An Open Letter to Cringeworthy Civic Nationalist Faith Goldy
Faith Goldy, who looks Jewish but may not be, constantly and pathetically distances herself from racial nationalism, and tries to ingratiate herself with the Jews who use, abuse, and hate her — and she probably doesn’t deserve more than 30 seconds of our attention. But David Sims’ open letter to her should be read by every awakening White man and woman.
by David Sims
A CORPORATION in Canada named Bell Media broke laws pertaining to a Canadian election. A candidate in that election, finding herself disadvantaged in the election because of the corporation’s illegal action, brought a case before one of Canada’s judges, seeking an emergency injunction against the corporation, so that it would have to run her campaign ads.
Instead, the judge told the would-be plaintiff to get lost.
(That is, the judge affirmed that he had the jurisdiction to hear the case, but he simply didn’t feel like doing so.)
Even if there had been time for alternative arbitration by a regulatory body, that regulatory body is known to be prejudiced in favor of big corporations.
The plaintiff had spent $50,000 in legal fees prior to, and with no result other than, being told by the judge to get lost. Some time later, the would-have-been defendant, Bell Media, the Canadian corporation that broke the election laws, sent the would-have-been plaintiff, Faith Goldy, a bill for their legal fees, in the amount of approximately $43,000.
What a nasty, corrupt legal system Canada has!
If you aren’t aware, some years ago a Canadian man named McCorkill died, and in his will he left his fortune to a White nationalist group (the National Alliance) in the United States, of which he had been a member. He’d thought highly of that group, and he wanted them to have his money after he died. The SPLC, a leftist-Jewish group of mostly lawyers, recruited one of McCorkill’s relatives to contest the will for a cut of the payoff. They were successful, and the relative and the Jewish lawyers split the proceeds of the deceased man’s judicially hijacked legacy.
Faith, I know that you think well of certain Jews, and that you are resistant to the idea that there are, among the Jews, organizations dedicated to the destruction of Western civilization and the race which created it. That idea is routinely mocked by the Jews as “conspiracy theory.” Nevertheless, you should take the idea seriously as a genuine possibility: the idea that there are organized groups composed mostly of Jews that are trying to foment racial strife, class envy, and disharmony between men and women — trying to sow division in every way they can.
These Jews bring about the mixing of the races in society and call for unrestricted immigration because these things result in social strife almost automatically, making the nation-wrecking task much easier.
You should take seriously what the White nationalists are saying.
Behind John Tory — behind Bell Media — behind all those corporations that work against the national interest — behind the corrupt politicians in Canada’s national government — are these international Jews. The most infamous of these international Jews, the one among the many who is best known, is George Soros.
In one of your videos, you provided information about Islamic aggression in Europe during the 400 years prior to the Crusades. But you neglected to mention the group affiliation of the people who opened the gates of Granada and of Toledo to the Moors during the 8th century. You neglected to mention who opened the gates of Constantinople to the Turks in the 15th century. In all three cases, it was Jews living inside these cities.
And, in modern times, it was Jews who (legislatively) opened the gates of America to the Muslims who are currently colonizing us. Emanuel Celler, the chief promoter of the Hart-Celler Act, otherwise known as the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965, was Jewish. And his motive for seeking the changes to the US immigration laws that presently bedevil us was that they would be “good for Jews.”
The historical pattern is consistent, and it is clear.
* * *
Source: Author
Yes, these civ-nats like Goldy are certainly cringe-worthy… if not controlled opposition to the more overt browning of our homelands. I mean, there can only be a few explanations for their refusal to see what’s right in front of their faces, and none of those reasons excuse their behaviors in the least. Because what’s going on IS so obvious. No one with at least an elementary school education can be THAT stupid. So what does that leave? The WILLFULLY deluded and the ones that actually are on Team Jew. Either way, they certainly do not deserve support – or even the time of day – from racially aware Whites. They deserve our scorn, instead, and they’ll deserve their forced removal (with prejudice) when the time comes.
