
God — A Work in Progress

by Max Musson

MOST PEOPLE fall into the trap of believing that there is either;

1. A fully formed, often anthropomorphised, conscious, sentient, all knowing, all powerful, all loving God, who has a particular interest in, and cares for us; or

2. There is no God.

Dawkins is good at demolishing belief in the first of these possibilities and the mistake that most people make as a consequence is to believe that his arguments therefore prove that the second possibility is therefore correct.

Science indicates that the universe came into existence with the ‘Big Bang’ approximately 13.5 billion years ago. No one knows what existed prior to the Big Bang and the Big Bang consisted of a sudden out-rushing of raw energy from a central point, filling the void of nothingness that existed beforehand.

Whatever existed in the void of nothingness before the Big Bang, and which occupied the central point, was the source of all of the energy from which our universe has formed.

Whatever existed prior to the Big Bang — the act of universal energy creation — no longer appears to exist. It appears that whatever it was became completely consumed in the act of universal energy creation.

That source of energy could be viewed as a ‘creator’ of sorts, because from the energy created during the Big Bang, all of the matter of the Universe has evolved, including us.

What we do not know at this stage, is what form the Creator took. We have no way of knowing whether the Creator was conscious, or sentient, or all knowing, or all powerful. Furthermore, there is no evidence to suggest that the Creator was all loving and certainly none to suggest that the Creator has or had any particular interest in, or care for us.

The universe, or the Cosmos as it should be more accurately described is an immense random generation device in which matter has formed from the energy that was created, and has evolved through many stages, gradually increasing in complexity and the level of consciousness achieved by the most highly evolved life forms.

In searching for the purpose of life and the purpose of the Cosmos, there are many as yet unknowns, but it is clear that the Cosmos is a mechanism that facilitates evolution — the evolution of inanimate matter, but also living matter, through ever increasing levels of complexity, knowledge, power and consciousness.

We humans, as far as we can tell, stand at the pinnacle of that evolutionary process, but there is no evidence to suggest that we are the ‘end product’, in fact the contrary. All of the evidence suggests that we are as Nietzsche describes, a ‘stepping stone’ from sub-man to super-man and beyond.

Cosmotheism asserts that providing we continue the process of evolution, mankind, or at least the currently most highly evolved elements of humanity, such as the White race, will evolve through ever higher and higher levels of consciousness, power and knowledge until our future generations achieve a state of total consciousness and omnipotence. This will be the culmination of the Creator’s work, the metamorphosis of the Creator from a pre-physical state, either with or without consciousness, but with an indefatigable ‘will to be’, through many stages to his/her eventual complete self-realisation as a conscious, sentient, all powerful, all knowing entity — Godhood.

This belief is the fundamental tenet of Cosmotheism, which unlike any other religion, is completely consistent with science and nature, and does not rely on blind faith or superstitious mumbo-jumbo in order to attain credibility.

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Source: Western Spring

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Jim Hansen
Jim Hansen
23 September, 2018 6:05 am

Regardless of what “stage” we’re at, God is real. I’ve had too many “coincidences” in my life – answers to my thoughts or actual prayers, interventions on my behalf, etc. to think that: 1) he’s not real, and 2) that he doesn’t interact with those that believe.

But it’s a personal thing – one on one. As the Bible says “seek and ye shall find”.

Do I understand his plan and his ways in our world? Absolutely not. But my experiences with Him are comforting and help me know that I and others have purpose (His Purpose) in this life.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
23 September, 2018 9:47 am

Whether cosmotheism is true, I don’t know. But I can see how it could tie in to the paranormal—

Imagine another group of intelligent beings, in another part of the cosmos, who themselves want to become the god-being. They take notice of us . . . as their competition, and decide to cripple our evolution . . .

Imagine “cosmotheist masters” who, like the fabled gurus, can tie-into the god-force in a way that others cannot, and can do things that others regard as miracles . . .

23 September, 2018 11:56 pm

In chess, it is better to have a plan, even if its a bad one, than to have none, and “chess is life”. Cosmotheism gives us a goal and thus a purpose that will resonate with the kind of people Pierce wanted for the National Alliance. The grail is not the end, the search is the end itself. The better your goals align with reality and serve the life force, the easier it will be to stick to the path. I wouldn’t worry about “truth” as we will make corrections if our understanding of truth changes, furthermore the Godhead is far away enough. God is real, it is everything. Believing that he is a “personal thing” is a very humane way of worshiping god and i don’t see how it… Read more »

Aunty Semite
Aunty Semite
24 September, 2018 11:55 pm

Could cosmotheism be more mumbo-jumbo like global warming and other hoaxes that were claimed to have been scientifically proven until their proponents were caught faking data ?

