
Let Us Dream of Something Marvelous

And never forget: We chose the right side. As Lehmann Wagner said: “Imagine where the world would be, imagine the heights our people would have reached had He been triumphant over the forces of darkness and decay. There would have been no limits to our achievements, no subversives holding us back and no burdens holding us down.”

by Leon Degrelle

I SOMETIMES made huge mistakes. But what actually is a mistake in politics? And when I look back, I have only one sentiment: an enormous regret. Regret that we did not succeed, that we were not able to create this European world which would be the master of the universe for all time, which made the white race the first race, with the great mastery of the spirit.

And when we see what there is on the other side, what 30 years of the others’ victory has given, this anarchy in the world, this rout of the white world, this desertion throughout the universe; when we see in our own countries the decay of morals, the fall of the fatherland, the fall of the family, the fall of social order; when we see this appetite for material goods which has replaced the great flame of the ideal which animated us, well then, truly, between the two we chose the right side. The small, miserable Europe of today, of this impoverished Common Market, cannot give happiness to men. Consumer society poisons humanity rather than elevating it.

So, for our part, we dreamed of something great, and we have only one desire, that this spirit be reborn. And with all my might, up to the last moment of my existence, I will fight for this. So that what was our struggle and our martyrdom, will one day be the resurrection.

* * *

Music: Wagner; Siegfried’s Funeral March

Source: Robert Pfeifer; h/t to; colorization by R. White

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3 January, 2019 11:23 pm

Degrelle embodied the spirit of our race. It is up to each of us to make this resurrection a reality. If you haven’t already done so, the time to start is now.

7 January, 2019 2:18 am

The “marvelous dream” of Mr. Degrelle would have certainly NOT been such, for all the White Eastern Europeans and the Russian people, which Adolf Hitler considered with utter contempt, and ultimately wished to wipe out completely! Even in the Western part of Europe, Nazi occupation authorities behaved in the most shameless way: outright pillages of food, raw material, industrial machinery and cultural treasures, and even rapes and murders!… In the East, the Nazi troops were given absolutely free reign to indulge in the most ghastly orgies of sexual assaults and mass murders as they saw fit: The OKW had given specific authorization for this!… Face the fact: If Hitler had won, it would have been a NIGHTMARE of endless servitude(if not outright slavery!)for ALL “non-Germanic” White Europeans.

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Marc
9 January, 2019 6:03 pm

I don’t doubt that there were some abuses, but by the time of the later stages of the war, Hitler was more concerned with recruiting allies among eastern Europeans — he even authorized the raising of an anti-Bolshevik Russian army — than with any alleged racial differences. He increasingly saw the conflict in race-wide rather than petty nationalist terms. We’ve published several statements on the subject. I do doubt the accuracy of some of the things you say: “Nazi troops were given absolutely free reign to indulge in the most ghastly orgies of sexual assaults and mass murders as they saw fit: The OKW had given specific authorization for this!” That doesn’t sync with the German authorities arresting, trying, and punishing their own men for mistreating or killing prisoners and… Read more »

Bancroft Hall
Bancroft Hall
Reply to  Marc
10 January, 2019 8:34 am

Marc the troll. Your analysis is garbage. NATVAN readers: For accuracy, see Kevin Alfred Strom’s reply. Troll Marc has it all in reverse: ” …. the most ghastly orgies of sexual assaults and mass murders as they saw fit …” That is a description of The Red Army, not the Wehrmacht.