Kali Yuga and the Age of Iron in Different Traditions
by Survive the Jive
IRISH, NORDIC, Greek and Indian texts all warn about an evil age that will be the final one in a cycle of ages, in which religious principles are forgotten, hardship and strife are widespread and people become evil. This video quotes from Hindu sources, Ovid’s Metamorphoses, the Old Norse pagan text Völuspá (the prophecy of the seeress) and the old Irish prophecy of the crow goddess Badb.
based in part on works by Geopolitica.ru
PRIOR TO the war (from approximately 1933 to 1939) the German government pursued a scientific-cultural quest for lost knowledge which was unprecedented in the annals of recorded history. Specifically the German Reich sought to acquire as much of the lost knowledge or wisdom of the ancient Indo-European peoples as possible. It was the special task of the Ahnenerbe (the cultural and scientific division of the SS) to research and investigate all aspects of the Indo-European (Aryan) past.
Needless to say, this massive scientific undertaking was by no means confined to the European continent, but spanned an area encompassing the entire globe. From Germany to Tibet to South America and beyond — wherever a great civilization was said to have arisen and mysteriously vanish — the Ahnenerbe was there “on the scene,” as it were, conducting extensive archeological fieldwork and employing other integrated methods of scientific research.
The Ahnenerbe accumulated a vast wealth of scholarly information that the Western allies either ignored, contradicted, or suppressed. The result is that, to this day, the majority of people in the West remain totally ignorant of many of the proven historical findings which were “common knowledge” to the scholars of the Third Reich (most of whom are now deceased).
One thing which became clear to the Ahnenerbe, early on, was that all pre-Christian Indo-European cultures seemed to conceive of history as being cyclical rather than linear. In other words, all ancient “pagan” Indo-European cultures believed in an organic rhythmical order to both Time and Space. This conception of cyclical history — first expounded upon in modern times by Nikolai Danilevsky (1822-1885) and then Oswald Spengler (1880-1936) — stands in stark contrast to the Semitic-derived, “Abrahamic” belief in a purely linear or teleological conception of Time.
Witness the recurring “Four Ages of Man” theme which appears in many of the world’s ancient Indo-European cultures. The great Italian mystic and self-designated “Radical Traditionalist” Julius Evola is to be credited for his scholarly study of the Four Ages, most notably in his Revolt Against the Modern World (first published in 1934).
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Source: Survive the Jive