Medium: I’ve Had Sex With Well Over 100 Men, but That Does Not Define Me as a Slut
by Dissident Millennial
WHEN THE HEADLINES of a culture become indistinguishable from satire, that culture is beyond parody. Such is the case with a recent Medium post by Kelly Tyler titled “I’ve Had Sex With Well Over 100 Men, but That Does Not Define me as a Slut”.
What is your number?
It’s a question that comes up sooner or later. But if you have been sexually active for 10 plus years, it is surprisingly easy to rack up a number so big you can’t even precisely recall.
Of course if I were a man I would be celebrated for this. But I’m a woman so many men simply call me a slut and refuse to date me (but still offer me the privilege of having sex with them).
Having an active sex life is important to me. Sex is one of the most basic human functions. And 8 partners per year on average actually doesn’t sound like that much to me at all.
Anyone who has been single in a major city know [sic] that you can line up a weeks worth on tinder dates in a matter of hours. Sometimes multiple meet ups in the same night.
I regularly get tested, I don’t have daddy issues, and I was not abused as a child (as one guy wondered aloud as we lay in bed after fucking).
But it does seem to be a sticking point with guys when it comes to relationships. Maybe I should just lie? But honestly, it’s not something I’m that embarrassed about. My collection of cats, crushing student loans, and pitiful excuse for a car are things that embarrass me. Not my number.
How about you guys? Do you share your number of sexual partners with those you are dating or in relationships with? How many is too many? Honest feedback appreciated!
XOXO Kelly
A user called Mad Con replied in the comments section to Ms. Tyler’s post:
You wrote in your article that you had 8 partners on average per year. In your quora account, however, you wrote this:
“I stopped counting in college but I can easily get 1–2 guys per week. Sometimes it just a bj or me eating their ass. Then again I’ve been to a few orgies where I would have added 10+ partners per event. Well over 100.”
and this
“I lost track but could Be as high as 500, personally. And I’m not even the “sluttiest” friend lol”
You have yourself mentioned that you are a slut in quora. Your article contradicts your own words! If a woman that slept with 500+ men in 10 years (1 per week for 10 years continuously) isn’t called slut, then who is?
Another user Mike M comments:
This woman’s issue, as with all women like her, is a complete inability to put themselves in men’s shoes for even a minute and consider their perspectives and desires.
That’s because of an inherent solipsism, reinforced in childhood by being treated like a princess, then in teenage-years by excessive amounts of male attention, add in later years by gobbling up the feminist narrative that women can have it all and deserve it all. All their life, they’ve been experiencing the idea that other people’s wants and preferences (and particularly, guys) don’t matter one bit.
And so it really bites them when one day they discover that their path to their desires are obstructed by men’s unwillingness to cooperate. I believe their shock is genuine. Men aren’t supposed to tell her “no thanks I’ll pass”. That never happened before! Nobody told her that this was even an option! And so, as usual when a woman doesn’t get her way, the classic response is to try to shame people into changing their mind, and that’s how you get articles like this.
While these remarks say enough about this mess of a woman on a micro-level, the question naturally arises as to what the example of this woman says about the state of our once-great country writ large, and I’m afraid it implies that we are pretty well doomed. Here are my thoughts:
- When you understand that sex is the foundation of the family, the family is the foundation of the nation, and the nation is the foundation of the race, then it becomes glaringly obvious that sexual liberation can only lead to racial suicide and the death of the West.
- The so-called conservative movement, the Republican Party, and the Christian-right are all missing-in-action and totally useless on this front. If Conservatism, Inc. can’t prevent America’s national institutions from churning out girls like Ms. Tyler, what conservative function do they serve exactly?
