We Need Reporters at Leo Frank Event
THE EDITORS of National Vanguard and others working for a balanced, truthful account of the Leo Frank case have a request for any of our readers and correspondents within driving distance of Marietta, Georgia: Please attend the re-dedication ceremony of the Leo Frank lynching marker tomorrow, Thursday, August 23, at 10 am. It would be good to arrive early, perhaps at 9 am, so any pre-ceremony activities can be reported on. Please take numerous photographs of all events, make audio and video recordings of all speeches, take extensive notes including the names of all speaking participants, and also share with us your overview and opinion of the goings-on. Afterward, contact us through the contact form on this page and we will arrange to receive your materials so that our point of view of the proceedings can be preserved and made a part of the historical record. Your job is to report only, and all laws should be strictly observed and obeyed at all times, of course.
Here’s an excerpt from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s take on tomorrow’s event:
Friday makes 103 years since 20 men broke into a prison and hanged a Jewish man in Cobb County.
For the past four years, the Georgia Historical Society marker commemorating the lynching of Leo Frank has safely been in a Georgia Department of Transportation warehouse due to construction along the road where it was located, said Rabbi Steve Lebow of Temple Kol Emeth in Marietta.
The marker is already back on the northwest corner of Roswell and Freys Gin roads, said GDOT spokeswoman Natalie Dale. At 10 a.m. on Aug. 23, there will be a ceremony to rededicate the marker, which was first placed there in 2008.
The AJC flatly states that Frank was “wrongfully accused,” as if it was an established fact — very close to a complete inversion of the truth. Controlled media “journalism” doesn’t get much sleazier than this:
Frank had been wrongfully accused of killing 13-year-old Mary Phagan, who worked at the pencil factory Frank ran. Gov. John M. Slaton commuted Frank two days before the execution. People rioted.
They ran the governor off, and he didn’t return for a decade.
The state’s main witness was Jim Conley, a janitor at the National Pencil Company. He said he helped Frank dispose of the girl’s body. . . .
Lebow, the Marietta rabbi, said the Anti-Defamation League and other Frank scholars will be at the Aug. 23 event.
Let’s have a few of our own scholars there, too.
It will be interesting to see if the wording on the marker has been in any way altered.
Agents of the crime-linked Jewish group, the ADL (“Anti-Defamation League”), which has been known to corrupt law enforcement officers, and other covert operatives, are expected to be in attendance.
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Source: Author and the Leo Frank Case Research Library
This is another episode of the Hebre w investment in history. Corruption lead to the commutation and later a non incumbent governor would grant complete exoneration. The Jews at the time did not for see the vigilant , and still very indignant people of Mariette , who would complete his just reward . Now today all these people are under condemnation of the inexpiable sin of anti-Semitism . Tom Watson , an irreproachable , honourable Georgian is also tried and condemned by lex non scripta . His monument has been obliterated from its Atlanta pedestal . Those at this event August 23 should expect and be prepared for violence . These good people have been betrayed by their self disavowing progeny or the Yankee carpetbagger and Jews , who now… Read more »
You are nothing but modern nazis. Worthless white trash.