EssaysHadding Scott

Basic Facts About the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

by Hadding Scott

OLIVER STONE is a half-Jew film-director who showed very clearly with his Untold History of the United States, which he wrote and narrated for HBO in 2012, that he is very partial to the Soviet Union and Marxists in general. There is an obvious emphasis in his history on what he understands to be the positive role of the far left and the Soviet Union, with some negative observations about the capitalist West to help the Communists to look even better. The point is not to say that Stone’s work is thoroughly false, but that he has an agenda and a bias. That is clear.

Oswald, in custody, gives the Communist clenched-fist salute.

In his 1991 historical drama JFK* (which I found tedious, contrary to the enormous praise heaped upon it) Stone pursued the same agenda. For the far left, the JFK assassination is a problem, because Lee Harvey Oswald was a self-proclaimed Marxist. Stone’s effort was essentially to restore credence to the old Soviet propaganda-line that Kennedy had been assassinated by right-wing racists. In the time between the assassination and the capture of Oswald, this was the accepted interpretation, that racists had killed Kennedy. That’s what the world would have continued to believe if self-proclaimed Marxist Oswald had not been discovered as the assassin.

Since Stone’s JFK, there has been a revived effort to sweep Oswald’s far-left affiliation under the rug, but contemporary news-reports show it as an undeniable fact. Oswald was a self-proclaimed Marxist who subscribed to the Communist Party’s newspaper, the Worker. That President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a Marxist used to be, and should still be, a matter of common knowledge.

General Edwin Walker

On 10 April 1963, months before the Kennedy assassination, Oswald had tried to murder General Edwin Walker. General Walker was a prominent opponent of forced racial integration who lived in Dallas. Oswald had shot at Walker through a window of his home. Ballistics showed that a bullet from this incident was consistent with the characteristics of the Carcano rifle later used to shoot Kennedy. Oswald’s culpability was confirmed by evidence given after Oswald’s death by his widow, including Oswald’s handwritten note to his wife from the night of the attempted murder. Oswald’s motive, as he later explained to his wife, had been that Walker was a “fascist” and leader of a “fascist organization.” This was a Communist way of saying that General Walker opposed forced racial integration.

Subsequently, one can see Oswald’s motive in killing Kennedy as a kind of false-flag operation, because it was well known that there was much anger at Kennedy in the South over his anti-White policies, and it was predictable that Southern right-wing racists would be blamed if President Kennedy were assassinated in Dallas. This was obviously an intended effect — and the deception would have been successful if Oswald had not subsequently killed policeman J.D. Tippit, thereafter becoming a suspect in the presidential assassination as well.

Where the conspiracy-theorists may be right is in doubting the Warren Commission’s assertion that Lee Harvey Oswald had no co-conspirators and in suspecting the motives behind it, Earl Warren having been a notoriously leftist Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. When Jewish nightclub-owner Jack Ruby shot Oswald, the obvious inference was that Oswald had been shot to keep him from revealing secrets. This was General Walker’s observation at the time (UPI 20 December 1963). There were several witnesses (including Janet “Jada” Conforto and Beverly Oliver) to the fact that Ruby and Oswald knew each other. The intervention of Jack Ruby in silencing Lee Harvey Oswald is the most obvious indication that there was a conspiracy, but probably not one about which the kinds of people who enjoyed Oliver Stone’s JFK would really want to know.

* JFK was released by Regency Films, a production-company newly created by Arnon Milchan, now admitted to have been an Israeli agent (Harriet Sherwood, “Arnon Milchan reveals past as Israeli spy,” The Guardian, 26 November 2013)

* * *

Source: National-Socialist Worldview

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21 September, 2019 4:04 am

This narrative I believe needs to be pushed aggressively in our current political points.

Always take the opportunity to discredit and malign anything to do with communism and communists.