- Radical feminism has resulted in a stupendous and almost unimaginable waste of resources. Contrary to the dogma of free market capitalism, a nation’s most valuable asset is its racial blood — i.e., its human capital, and since only fertile women can give birth to this capital, they are by nature the most valuable members of society. As such, a truly sane nation would invest in its young women by creating the optimal environment for them to get married and create large families so as to extend the lifeblood of the race. This is the only “right” that young women of good stock have any business demanding, and consequently it is precisely this right — call it the right to family — that is the most systematically ignored, stunted, and degraded by the alien and parasitic gatekeepers of the modern West, including those who call themselves “conservatives”.
- As a corollary to the above, our corporate and educational systems perform the opposite function for which they are intended due in no small part to the cancer of radical feminism. Traditional schooling had as its primary task the instilling of a positive identity and the building of character, while national industry was originally designed to serve the economic needs of families and communities so as to sustain heritage-America’s organic way of life. Nowadays these institutions have it so obviously backwards it is clear that our present degradation can only have come about by malicious design. Far from burning the racial instinct into the hearts and minds of our children, our corporate and educational systems instill in them a purely negative identity which would only have them subsidize their own ethnic cleansing, and far from upholding the ideals of chastity, marriage, and motherhood, our corporate and educational systems encourage the lesbian fad of “women’s rights” and “women’s liberation” which can only lead — again, obviously enough — to racial sterility and national suicide.
Isteve commenter Paleo Retiree provides an excellent summation of America’s remarkable descent into sexual lunacy:
I think that 1) girls tend to be happier when they’re raised into roles and activities that have traditionally given women a lot of pleasure and satisfaction (food! style! social activities! dance!); and that 2) sports are a metaphor for combat, which has traditionally been a male domain. Why we’re pushing our girls into combat-derived activities I have no idea. (Actually I do, but I’ll keep it to myself.)
Pushing our girls into sports has played a role in the creation of a couple of generations of young American women who are completely graceless and out of tune with their feminine natures. No matter how fit they are, or what good team players they’ve become, or how sweet or amusing individuals may be, today’s American girls and young women are generally amazingly clumpy, grace-free and charm-free creatures. They judge themselves and each other by how aggressive and will-driven they are, they have zero clue what it is to be creatures of mystery, style and allure, and they’ve got no idea how to run social circles or maintain kitchens and households. On the other hand, high-fiving each other, being pushy corporate drones, drinking themselves shitfaced and running marathons … They’re really good at all that.
And we wonder why so many of them get fat, take anti-depressants, and fail to reproduce. We’re actively discouraging our girls from realizing themselves as women. Awesome cultural achievement, America.
Yeah, and again, great job conservatives!
* * *
Source: Author
No, this woman is not a slut; she is the Great Whore of Babylon!
She is going to lose her sex-chemicals as she gets older, and then what will she do? Nature gives us those sex-chemicals for one reason—to induce us to have babies and keep the species going.
Good article.
Some of my input is required on this item. WLP and many other pro-Caucasian intellectuals recognized what they called “the family unit” as the basis of organized society. This is quite sensible. “LBGTQ’s” and other misfits cannot reproduce, although their type of sexual activity is preferable to that of the practitioners of miscegenation, which create mongrelized offspring. However, this “family values” acronym has far too much Christian baggage attached to it. I believe it was coined by the rabid Christian Jerry Falwell and his “moral majority” coalition sometime back in the early 1980’s by using the then-prevailing “Reaganomics” economic misery to propound and promote Christian guilt-mongering as a mean to the end – just another reincarnation of Christian “original sin.” For instance, if I were dating a woman who happened… Read more »
“Sometimes it just a bj or me eating their ass.”
I don’t think the word ‘just’ here means what she thinks it means.
She’s been passed around like a 2 dollar whore.
What’s disturbing to me is the kind of man that would come in behind all that.
sounds like she was cheaper than the 2 dollar whore, lol
Grandpa used to call women like that a “50 cent piece”.
