
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night: When Faustian Man Has No Way Out

Actual photo of Richard Russell flying the stolen aircraft before his untimely demise (AFP/Getty Images)

Sky King

by R. Houck

Around 9 PM Pacific Time on August 10th, a 29-year-old man named Richard Russell, stole a Q400 airplane from Seattle Tacoma International Airport and went for a joyride into the abyss. Two F-15 fighter planes were scrambled to follow Rich, who eventually crashed into a wooded area a little over an hour after takeoff, killing only himself.

Richard Russell

Russell was a baggage handler for Horizon Air. So far, not much else is known about him, other than what was said in his last conversation with air traffic control.

Air traffic control attempted to convince Rich to land at nearby McChord Airfield, Rich replied: “This is probably like jail time for life, huh?”

Rich, in a somewhat remorseful tone, “I’ve got a lot of people that care about me. It’s going to disappoint them to hear that I did this. I would like to apologize to each and every one of them. Just a broken guy, got a few screws loose, I guess.”

In the midst of the stark and solemn conversation, Rich joked with ground control, “Hey, you think if I land this successfully Alaska would give me a job as a pilot?” Ground control, “You know I think they would give you a job doing anything if you can pull this off.” Rich, “Yeahhhhh right! Nah, I’m a white guy.”

Horizon Air CEO Gary Beck said he was baffled about how Russell picked up the flying skills. “We don’t know how he learned to do that,” he said. “Commercial aircraft are complex machines. No idea how he achieved that experience.”

Pierce County Sheriff Paul Pastor commented that Rich “did something foolish and may well have paid with his life” and the flight was “a joyride gone terribly wrong.” I wholeheartedly disagree with the sheriff’s assessment.

Rich was in a place that the sheriff likely could not possibly understand. He was one of the “middle children of history.” With no future to look forward to, deracinated in his own homeland, dispossessed by alien masses who not only drive down wages but create hostile living environments with a destroyed sense of social cohesion and community which produced nothing other than deracinated consumer units.

Perhaps Rich did want to be a pilot, and on August 10th decided he was going to live out one last dream before flying into the sunset. For some reason, he felt this was no country for white men. Maybe it was the FAA rules that operate under the premise that the aviation profession is too white. It is possible his feelings were due to major airlines proclaiming they want to train pilots with more “diverse backgrounds.” It could have been watching his city, his town, his work, his local grocery store, and every aspect of his life becoming increasingly “enriched” with aliens. Whatever it was, Rich was keenly aware of the current racial dynamic at play in the US, and it was most certainly a source of discontent.

Despite the media elites lecturing whites day-in and day-out on our “privilege,” the white life expectancy is dropping, while that of blacks and Hispanics is rising. White suicide rates are rising at a faster rate than other races, and white Americans are dying younger than the rest. Suicides rising, drug and alcohol abuse is rising, “deaths of despair,” they are called, and its endemic of a population with no hope for the future.

“Man, the sights went by so fast. I was thinking, like, I’m going to have this moment of serenity, take in all the sights.”

“There’s a lot of pretty stuff, but they’re pretty in a different context.”

“Hey I want the coordinates of that orca, with err, you know the mama orca with the baby, I wanna go see that guy.”

Some of the last words ever spoken by a man who had his homeland and his future stolen from him. Rich was sick and tired of living in this post-modern, multicultural, materialistic, hellscape. And he did something, it might not have been the smartest thing, and he left behind many who will be devastated by the news. This was one last “fuck you” to the whole rotten society. I felt an immediate kinship with Rich, and the outpouring of similar sentiments online made it clear there are thousands of others just like him, who feel the same things and think the same thoughts.

I’m devastated this happened. It could have been any one of us, and I’m sorry we weren’t there for him this time. What a sad and somber reminder of what we are doing – fighting to give our people something to live for again. Fighting to take back the future that was stolen from us. To restore a sense of inner peace and serenity that we have been searching for endlessly.

“I think I’m gonna try to do a barrel roll, and if that goes good . . . nose down and call it a night.”

And into that good night, you did go. See you on the other side, Sky King.

* * *

Source: Counter-Currents Publishing

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B. Smith
B. Smith
12 August, 2018 1:45 pm

Thank you for this article and presenting what it was really about. I noticed that many white people understood, and that other whites were afraid to understand. Non-whites were quick with clumsy attacks like how security measures need to be increased against white people — totally missing the point (maybe genetically/intellectually unable to get it). Jews and their servitors were in panic-quick with #mentalHealth — yeah goyim he just needed some freudian analysis and some pills — otherwise everything is great go back to sleep until we finish killing you… But many many whites got it, some facing it, some recoiling in paralyzing anxiety: 1. In a world where a kind thoughtful decent and capable young white man like Rich Russell sees no future for himself then is there a… Read more »

12 August, 2018 7:34 pm

A fine eulogy, Mr. Houck. And you too, B. Smith.

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
13 August, 2018 10:06 am

Beautiful tribute to a lost brother.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
13 August, 2018 10:11 am

Many people hate the modern, mechanized, feminized world but that does not necessarily mean that they are on our side.

I must admit that I have a certain sympathy for Islam and certain rock music stars like Jim Morrison. They both hate(d) the modern meaninglessness. Their lifestyles are a different matter.

13 August, 2018 12:59 pm

Mr Russell acted. We should do the same.

16 August, 2018 12:43 am

Don’t go over the edge, friends. Night is coming, yes, a long and brutal one, but there is an amazing dawn waiting for us, too. This time, it will be only us.

18 June, 2022 2:51 am

I was just listening to the whole 1+ hour ATC audio of Rich’s last moments in life, flying his dream in the beautiful machinery our people created. After reading this article that struck so hard on me with the sick-in-the-stomach awareness of our genocide being accelerated in this day in age in 2022, I couldn’t help but needed a moment of breakdown in tears of these dangerous times coming ahead. Sometimes, as a young man who believes in decency, respect and strong values, I can’t hold myself but wanting to break down knowing this once beautiful country that my ancestors conquered has become one of the sickest societies for the world to see, a land being taken over by people with no understanding on what made our once beautiful nation… Read more »