It’s kept out of the jews media but there were bible prophecies made over 2500 years ago which were fulfilled in 2011; more proof of the bible’s authenticity –

Ted Truewil
Ted Truewil
25 September, 2018 7:13 pm

I believe that everything you have said about Cosmotheism is true. It is the best explanation for the reality we are experiencing. However, it is incomplete. It offers no explanation for the Jews. The Jews did not arise from any natural evolutionary process. The Jews are Nature’s orphans. I propose that there is another entity involved besides the Creator. I will simply refer to it as the “Other”. The Other possesses enormous intelligence and physical capabilities (to what extent we have no way of knowing). It is extracosmic (meaning it has origins outside of our universe). The other was created by the Creator or is actually part of the Creator. It could also possibly be an automatic system built into the evolution chamber which we call the Universe. The Other… Read more »

Reply to  Ted Truewil
25 September, 2018 10:01 pm

To philosophize about the nature of God and the universe is something i have long stopped bothering about, it’s too complex for me. Nevertheless we can look into Nature, the sciences or even Dostoievsky for answers: Parasites are extremely common in Nature, so common that scientists believe parasites consume more (60%) than predators (40%). Jews behave like human parasites and we don’t need to look for explanations beyond Nature to understand them. That “Other” has usually been called the devil or satan (adversary), and the jews have been called the children of the devil before. It is probably already deeply embedded in their genes to behave as parasites, and there is no need to mystify their behaviour. They represent today for the whole world (and specially for us) the forces… Read more »

25 September, 2018 8:39 pm

Don’t be surprised if many of the “bible prophecies” become somewhat real. The rabbis talk about “actualizing” today the teachings of the ancients, that means they follow the playbook and try to adapt the events they stage to fulfill what it is written in the bible and their other “sacred texts”. This is the reason they prepare military operations to coincide with jewish celebrations like purim or yom kippur, or they call their false flags and “secret” (in plain sight) deeds, like 9/11, “an act of god”, etc. You can even “make money” simply out of this knowledge, as the world heads towards one direction and you can anticipate it. They do this for several reasons and it gives them many advantages, the foremost advantage is to give authority to… Read more »

Reply to  Titus
25 September, 2018 9:59 pm

Titus, you mentioned that “Cosmotheism is not up to the task yet.” In what ways do you believe this is so?

Reply to  JM/Iowa
25 September, 2018 11:08 pm

I probably need to do more reading, but it seems to me that the concept of where we want to go is there, but the how to get there is missing, the evolutionary strategy is being defined, but some attemps look amateurish, greater “theologians” should appear in the future. We need systems to compete with the jews. Those systems should foster the qualities we need and want within our group. The jews and specially orthodox jews are sucessfully selecting (on a massive scale today, funded by the goyim taxpayers) for ingroup loyalty, self discipline, intellect, etc. I believe we have better raw material (although let’s not forget that the Ashkenazim are at least around 40% european), but we are just not playing the game as we should. We must incorporate… Read more »

Mushy Moishe
Mushy Moishe
Reply to  Titus
26 September, 2018 3:33 am

I don’t accept the notions of orthodox jews’ supposed “intellect” and “self-discipline”. As the most religious sect, they are out-breeding all other racial groups, but to what end? Making a poor product is not fixed by making more copies of it. It’s reverse-eugenics, where the most mindlessly religious and dependent upon social services are, without qualms, having the most children. Individually, they are often weakly built, unattractive physically and in personality, too mentally disorganized by inbreeding and religious rigmarole to be creative in a positive way, and not talented in much more than financial shenanigans, removing foreskins, billing food-packers for a K label, grey market and diamond merchandising, writing grant applications, and billing the public for their dull kids’ private “special education”, all while implementing talmudic practices toward their own… Read more »

Reply to  Mushy Moishe
26 September, 2018 9:15 pm

Im not supposing any “intellect” and “self-discipline”, im stating that orthodox judaism promotes “intellect” and “self-discipline” within their group, and thus those characteristics are prone to increase. You clearly underestimate judaism. They have europenized themselves in few centuries to the point that ashkenazim are around 90% of world jewry and superior intellectually to their mizrahi or sephardic cousins, so much that there is positive racism in Israel towards them. Give them more centuries and you will be left behind if you keep doing nothing. While all around the western world the most intelligent tend to have nowdays the lowest birth rates, in judaism the rabbis are prolific breeders, and this is by design. Many of the jewish “clever guys” competing against the goyim in the real world come from rabbinic/orthodox… Read more »

Reply to  Titus
27 September, 2018 12:11 am

Titus, it seems the shortcomings you pointed out have more to do with lack of people to make up the “systems” you said are needed, and those people who are around are “amateurish” in their efforts. I see no criticism of Cosmotheism other than it doesn’t provide specifics for solving immediate problems of “how to get there.” If I’m off here, let me know. As I’m to understand it, Cosmotheism intentionally leaves it up to us to figure out the how to get there so as to maximize flexibility. We’d all love to see some silver bullets in our armories to slay today’s and tomorrow’s evils, however, I don’t believe a life-philosophy is where they’ll be found. What religion or philosophy for our people ever has? No, this is our… Read more »

27 September, 2018 10:29 am

I didn’t evaluate judaism, just a sect of jews (the hasidics) which I mistakenly labeled “orthodox”. Like in all racial groups, there are “good and bad” among jews. Some spend their lives database programming in a cubicle, sitting in traffic, maybe escaping to the beach or yelling at the Rams on weekends, and voting for one of the two of the same parties. Within the 2 to 3% of the US population, the number of jews that are truly dangerous due to their control over media and academia is fairly small. The larger subset of parasitic jews who depend on social services and state education departments for grants, has grown rapidly, which is what I was referring to above. That does not mean that promoting racial separation, monitoring statistical trends… Read more »