We must make people understand, even normies, that socialism communism is pure DEATH for any society.

pj dooner
pj dooner
21 September, 2019 9:24 am

Israel, and collaborators in the US government, killed JFK for trying to stop their nuclear weapons program, there’s really little doubt about it. Oswald was a patsy and was probably a double agent posing as a Marxist. You really have to read Final Judgment by Michael Collins Piper and you can read it online for free here:

Reply to  pj dooner
21 September, 2019 10:05 am

Well we know that the JF Kennedy administration had 3 x items in its agenda which were small “nuclear bombs” and would have shaken and profoundly change for the status quo of the then deep state and the foreign relations of the US in a most profound way. 3 x Items: 1 – Issuing Greenback from the US TREASURY Dept. – EO no. 111100 2 – Picking an operational and a constitutional fight with the old OSS establishment i.e. CIA 3 – Giving the middle finger to the military/financial establishment by denying them the chance to pick a fight with South East Asia, which LBJ did as soon as he got in. Money is ALWAYS an issue for the deep state and especially if you break the “flow” of it,… Read more »

pj dooner
pj dooner
Reply to  eksothen
21 September, 2019 7:40 pm

#1 is not valid, that falsehood was accidentally started by Michael Collins Piper and spread by inept writer Jim Marrs. Piper explains in the book I have linked above.
#2 and #3 are valid but not the reason he was assassinated although these groups were glad JFK was gone and were happy to aid in the cover-up.
And LBJ was also happy to aid in the cover-up because he could now help Israel get nukes and escalate the war in Viet Nam and double-down on the “civil rights” movement.
And why would white nationalists kill Kennedy to get the even more white race-destructive LBJ in as President?

Reply to  pj dooner
22 September, 2019 7:53 am

Well 4+ billion were issued on to main economy as reported by the US Treasury,
I suppose that going through the FOIA ion this matter would end the speculations.

I am aware that it was reported that JFK officially wanted to inspect the unofficially named “Dimona” or as officially now named the Negev Nuclear research centre.
But I am not aware of any more details.

pj dooner
pj dooner
Reply to  eksothen
22 September, 2019 2:25 pm

This is from the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island:
“Ironically, the purpose of the order and the legislation was to decrease the circulation of Silver Certificates, with Federal Reserve Notes taking their place.”
and you didn’t read the book that I linked above!!!

Reply to  pj dooner
24 September, 2019 2:58 pm

No I have not read it yet, but I will.

We are not here or in any other Nationalist platform/forum to show who is right on this detail or that detail.

We come to such ‘hang outs’ out of concern and the need to do something about the obstacles the abyss that we as Western and European peoples are facing and more importantly our progeny will face after we are gone.

So, opinions ideas and solutions are better to talk about rather then squabble about historical details.

The FACT remains that JFK appeared to be a dam a bulwark against the decline of our shared Civilization and our peoples.
And, we need MORE OF THAT.

pj dooner
pj dooner
Reply to  eksothen
25 September, 2019 8:38 pm

The jews murdering the President is more than a detail

21 September, 2019 5:45 pm

Good text. I have one issue: Southern racism during the formidable era of the Solid South has little in common with right-wing racism of any age, especially today. The latter is careful to follow the letter of the law, whereas the kinfolk states have a long history of bombing, shooting to death and hanging its enemies with great energy. The people and the law enforcement were the same–the Solid South. JFK unleashed the fury of southern democrats. It was certainly illustrated in the 1960s.

22 September, 2019 3:19 pm

Mr. Kennedy romanced the Klan on his campaign trail. He won the White House by a narrow victory, made possible by the Solid South. Attorney General Robert Kennedy sent 400 federal Marshalls down south to protect northern Freedom Riders, mostly White girls with Negroes.

Maybe the money powers and brokers thought JFK was a threat to Jewish Democratic Capitalism.

pj dooner
pj dooner
Reply to  fodwell
23 September, 2019 1:51 pm

More like jews, lesbians, queers and Negroes

GoodBye America
GoodBye America
Reply to  pj dooner
24 September, 2019 5:07 pm

JFK the last President who wasn’t afraid of the Jews. Why assassinate JFK? 5 reasons: 1) Jewish lies about Dimona and Kennedy’s threat to cut off all aid to Israel. 2) AIPAC and its buying of politicos. JFK wanted the AIPAC to be registered as a foreign entity (which it is) thus, prohibiting it from lobbying. 3) JFK was going to withdraw all American troops from Vietnam — the arms industry’s “golden goose.” 4) JFK had interest free US dollars printed and backed by gold and silver. This would have put the Jewish Rothschild Federal Reserve out of business. 5) The CIA was angry over the Cuban fiasco. And as an aside, When JFK was at Harvard he and some friends went to Germany and was impressed what Hitler had… Read more »

24 September, 2019 3:35 pm

September 30, 1962. OLE MISS RIOT: Federal President Kennedy ordered several thousand marauding federal agents to occupy the University of Mississippi and the town of Oxford. Mississippians fought to keep the all White university segregated. The great Sister state of the South was denied its sovereignty and self-determination.

