We Are Approaching Peak White Self-Hatred
Whites who would submit to, and pay for, such abject humiliation are already past due for internment — or interment.
THIS “service” allows White women to hire “women of color” to come to dinner so the White women can “bear witness to our pain, the pain you [the White women who invite the non-Whites to dinner] have caused.” (In other words, to be verbally abused into even deeper depths of self-hatred.) It’s called “Race2Dinner,” and it nicely sums up what one observer called “contemporary upscale progressivism.”
If you’ll buy this, you’ll buy anything, and deserve to have it all taken away.
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Our mission is simple — reveal the naked truth about RACISM in America and YOUR COMPLICITY as white women. This isn’t the stuff of Trump, the KKK and Nazis. That’s easy, it’s obvious and denouncing it requires almost nothing of white folks. What’s hard? Looking at yourself in the mirror and acknowledging that, as a white person in America, you are an active participant in upholding white supremacy. This isn’t personal. This doesn’t make you bad. This is systemic. And this makes you human who is part of that system. As Black and Brown women, we too are humans who are part of the system. Only we are on the other side: we are on the receiving end of white supremacy while you are on the giving end. Until and unless white folks are willing to bear witness to the pain they’ve caused, we will never see change. The system of oppression will remain safely in place until white people — ALL WHITE PEOPLE — are willing to acknowledge their complicity.
That is where the Race 2 Dinners come in.
white women: We are talking about YOU. We are talking about your complicity in upholding white supremacy and keeping us Brown and Black women down. You like to think that is the stuff of Fox News but it is more than that. It is a multifaceted, complete system that functions in all areas: economic, political, educational, health, religion, war, media advertising, entertainment, labor, law and every other system, which all work to keep all things in place that support white supremacy. Our goal is to dig out the tumor called white privilege, power, control and reveal it for what it is, as an even more sinister and toxic form of RACISM. You are an integral part of this system. It is time for you to own that.
Making white women comfortable isn’t our goal.
Our goal is to be seen, to be heard, and to have you, white women, bear witness to our pain, pain that you have caused.
STEP 1 – Are really ready to join us?
Please consider WHY you want to join a dinner with Regina and Saira. If it’s “to learn” or to feel better or to be a “good ally,” reconsider. This dinner is not for you or about you. The dinner will be painful, uncomfortable, maddening, and upsetting. But what you’ll experience listening to our stories doesn’t come close to the pain of living as a Brown or Black woman in America. Are you TRULY ready to join us?
STEP 2 – Plan your Race 2 Dinner.
Okay, now that you think you are ready to bear witness to our pain, let’s get started. The next step is to contact Jessica Majerus, our Program Director, and she will help you get started.
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Source: Race2Dinner
I could serve fried chicken and watermelon and tell you all about the jewish slave traders. This nonsense never ends.
So Regina and Saira are looking for a free meal from AND want to heap verbal abuse on a White female host? What’s the tradeoff for dessert, a beating?
These Blacks have some serious character issues here!
It is true that blacks suffer from systemic inferiority and true, we whites are complicit in that. That system, however, is the Universe, and our complicity is in our very existence. Blame the Universe or God or whatever, but short of our ceasing to exist, there is nothing much to be done about it. Which is, of course, what our enemies– the enemies of Life and Light, the forces of disintegration, and their agents, the Jews– want. And they are always going to have to suffer daily reminders of their inferiority so long as they live side by side with us. So what we can do for them (and ourselves) should be obvious– separation. It is the only truly “humane” thing to do, for both of our races. I don’t… Read more »
“So to me these arguments so favored by the liberals and their pets are demonstrably false. “The fault lies not in our stars, but in ourselves.””
So too the solution lies not elsewhere nor within others, but in ourselves. Consider being a part of the solution— Whites seeking to build a new order out of the disintegrating old to save what genes of ours that we can and build new institutions for advancing the qualities of the descendants of those present White gene-holders. Advancement towards Higher Man and beyond.
So far as I can tell, only the National Alliance fits that description.
An excellent comment, Dan, and I enjoyed reading it. “None of this affected our abilities (nor morality). Such is our “privilege”. Sums everything up nicely. It has only been very recently, relatively speaking, that I finally have been able to see that the world’s peoples are not all capable of the meritocracy I have held onto for the last 40 years as a bred and raised Libertarian of British and Scandinavian stock. My whole life has been one of learning this moral code, and endeavoring to live it. While I had been devastated in about 2014 to finally say that while the biodiversity would be missed once whites were gone – that it was truly tragic/horrific what was happening to them – and how horrible I felt to know my… Read more »
“I tole ya, an’ I tole ya! We don’t eat no Kentucky Fry Chicken. Now you git yo privlige white *ss over to Popeye’s, an’ git us some good Negro chicken!”—Regina
“Then you come back an’ you sit yo white *ss down an’ we tell you how privlige racis’ you are, and how you been mean to us, and how you centers evahthing on you and how you feels! You white crackers ain’t got no feelings! You ain’t ever sing no blues!”—Saira
Are they saying that they would have had far better lives being slaves back home in Africa?
The message here is they couldn’t blame Whites to their face for their problems AND get a free meal as easily there as here. It’s just more noise to continue the hate Whitey campaign that will likely involve future violence against Whites.
Claims for 40 acres and a mule, “reparations” and other ridiculous demands have been around for a long time and aren’t likely to cease until all non-Whites are removed from our presence on a continental basis—-and that’s our problem to solve. This can be done with enough willpower on the part of Whites well organized—something only the National Alliance seems capable of doing. Who else seeks to remove all non-Whites from our homelands in an intelligent manner? In any event, be a part of the solution.
I highly recommend “The Case for Reparations” by the Alternative Hypothesis – great video- and it’s a bit tongue-in-cheek. The video lists, in fact, all of the reparations that have already been given. Billions over.
I see it as a parasitic organism with constant self victimization followed by mindless violence and willful ignorance. If given a world of their very own, it would break down regionally into tribes and warlords with extreme poverty and inability to maintain a stable economic system. Famine, disease, and unrelenting entropy would be your best hopeful future as there is no motivation to create industry or infrastructure to support that industry.
“If you’ll buy this, you’ll buy anything, and deserve to have it
all taken away.”
It’s hard to be mad at the shaneequas over this, if women can be so easily taken for this unmistakable B.S. I truly hate that this is even a thing and it wouldn’t be in a serious country.
I’d like to see a video of this, or better yet, maybe I could identify as a woman for a couple hours (you know, clown world & all) and let these obvious racial & historical geniuses have a go at me. I’m known for my stoic ability to just take shit non-stop & nod appreciably .
Yeah, it’s so tough to be a negro woman in America. The white women that buy into this are so stupid and deracinated that they really need to be purged from our gene pool.
Too much. I’m having increasing trouble reading NatVan. The news is just too sickening, too overwhelming. Everyday worsens. Every day, every story is more unimaginable than the last. The perverse, filthy insanity that now reigns over our once clean, white, prosperous nations beggars belief. The dissolution, the decay stinks like a rotting corpse. But no one notices. They merely turn their heads and hold their noses as they step through the dung covering filthy streets. What happened to our spine? The White race’s constitution has the consistency of Jello. Complacency and ignorance are off the scale. Stupidity and gullibility rule the day. I can no longer comprehend what I see the white race doing to itself. I can’t believe what is being demanded. I can’t believe what is now embraced.… Read more »
Black Women: I LAUGH at your so-called “pain”! Don’t ever give me commands! Stinky bovines should never presume beyond their lowly station. I serve only my people; White People. Not my inferiors. Get out of my sight!