Attempt to Charge Salvini With “Kidnapping” for Stopping Invader Ship
This is his reaction; as we have said before, Salvini appears sincere, but he apparently believes he can cultivate one faction of Jews as a means of protection from others and from charges of “racism” et cetera. We Whites need to take our own path and realize that allying with Jews is like sleeping with scorpions.
TO CLARIFY what is going on here and what is going to happen next:
(1) The court in Catania (which is in Sicily) wants to try Salvini but they first need the senate’s permission. This letter is basically a request to the senate to strip Salvini of his parliamentary immunity. The Catania court is responsible for this because the act in question took place in Catania. He is being charged with “sequestro di persone” which can be translated as both false imprisonment and kidnapping. The issue is he deprived the people on board the Diciotti of their personal liberty (ability to move freely / habeas corpus). In a part of the letter that Salvini did not read out here, it also mentions that Salvini’s obligation to save lives supersedes his obligation to enforce immigration policy, this relates to the “abuse of his powers”.
(2) The senate’s Committee for Elections and Parliamentary Immunity will meet and draw up a report which they will present to the entire senate.
(3) After hearing this report, the senate will vote on whether Salvini should stand trial. The date for this vote has not been fixed but must be within 60 days of the senate receiving the letter (24th January). Salvini will probably lose this vote because it looks like Five Star (who have always criticised politicians for hiding behind parliamentary immunity) will vote against him. Salvini says this would not bring down the government btw. It is also possible that Salvini may voluntarily relinquish his immunity.
(4) Salvini would then face trial in the court in Catania. I have no idea when this would be, how long it would take or how likely he is to be found guilty. I left out about 4 minutes at the 11:00 mark. He mostly talks about other topics during those 4 minutes.
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Source: Cassius
Kidnapping involves preventing people escaping. Salvini acted to prevent them entering illegally.
Typical Talmudic logic. “I did not have sex with that woman”. Stopping a non-white invasion/genocide = (((kidnapping)))