The talmudvision has helped greatly to produce these hoochies. I remember years back at how excited I was when cable tv was a new concept and folks were being wired for it. Boy, talk about going from a puppy to out of control pit bull. All these extra stations simply created more grotesque sexual sluttiness and foul mouth talk. That was mixed in with the women’s movement and homosexual stuff and here we are. The white world got too filled with pleasures and a hatred of GOD. Thus baby loving moslems come in to fill the void as white women are too busy with their stupid careers or being bi sexual or chopping up their babies with a huge push from tv, Hollywood and the entire Democrat Party. Crazy capitalism… Read more »
this is it imo – cable TV, MTV etc then followed up with going to an educational system where everyone else is watching the same garbage
i noticed a difference in high school in the 1980’s in the types of people who seemed to have cable TV and those that didn’t, those that watched MTV etc
Girls and young women really need to hear this information. Many–maybe most– don’t value themselves as critically important future mothers. They do hear that earning money and career status is more important than motherhood, and little guidance is given about what to look for in a good husband. Parents have been made to feel like they can’t foist their old-fashioned ideas on their daughters.
Also, I remember watching population control scare movies in 8th grade biology class. It gave the impression that we were helping the world by having few or no children.
You do help the world by having no children… Having children is morally wrong.
You’re quite confused, Stef Marie. There are some on a low evolutionary grade who should not have children, true. But, for the right kind of people, having children — as many as possible — is a moral imperative. It is also a moral imperative to so structure society so as to ensure that superior children make up a larger and larger fraction of the total with each passing generation.
If you tell that to the Africans, I agree…
CC: What was acceptable in the past
and is not considered acceptable today,
but still CANNOT be controlled is…
What is disturbing to me is a man
like you who thinks he can build
himself up by tearing someone else
Hey Walt Hampton – you’re welcome to her ! I’m sure she is
great in the sack after all that experience. Nobody is trying
to build themselves up here. This is a lose/lose for us all.
WALT HAMPTON: It appears you have singled me out.
I never said I was better than the woman. But I agree my expression was rough.
Some of your rambling text have a tendency to lecture the reader, evoking images of a self-righteous authoritarian.
If my comments are to be approved by you, please say so.
James Clayton, I agree. There is no need of Christian-
like behavior such as “finger-pointing,” belittling, character
assassination. Dare I say it? It is often found as cult-
like behavior and I will not stand for it.
“I’ve Had Sex With Well Over 100 Men, but That Does Not Define me as a Slut.”
Keep thinking that…slut.
>“Sometimes it just a bj or me eating their ass.”
>I don’t think the word ‘just’ here means what she
>thinks it means.
Who knows? Who cares? Really. I do not see
anything here of any real substance. Just idle
speculation of the sexual activities of another.
There are plenty of sites that specialize on that
sort of thing. Why post it here?
The subconscious mind records everything.
If a man steals to improve his wealth, his subconscious mind tells him that he cannot earn his wealth in a healthy and good way. It shouts, “Thief! ” at him. He knows that he has become cheap.
If a woman goes to bed with a man to get her jollies, her subconscious mind tells her that she is selling herself, using the man, and that she has made herself into a sex doll, and has made the man into a human dildo. It shouts, “Whore!” at her. She knows that she has become cheap, regardless of what she says.
That is just the way it is. The rational mind tries to override this, but it cannot be overridden.
Arvin N. Prebost, you are comparing
apples and oranges. Although apples
and oranges are both fruits, they
each have many similarities and
The historical record is well-
documented by sexually repressed
Catholic priests releasing their
sexual passions on unsuspecting
altar boys. Hasidic Jews are also
endowed in this activity as well.
Criminal activity can be controlled.
Sexual appetites cannot. Sex can be –
to a certain extent – repressed by a
cultist or a religious theology, but
can never be controlled.
Walt, I am glad you brought up this issue, because it ties into the larger issue of National Socialist sexual ethics.
NS sexual ethics seem, to me, to divulge from pagan Greek notions of virtue, and Christian notions of chastity. Granted, I don’t know much about NS sexual ethics, or if there even is a consensus about such things.
