
Tennessee: White Parents Occupy “Drag Queen Story Hour” Space to Protect Children

The “Drag Queen Story Hour” as depicted on their own Facebook page

Outraged parents showed up early so that room capacity would be full before vulnerable children arrived.

by Chris Rossetti

THE PROMOTERS of sexual degeneracy — led, encouraged, and given endless positive publicity by the Jewish power structure and media — are now aggressively spreading their filth into the nation’s public libraries. No longer satisfied with perverting the vulnerable and impressionable minds of college students, these agents of death now are bent on corrupting three to six year olds through a well-funded (view their Web site here) program they call “Drag Queen Story Hour” (DQSH).

Even when they try to portray themselves as wholesome on their own Web page, one’s heart cries out for the confused-looking innocent child forced to see what she should never see and forced to wear the queers’ flag as her clothing.

They may have made a miscalculation, however, in bringing their malicious freak show to Cookeville, Tennessee.

Last week, after word had spread of the sex perverts’ upcoming event, a group of parents and allies gathered and decided that their best strategy would be to fill — with themselves — the DQSH space to capacity before most of the children had arrived, thus protecting the innocents from being exposed to the pro-degenerate propaganda.

And that is exactly what they did, to excellent effect. The parents’ direct action enraged a local pro-pervert activist who calls herself “Lisa Brady Veal,” whose anger is obvious in her post shown below.

Here are some photos of the heroic protectors of children — stoically standing, making no disturbance, but strong in their knowledge that keeping children away from this disgraceful stain on our nation is the right thing to do.

Here’s what Lisa Brady Veal had to say:

Look at these adults. They pushed their way into Drag Queen Story Hour in Cookeville, TN, a children-focused event, and took up a bunch of spaces in a room limited to a capacity of 50… leaving children sobbing in the hall. Young children weren’t able to come in, per library policy, because of these assholes.

Yes, I am so sure that children were legitimately “sobbing” because they couldn’t see sex pervert propaganda. And we all must ask: What kind of parent voluntarily submits his or her own child to such sickness? Veal (whose online name literally means “young meat”) continues:

They then proceeded to talk during the reading, record video, and otherwise act like jerks. Then, after it was over, they refused to exit the room, and had to be told to leave multiple times by library staff. Make them famous! Spread their shame.

One of Veal’s supporters, Dave Ryan, chimed in, saying:

Is there a sneak attack we can do? Like get a court order banning these nut bags from the premises? I just read the rhetoric from the conversations and wow.

The occupying parents’ kind of dignified, strong, and unquestionably virtuous community activism is to be applauded. It can be emulated in your town, too.

The pervert group doubtlessly is funded largely by behind-the-scenes influencers, but for public consumption they maintain a Gofundme page, and even there Jewish names are much in evidence.

The founder of DQSH is Michelle Tea, born Michelle Tomasik, of Radar Productions, who produces lesbian films with partner Hilary Goldberg.

Just a few years ago, even the very existence of such child abuse and sickness might not have been believed. But it is very, very real. Just look at the images below, excerpted from the sites of the DQSH group themselves.

In a society run on National Alliance and Cosmotheist principles, such filth would never be permitted and any who attempted such vile abuse of children would be dealt with most severely.

* * *

Source: Vanessa Neubauer and National Vanguard correspondents

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Rommel 41
Rommel 41
15 January, 2019 12:46 am

The “Founding Fathers” surely had this in mind when they were
considering the 2nd Amendment. Certainly no better reason.

Reply to  Rommel 41
15 January, 2019 2:04 am

You mean the 1st amendment. Freedom of association, the right to peaceably assemble, the right to one’s own views, and of speech (of course!)

That those folks in Tennessee showed up in numbers and did not mask their faces like antifa terrorists do tells the real story: when you’re right, there’s no shame in it and no need to hide.

15 January, 2019 2:57 am

This is my hometown. And I personally know a few of these good folks. They certainly are not “ashamed” one damned bit about thwarting the efforts of the degenerates. I just wish that more of them grasped exactly (((who))) is the driving-force behind it all.

Jack Storm
Jack Storm
16 January, 2019 10:36 pm

The library needs to be cleansed. Preferably with the trannies in it.

Beto the Loozer
Beto the Loozer
18 January, 2019 1:24 pm

“…take what little wage we give you and be happy, and go to the disco and have sex with ten men…”

Just make sure it’s called the Pulse Nightclub.

Shawn Green
Shawn Green
Reply to  Beto the Loozer
21 January, 2019 3:24 am

I guess the gunman was a patsy.

Brenda K Franklin
Brenda K Franklin
24 March, 2019 5:25 pm

When I asked a black woman why her church wasn’t protesting too she stated that they knew nothing of the protest. If there had been a need for another protest I feel her church would have been there. We live in a predominately white area. This protest was organized almost as fast as the Drag Queen Story Hour was allowed use of the library.

Reply to  Brenda K Franklin
26 March, 2019 9:55 pm

Brenda, are you a resident of Cookeville? I’m just wondering because you said “We live in a predominately white area”, and I’m here to tell you that Cookeville is NOT a predominantly White area anymore. It’s as “multicultural” as anywhere else anymore. I’ve lived in Cookeville for over 35 years. It was once a mostly White town, yes indeed. But not now.

25 March, 2019 12:28 pm

May God save us from this degeneracy! Thank God for those parents not putting up with this demonic filth!

May God protect especially our white children, as there are so few of them and as they are already under threat from miscegenation and becoming a minority!

The last thing we few whites need is this filthy wicked degeneracy and mind pollution. Those who support and tolerate this should be ashamed and thoroughly punished so that others may be afraid to follow in this wicked path! We need a new strong leader!

Rockford Rick
Rockford Rick
9 February, 2020 9:18 am

This story just kills me. The mentally ill trannies and their supporters refer to the parents trying to protect their kids from filth as “jerks” and “nutbags.” I think normal people know who the real jerks and nutbags are. Especially in a state like Tenn.

Great job defiling our civilization, jews. May all your kids grow up to be homoes and trannies and not reproduce.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
5 August, 2020 5:30 pm

Looks like the Covid panic has fixed this problem. Libraries now make appointments to deliver books at their door.

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
6 June, 2021 7:49 am

A good first step. Next, the librarian who approved this program must be fired and then the town mayor and city council who failed to take action on this must be recalled. This episode is not the end, it is just the beginning. Prosecuting the actors for child abuse is also part of “Normalization.”