
Goodbye America — White Births Below Replacement Level in Every State

Behold the end game of multiculturalism — the “final solution” to America’s race problem. This is not some random, inexplicable event. It is engineered demographic replacement, genocide by any other name.

Data: White American Births Below Replacement Level in Every State
The United States birth rate remains well below the replacement level needed as white American births plummet in all 50 states and the District of Colombia.

by John Binder

NEW FEDERAL DATA released by the Center for Disease Control reveals that American women are having less and less children needed to sustain the current population. In 2017, all but two states in the country had birth rates below replacement level. The total U.S. birth rate was about 1.765 children per woman…

In all 50 states and the District of Colombia, white women had birth rates below replacement level. The highest birth rate among women were those living in Utah. The white birth rate in Utah was about 2.0 children per woman…

From the Center for Disease Control

The U.S. is now less than half of what it was in the 1950’s.

Between 1955 to 1960, the U.S. birth rate peaked with nearly 3.6 children being born per woman. Demographers predict, based on current trends, for the U.S. birth rate to remain below replacement level into the year 2100.

* * *

Source: Breitbart

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16 January, 2019 1:55 pm

We need to stop funding other populations and spend that money on ourselves by promoting larger families and increased birth rates.

Allen Eugene Crawford
Allen Eugene Crawford
Reply to  Friendo
29 June, 2022 1:17 am


Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
8 October, 2023 9:23 pm

Extinction Level Event CV19 Bioweapon/Vax an Extinction  Level Event – Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea! By Greg Hunter October 7, 2023 Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea (aka Dr. Ana)  is a Medical Doctor who also holds a  PhD in pathology. Dr. Ana has been  examining the blood of both the CV19  “vaccinated” and the unvaccinated.   She calls the CV19 a bioweapon and  points out she is finding nano  technology, heavy metals and all  sorts of biotech garbage in many  people she examines. Dr. Ana sees this as an unfolding  catastrophe for all of humanity  because of the CV19 bioweapon vax  that people were tricked, coerced  or forced to take. Dr. Ana explains,  “The Epoch Times just ran a story  where 17 million people’s deaths  with all-cause mortality have been  attributed to these shots. … Read more »

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
Reply to  Walt Hampton
10 October, 2023 10:09 pm

The first shots were aimed at the 75+ age group, then downward by about 10 years each. While waiting for a prescription, I saw an elderly woman getting her shot near the pharmacy and almost immediately, she had a reaction and the paramedics had to come for her. She didn’t need an ambulance after they checked her vitals and she was stabilized. A young couple seeing this while waiting their turn still proceeded to get their shots. I know a few middle aged who got at least one shot, and one has had respiratory problems (but she has a mean smoking habit that’s hard to shake), another one permanently lost his sense of taste and smell (he was probably required to get the shot for work) and an elderly man… Read more »