Governor Ross Barnett: “There is no case in history where the Caucasian race has survived social integration. We will not drink from the cup of genocide.”

25 September, 2019 10:14 pm

JFK was assassinated for the same reason Lincoln was assassinated – he dared to print debt-free money for Americans.

pj dooner
pj dooner
Reply to  Truthweed
26 September, 2019 11:11 pm

Wrong! See above post

26 September, 2019 2:09 pm

They say Kennedy wanted to stop the Israeli nuclear program.

pj dooner
pj dooner
28 September, 2019 11:21 am

The top headline on the Drudge Report today, Saturday 9-28-2019, promotes the just released movie, “The Irishman”. The movie is about a hit man (The Irishman) for “organized crime” and labor unions and their corrupt dealings with the political and justice systems. The headline links to three different reviews and I read one and scanned through the others and I didn’t see a single mention of any jews, mobsters or otherwise, and it doesn’t appear that there are any jew characters in the movie-nearly all the characters are European-derived persons, mostly Italian except for the two main ones, Jimmy Hoffa and The Irishman Frank Sheeran. As far as I can tell there’s only a couple of jews in the cast, and those in relatively minor roles. Most of the cast… Read more »

pj dooner
pj dooner
Reply to  pj dooner
29 September, 2019 9:01 am

Top five reasons why “The Irishman”, a movie about evil, corrupt European-Americans, is getting 100^ positive reviews from all the jew-controlled film “critics”: 5) It demonizes European-derived people: Frank Sheeran (The Irishman)-Irish/Scandinavian, psycho hit man JImmy Hoffa-German, corrupt union leaer Russel Bufalino-Italian, organized crime leader Tony Provenzano-Italian-corrupt union leader and organized crime leader Angelo Bruno-Italian, organized crime leader John F Kennedy-Irish, President who double-crossed organized crime 4) There are no jew characters even though organized crime and political corruption were were rife with them especially at the very top, and only one jew actor (playing an Italian) in a relatively minor role 3) One of the European-derived characters, Tony Provenzano, is played by a Jamaican quadroon Steven Graham 2) The eponymous “star” of The Irishman is the white-hating, race-mixing, jew-tool… Read more »

22 January, 2020 4:08 am

There is also a connection between Arnon Milchan and the Robert Kennedy assassination, according to the person who wrote this Amazon comment on Lisa Pease’s book “A Lie Too Big to Fail: The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy”. Certainly the appearance of a Palestinian murdering an American presidential candidate on the day of the first year anniversary of the Six Day War is relevant to the choice of Sirhan Sirhan as a patsy and might explain motives of what Pease calls “suspicious others,” if Pease really exposed their background, all the more so as RFK was deeply opposed to Israel’s covert nuclear weapons program which was effectively enabled by the CIA agents for years diverting both nuclear material and secrets to Israel in exchange for black… Read more »

tony bonn
tony bonn
12 April, 2021 11:59 pm

This article is horrible and beyond ignorant. Oswald did not kill, shoot at, or even look cross eyed at Kennedy. There isn’t a shred of evidence supporting the baseless allegation that he murdered either Kennedy or Tippit. This article must have been a retread of some 1964 fawning piece lavishing praise on the Warren Commission. So much research has emerged, even as early as 1966, which totally demolished this drivel. Does it not strike you odd that the vehemence and violence with which Judenpresse supports the Lone Nut theory is a strong indicator that the story is a lie – 100% through and through? And even if there were a prima facie case marshalled by the Warren Commission, does it not strike you odd that there was absolutely no attempt… Read more »