I remember watching documentary on Hitler Youth. There were two summer camps in close proximity—one for teen males, the other for teen females. It turns out, assuming that the documentary was correct, that about 2/3 of the females ended up pregnant!
I thought that this was certainly a different conception of summer camps for youth, and wondered to what degree it was influenced by NS conceptions of the nature of man.
I don’t know anything about the documentary (I do have my doubts!) or the camps (if they existed), but I would say this: We should base our new sexual ethics on the idea of the sacred nature of the male/female sexual relationship, and the unity of devotion, love, marriage, sex, children, family, nation, race, and eternity. We are going to celebrate our sexual natures, but that powerful energy is going to be channeled into family-formation and perpetuation of the race and its evolving culture and consciousness.
Yes, well-said and I agree. Actually I think that is the natural state of things among mature, confident and self-realized people.
“I’m not a slut…”
This absurdity reminds me of the LA ‘Rodney King’ riots back in 1992, and how arrested looters were denying that they were “thieves”.
“…She is going to lose her sex-chemicals as she gets older, and then what will she do?”
That’s what her precious career is for: so that she can support herself when The Wall makes it’s appearance (when she loses her looks and fertility, wonders why the ‘hawt’ men ignore her very existence, and starts saying that “marriage and children were always her priority”).
Kelly wants honest feedback. The article is sterile and boring. What is her point? She wants strangers to have an involved conversation about her reckless sex adventure. Not interested. I don’t care if she does Dallas. She writes like an immature kid, pretending to be sincere.
>We are going to
>celebrate our
>sexual natures,
>but that powerful
>energy is going
>to be channeled
>into family-formation
> and perpetuation
>of the race and its
>evolving culture
>and consciousness.
“Family unit” is accurate. “Family values” is cultist.
I disagree: “Family values” is not cultist, it is -simply- a commonly acceptable term, frequently used by different peoples, in different cultures all over the world, and it certainly does not afford ANY logical connection to ANY known or unknown “cult”.\ “Family unit” on the other hand is a rather vague almost meaningless term, and the first that comes to my mind is what landlords would define as an appartment sized to house a family, which is still a bit of nonsensical misnomer because families come in all sorts of sizes. So I am not sure why the dispute about the two terms, family “values” is more easily identifiable than “unit” but both still leave a lot of leeway for differentiated meanings. Also adding a noun after a noun, makes… Read more »
I think many of the comments on this truly deplorable woman’s rant, including Dissident Millennial’s interspersed commentary in the original post, have been valuable and insightful. So, despite the distasteful language she used (which was quoted in some of the comments to make me cringe a second time), the overall impression made is that she and her disgustingly promiscuous behavior are the problem, and the supporters and members of the race-aware National Alliance, and our new consciousness, are the solution. That’s a good message for the reading public. So it stays.
Oh please, XWPIS ONOMA, give me
a break! How often have I heard
about the “Manson Family” and
their “values?”
Obviously you did not read my earlier
item, either due to obstinance or
disinterest. It matters not to me.
“Family unit” is in the realm to
the true thinker and intellectual.
“Family values” runs the gambit
between Jerry Falwell, Amish
farmers, hippie communes and/or
sand jockeys in a Middle-Eastern
‘Nuff said.
Walt Hampton is probably related to this female. I’ve never seen someone defend a post like this so hardcore except in this comment section. Are you her mom or dad wtf?
For “Kevin:” That is a cheap shot.
From the beginning, I was suspicious that the text above was written as a study to get feedback from the classroom at large–society. If that’s not the case, Kelley is a curious girl who wants to know what people think of her sex adventure.
It’s not fearful romance; it’s fearful promiscuity
She seems to think men envy other men for messing around a lot But that is only to the extent of having a weekend of pleasure. In fact I pity those guys who have no long lasting relationships where the weekend gets better with the same person.
I also find it odd people will call her the whore of Babylon. In my research into real Babylonian history (not tainted by biblical lies) they had families and had no problem having children.