Transparent Lies and Word-Tricks Used to Demonize and Criminalize Whites

by David Sims
PUBLIC officials have sneaky ways to phrase their statements so that they are technically true, but functionally misleading. Here’s an example that I just now found on Yahoo News:
[FBI Director Christopher] Wray told lawmakers the FBI had done away with separate categories for black identity extremists and white supremacists, and said the bureau was instead now focusing on “racially motivated” violence. But he added, “I will say that a majority of the domestic terrorism cases that we’ve investigated are motivated by some version of what you might call white supremacist violence.”
That statement would have been a lie, if Wray had not included the phrase “that we’ve investigated.” What this statement actually means is that the FBI cherry-picks acts of domestic terrorism that are committed by White criminals. While it does acknowledge the possibility of non-White terrorist attacks, it places a political premium on investigating those suspected of having White perpetrators.
The ADL has engaged in similar sophistries in its own statements about racially motivated crimes. Listen for that phrase “that we’ve investigated” or “that we analyzed” or something similar. It’s a widely used technical dodge for a possible charge of perjury, while still speaking with intent to deceive the hearer.
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Source: Author
Need a reminder of the truth ?
Take a look . . .
Thanks for the link, Jason–that is one jam-packed website!
Anyway, this way of speaking, such as that of the FBI director, is not the way Aryans talk. We talk straight because we are not afraid.
This advertising, persuasion way of talking flirts with dishonesty, like “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. It is a feminine, political way of relating to the world, and men have been feminized. I, myself, after “taking straight” wake up at night, thinking, “Did I go too far? How are they going to react to what I said? Now I have really done it!”
But recognizing where you are is the first step to getting out from there.
Check this out. If this guy wasn’t white CBS would have never had this as a top story on their Evening News (if they reported it al all) and they never would have plastered his photo and called him “vicious” but, even though every other report I heard claimed he sexually assaulted the 64 year old black woman prison worker, CBS claimed he “raped” her:
And look who the police official behind the microphone is: an Asian woman!!!
They wouldn’t be cherry-picking this way if Hoover were still in charge there.