We currently have people suffering at the border and children being separated from their parents,” said Andrea Chmelik from Women’s March SLO.
“They are taking immigrants and putting them in concentration-like centers,” yelled one rally speaker.
Bend the Arc says the history of the Holocaust is all too familiar to what they see happening today.
“We also know what it’s like to be targeted, what it’s like to be demonized,” said Price.
The rally is part of the national Defund Hate Campaign. The organization’s goal is to reduce the budgets of ICE and Customs and Border Protection.
“We are calling on our congressman, representative Salud Carbajal, to endorse the Defund Hate principals,” said Price.
The rally’s advocates say spending so much money on these organizations raids other agencies’ budgets.
“We want to put an end to the profiting of the private prison industry,” said Price.
The groups hope the rally will help eliminate what they call inhumane detention and deportation efforts.
“Those detained in these concentration-like centers are forced to sleep on concrete with little food,” said another rally speaker.
More than 30 similar public events are being held around the country this week between Jewish holidays.
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Source: FOX News
Defund hate.Simple.Defund jews.
So very tired of their psychopathy. While this is happening and the ‘Climate’ Greataburg charade, AOC ‘Comic Con’, the horrific finishing off the ‘holocausting’ of California mostly ‘Americans Whites’ through their now obvious to many, weather warfare DEW, Microwave… creating ‘climate refugees’ stealing their land and destroying all they had, completely silenced through ‘no power, no cell phone’ ..can’t fight back then can you? Oh, and then the warmongering in Syria, serving Israel… layers and layers of theft, lies and fraud. The psychopathy never ends, they truly seem like demons from Hell. I am sure I missed many other layers…
Greetings nosnoozenewz. The climate stuff is a fraud. We will soon all know that the global climate is cooling. Emissions have nothing to do with the global warming we have experienced. It’s a normal solar cycle.
I know San Luis area pretty well. Small to mid sized college town kinda feel. Little on the
sleepy side – central coast area. Very nice – still mostly White. Guess what we need is
vibrancy I suppose. God, please make me dictator. I can’t wait to cordon off and place jews
in certain areas, give them money and decent places to live. Then dump all the non-white
hordes they so want to enrich us with right into their area. Essentially nobody comes out
except thru checkpoints and for special reasons. Let the fun begin – enjoy your new home.
“We’re a nation of immigrants, eh Judah ?! Here, have another heapin’ helping !”
Who runs Hollywood? C’mon By JOEL STEIN DEC. 19, 2008 12 AM I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe “the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,” down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood. How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt… Read more »
Ironically, the Hollywood of 1964, although direct descendant of the propaganda arm for the US government’s destruction of the Third Reich, still preferred WASPs as the central characters of movie drama, with a few exceptions such as “Porgy and Bess”. This continued unchanged until 1967, when interracial idiocy with Sidney Portier was produced. Google “best actor in westerns” and you’ll never see a longer string of strong, confident white faces from it, most from that earlier era. John Wayne wherever he is, getting a chuckle from this: . The LA Times columnist in favor of renaming John Wayne airport is a probably a jew.
Jews do the same thing in NJ. Jews on welfare hire illegal aliens to get on their knees and scrub their floors. They are playing a dangerous game.
If jews continue to use conspiratorial (planned and organized) tactics to interfere with immigration law enforcement, they or at least their organizations will have to be treated as a single criminal entity under federal RICO statutes. By hindering ICE, jewish groups and officials are affecting interstate commerce by subverting labor laws, wage rates, and union protections of legal citizens when such groups and officials work in collusion with those who are employed in the US without such protections due to their illegal status, and toward the economic benefit of their employers. They are also colluding to indirectly commit economic harm to localities that must use taxpayer dollars to fund basic social services to illegal aliens who pay no taxes in most instances.