Well said. Canadas’ legal system is corrupt and backwards. The city I live in here in the North has seen a great jump in shootings in the last five years. All the perps are middle eastern refugees. Yet the police are just accused of being racist when they try to take action and the courts and students just mindlessly join in. Toronto, Goldy’s hometown, is a cesspool of multicultural “ideals”. On another Canadian note, it has been one year since the affluent Jewish couple, Barry and Honey Sherman were found dead in their Toronto mansion. Their funeral was attended by the highest members of the Canadian government. They were remembered for their “great philanthropy.” The catch? They only ever gave to Jewish charities. They only took care of their own… Read more »
I believe Toronto has been one of their pet projects since the 70s at least. Lots of fake glamour,tall buildings and the usual multi cult rot.We now call jewish gangsters philanthropists
I was visiting Toronto often (like for a week every 1-2 months) back in the late ’90s, and although the dzews were (as expected) inconspicuously everywhere (if you knew how/what to look for), the city life was tolerable, actually I dare say still with enjoyable enclaves. The last time I was there was in the late 1999 to early 2000 but when I visited again in 2018 the change was so obvious I couldn’t wait to leave. Something happened (indeed) in the last 20 yrs or so and Toronto, once a great white-european city, has indeed become a multi-culti cesspool and the likes of Goldy and her chosen friends are to be blamed.
As some probably know, Goldy is said to be a Canadian Ukrainian Greek Catholic. Whether she is part Jewish or not I don’t know. I haven’t seen any evidence that she is–which of course does not mean that she isn’t (or is). In the video she says she got married recently. (See here as well: ) No information on whether the bridegroom is White, Jewish, or something else. The marriage may have taken place in Eastern Europe. On Instagram she includes a photo of an altar in a church in Ukraine, saying: “My Dedo (Ukrainian for grandfather) carved this pulpit in his village’s Catholic Church before becoming a soldier in WWII. It stands perfectly still intact today (stairs, too!). Decades later, he would go on to build the steps… Read more »
Ethnically she is 50/50 Ukrainian/Greek. Religiously she is a Greek Catholic.
Also keep in mind that, genuinely born ethnic Greeks are predominately Orthodox Christians and those who claim Greek lineage but adhere to the Catholic faith are scorned and reviled as the worst traitors. So Goldy can claim she is Greek all she likes, but in reality her Catholic Ukrainian mother imposed her ethnicity/religion on Faith’s father (Michalis Bazos) as a prerequisite for their marriage. And he, desperate for Canadian citizenship certainly obliged. The rest is …history like they say! But really, him being the typical uneducated Greek immigrant, he was probably too busy playing cards, gambling horses, and chasing cocktail waitresses to bother with his daughter’s upbringing. Faith Goldy, after all, she is using her mother’s Ukrainian last name NOT her father’s Greek one. Oh! What a joke Faith Goldy… Read more »
She looks jewish to this dumb goy. If not, she acts like one and should be.
She is not a jew but she thinks and acts like one. And that is even worse.
Faith Goldy, who looks Jewish but may not be, constantly and pathetically distances herself from racial nationalism, and tries to ingratiate herself with the Jews who use, abuse, and hate her… One major argument against Ms Goldy being Jewish is the fact that the Jews take extreme delight in exposing anyone with even a scintilla of Jewish blood whenever they can. The fact that they’ve not done so in regard to her is reasonable de facto evidence that she is not. Calling people “Jews” without any evidence is a common pastime on forums like Stormfront. For instance, some say Matt Heimbach (remember him?) looks like a Jew, and certainly more so than Faith Goldy. Is he? No idea, and so far no evidence has come to light supporting that claim.… Read more »
Goldy ‘s real name is probably Eva bar Yaweh. Being married in Orthodox churches in Ukraine or Toronto does not change 1000’s years of Hebrew endogamy especially when her consanquineus , twelve tribes own the whole world.
Another immigrating Ukrainian , who have bleed little Russia dry coming to appropriate to themselves the lavish opportunities of North America.
How American!
Enemy recognition is an acquired skill . But the blind can see through this cheap façade. The mark of Caine emanates from this caricature of Hebrew muliebrity.
