
Cannibalism: Will Taboos Become Taboo?

Cannibal Feast on the Island of Tanna, New Hebrides – Charles E. Gordon Frazer (1863-1899)

THESE DAYS most taboos are regarded as barbarous relics by the chattering classes. But generally they’re based on practical experience, often spanning thousands of years. Even the most bizarre. For instance in some parts of rural China a newly-married husband must carry his wife over burning coals while in his bare feet before the marriage can be consummated. Presumably the thinking is that it helps prepare him for the life of marital torment to come. The Arab practice of not eating or shaking hands with the left hand stems from their tradition of using it to perform excretory ablutions in the desert. The same people’s banning of pork is based on the prevalence of swine fever back when the “Prophet” was whooping it up in Arabia and again makes sense, at least for that time. As does the taboo against consanguinity although it’s not adopted in some cultures. Which explains why Britain’s jails and mental asylums are bursting at the seams with demented criminals of Pakistani and Bangladeshi ethnicity.

By and large the [Jewish-led] globalist nation-wrecking vermin who rule over us don’t like taboos because taboos reinforce community cohesion. Which is one reason for Project Paedophilia. And cannibalism could be next. I’ve noticed a number of articles asking for ‘tolerance and understanding’. No surprise that the Washington Post and especially Slate are active in this space. It’ll be interesting to see how the project progresses and on the face of it it’s a hard sell. I mean imagine being invited over to your friends for dinner only to discover that you’re the main course! But remember these are the people who convinced us to fling open our borders to ungrateful Third World parasites and allow degenerate trans-gendered freaks to sexually propagandise our children.

In my post on Project Paedophilia I cited a general modus operandi to condition us into accepting the unacceptable. A similar approach can be used for cannibalism. Scientific papers and domain ‘experts’ will tentatively emerge suggesting cannibalism might be ‘more complex’ than had heretofore been believed. Appeals for ‘understanding’ will follow, reinforced with a new lexicon of euphemisms. New organisations supporting ‘dietary freedom’ will emerge. We’ll learn that would-be cannibals (or whatever the new term is) are much more numerous than we think. Openness to discussing cannibalism will be promoted as sophisticated, progressive and tolerant. They’ll produce ‘research’ on the nutritional benefits of the practice, material which will be eagerly published by the fake news media.

So don’t rule it out. Having your in-laws for lunch might yet come to take on a whole new meaning.

* * *

Source: Irish Savant

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Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
8 September, 2019 9:33 am

Yes, no doubt they will succeed. I have talked to people who have been around places where they boil off the flesh of dead people, for police body-training, and they say it smells exactly like roast beef.

It will all be put forth with much hilarity and winking, after the “experts” clear the way. Taylor Swift and others will be the first to eat one. The people who donate their bodies to be eaten will be proclaimed as heroes, saving the planet from cow flatulence.

Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
8 September, 2019 5:17 pm

Greetings Arvin.

During the recent trial of the ‘bookkeeper of Auschwitz’ a witness stated that he could smell burning flesh from the “chimneys” of the crematorium. In fact, the crematorium had one chimney, and crematoriums do not smell. The building with multiple chimneys was one of the camps many modern kitchens. He was smelling his meals being prepared.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Truthweed
10 September, 2019 9:50 am

Weed, a few years ago a black man broke into a Kentucky Fried Chicken. He went in through the tube that lets out the cooking smoke from the frying vats. What he did not know is that the frying vat had been left on. His feet went straight down into the frying vat, and were fried. He died from inhaling the thick black smoke.

The next day a local disc jockey warned people to not get any dark meat chicken nuggets from Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Martin Kerr
Martin Kerr
8 September, 2019 10:43 am

Kali Yuga now

8 September, 2019 5:11 pm

I remember many years ago that a neighbour who formerly lived in New Guinea told me that on of the first peoples there looked at his fingernails. He was told that the native was seeing whether he was good to eat. My horrible neighbour KO’ed the inquisitive native – shame on him!

Torbjorn Sassersson
Torbjorn Sassersson
8 September, 2019 10:48 pm

More to read: Neo-cannibalism also promoted by Swedish State Television.

“SVT the government-funded Swedish public service TV and Swedish Channel 4 promotes neo-cannibalism as the solution to the climate threat, sustainability, and atmospheric carbon dioxide issues. ”

Reply to  Torbjorn Sassersson
9 September, 2019 6:04 pm

Sounds like a good idea – feed the people in charge of these broadcasting organisations to cannibals of their choice.

Torbjorn Sassersson
Torbjorn Sassersson
Reply to  Truthweed
9 September, 2019 7:31 pm

It’s hard to comprehend what is going on. It’s funny that the Swedish guys in their eagerness to remain polite gladly take part in the pre-feasting process as if the thing maybe could become normalized. I am thinking about the TV reporter that asks people on the street what body part they would prefer to eat as a starter. The fools answer. However, we don’t know what participants were edited away. SVT (Swedish state-financed television) is very canny. They are good at editing and of course, they ask the question to the “right” people. They would never ask a Muslim. I am sure a Muslim would react negatively (as a normal person would) to the question itself. Swedes are generally not normal but always nice and polite. I know this… Read more »

Reply to  Torbjorn Sassersson
10 September, 2019 5:15 pm

Greetings Torbjorn and tak di.