She represents the main problem I’ve found with white nationalist groups in Canada. Groups like the Sons of Odin or La Meute tend to be well organized and even have some funds. However, they only protest immigration and some will be so bold as go protest multiculturalism. Yet they will never think racially or simply state that they represent the interests of whites in general. They will blanch if called racists and break down and grovel if accused of being anti semitic.
Overall, these groups never ask who is pushing multiculturalism? Why are so many immigrants clearly of non-white background? And to what ends? If they thought racially and followed the evidence, their efforts could be directed at the actual disease, not just the symptoms.
She’s just a typical jewish actor/controlled opposition. Rebel Media is totally jewish.
Paul said: “Enemy recognition (recognizing Jews) is an acquired skill.” One of the most outspoken believers of this was Glenn Miller, former Green Beret/KKK member and self-proclaimed “expert kike spotter”. He used to boast he could spot a kike from a mile away. Only problem is, he ended up shooting three white gentiles to death (including a boy) after misidentifying them as Jews. So, no, it turns out that he could not “spot a kike from a mile away”, unless they had obvious hooked-noses and talked like the Star Wars™ character “Watto”. There are many people that are 100% Jew. But there are many more that are only 20% or 10% or only 2% Jew, meaning the latter are 98% white gentile. As such, those with low dosages of Jew… Read more »
Spare us the diatribe and see if you can learn this: It DOES NOT MATTER if someone IS a jew, and it DOES NOT MATTER if they look LIKE a jew. What matters is if they THINK and ACT like a jew.
21ST CENTURY WN [Glenn Miller] used to boast he could spot a kike from a mile away. Only problem is, he ended up shooting three white gentiles to death (including a boy) after misidentifying them as Jews. So, no, it turns out that he could not “spot a kike from a mile away”… — Actually, Mr. Miller was quite good at identifying the enemy, and always openly, not hiding behind an alias. Though never an Alliance member, he distributed more of the Alliance’s Who Rules America? pamphlets during the 1990s than did any single Alliance member. He loved Dr. Pierce and the National Alliance, and when NA was being mercilessly smeared in Alex Linder’s sandbox prior to his “deed,” Glenn Miller was the sole defender of NA and me and… Read more »
Jews practice the art of deception with the same enthusiasm as aborigines who show up early one morning and slay their missionaries.
Goldy’s lips remind me of Ty Cobb calling Babe Ruth ‘nigger lips’. I’m sure the ball players were friends. I saw a picture of Babe Ruth in a library that hints of a nigger in the wood pile.
I can detect a Jew with little effort . My blood runs cold.
I never liked that bimbo, she spends more time caring for her nail-job than watching what comes out of her stupid mouth. The fact she worked for that media rebel undercover jew (you know who) in Canada who pretended to be a white nationalist proves that although she might not be -genetically- a kike she is definitely in bed with them, and when I say “in bed”, I do not mean that as a figure of speech.
When you consider that a judge automatically receives 30% of the day’s take into his or her pension fund you must obviously recognize that there is no such thing as impartiality on the bench; which is a Latin word meaning, bank. Hence;, the Court of Queen’s Bench is actually the Court of the Queen’s Bank and The Crown is The City of London, not that Jewish imposter on the throne; Lizardbreath II of the House of Saschen, Coberg and Gotha. The entire system is based on Admiralty Law which is NOT the law of the land. When you introduce Common Law into a court case here in Kanukistan the judge simply dismisses it as, ‘that’s just a legal argument’ and leaves it at that and then continues with the charade… Read more »
She’s a gatekeeper, much like Lauren Southern, Brittany Pettibone-Sellner, Millie Weaver, etc.
Dangle a more or less attractive human female in front of the cyberspace soybois’ eyes and they will send money and believe whatever she says, even if it’s distracting from the real issues.
Lovecraft was onto something in Shadow over Innsmouth……lookit those lips.
Faith Goldy is of the ((tribe)) so she is irrelevant to us. The problem identifying these turds in the punch bowl is they are on both sides, the left and right. Just because some of their ideals line up with yours doesn’t change their Jew first breeding. If they don’t call out the ((usual suspects)) then drop them PERIOD