African Governments Commemorate the Role of Jews in Subverting White Rule

THE TEXT BELOW is reproduced verbatim from a website advertising postage stamps, released in collaboration by the governments of Liberia, Gambia, and Sierra Leone, that commemorate the role of Jews in subverting White rule in South Africa. Each stamp bears a Jewish star on the lower right.
The claim “that Jews were over represented by 2,500 percent in their proportion to the governing population” is on the original site, which you can view here.
I have removed only the “read more” links, since it appears to me that what is stated on the front page more than makes the point.
Legendary Heroes of Africa
In the anti Apartheid South African Liberation struggle, it was estimated that Jews were over represented by 2,500 percent in their proportion to the governing population. This stamp issue acknowledges the extraordinary sacrifices made by Jews to the liberation of their African brethren, and these stamps recognize some of the most significant contributors to global humanity in the 20th Century.

Helen Suzman (née Gavronsky) was born in the South African mining town of Germiston on 7 November 1917 to Samuel and Frieda Gavronsky, both immigrants from Lithuania who had come to South Africa to escape the restrictions imposed on Jews.

Eli Weinberg was born in 1908 in the port of Libau, in Latvia on the Baltic Sea. He experienced the First World War and the October Revolution of 1917 as a child, and this led to his socialist political development. During World War I, he was separated from his family.

Esther Barsel (born October 17, 1924, in Raguva, Lithuania; died October 6, 2008, in Johannesburg) was a South African politician and long-standing member of the South African Communist Party (SACP). She was a member of both her local African National Congress branch and the SACP’s Johannesburg Central Branch.

Hymie Barsel was born on September 11, 1920 in Fordsburg, Johannesburg, South Africa to Faiga and Moishe Barsel, both of Litvak heritage. He was raised in a Zionist oriented home. He suffered from epilepsy which was ill understood at that time, eventually receiving treatment from Dr. Max Joffe, also a Zionist.
Sierra Leone

Yetta Barenblatt was born on 24 September 1913, in Dublin, Ireland, to Basna and Solomon Malamed of Lithuanian origin. In 1925, a friend encouraged her to come to South Africa with the promise of employment. However, due to her circumstances, further education was not possible and Barenblatt was forced to seek employment at a retail store.

Ray Alexander Simons née Alexandrowich was born on 12 January 1913 in Latvia. While at school, she displayed little fear in challenging authorities. Her independent thinking suggested she pursue a career in medicine but she soon took up politics. When she was about 13, she became active in the underground Latvian Communist Party.

Baruch Hirson, named after his late grandfather, was born on 10 December 1921 at Doomfontein near Johannesburg in the Transvaal. His father was an electrician. His parents, Joseph and Lily Hirson, were Jews who had immigrated to South Africa to evade the pogroms, persecution and discrimination Jews were subjected to in the old Romanov Empire.

Norma Kitson was one of a generation of Jewish activists, who committed themselves to the struggle against racial tyranny in South Africa. The drive of these South African Jews was to give witness against racism and social injustice, even at great personal cost. Norma Kitson’s autobiography, Where Sixpence Lives (1986), uniquely fuses the personal and the political.

Ruth First was born on May 4, 1925 to Jewish immigrants Julius and Matilda First. Julius, a furniture manufacturer, was born in Latvia and came to South Africa in 1906. He and his wife were founder members of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA) or South African Communist Party (SACP) in 1921. Ruth and her brother, Ronald, grew up in a household in which intense political debate between people of all races and classes was always present.

Hilda Bernstein was born in London in 1915. Her father was Simeon Schwartz from Odessa, Ukraine. He relocated to England in 1901 where he became a Bolshevik and represented the new USSR in UK for a short while in 1920’s. He returned to the USSR when recalled in 1925, and died in the 1930’s without ever having returned to the UK.

Lionel “Rusty” Bernstein was born in Durban, in 1920; the youngest of four children of European émigrés. Orphaned at eight years old, he was raised by relatives. These early disruptions to his family life were compounded when he was sent to finish his education at a boys’ boarding school. Hilton College, a private school, that was the South African equivalent of Eton or Harrow.

At an early age, Ronald Segal proclaimed himself a Socialist, saying he did not want to be a millionaire. But he had no choice. His father was a co-owner of Ackerman’s, a giant cheap clothing chain in South Africa. At their home on the slopes of Cape Town’s Lion’s Head, his Zionist parents entertained visiting dignitaries. At age eight, Ronald read Gone With the Wind and a biography of Disraeli.
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Source: National-Socialist Worldview
This article reinforces my belief that African blacks are not capable of understanding complex political issues. Nor are they able to understand cause and effect. They have no understanding of agriculture or modern economics. They reject education, spurn cooperation, and generally revert to tribalism when ” freed” from White rule (actually, rule of law). To summarize, they are easy prey for the the Jewish vultures masquerading as their friends and advocates. The Jews have been using Blacks as a weapon against Whites since the mid nineteenth century and their success is obvious.
“they are easy prey for the jews vultures”. I don’t see blacks as easy prey to jews in the US, but whites as easy prey to jewish and left ideology that has become the foundation to state-mandated racial equality, that is as unyielding to white interests, such as separate public schools and a decisive end to all immigration, as the MLK monument is to the wind. Historically, white voters did not demand reversal of civil rights and desegregation legislation during the 1970’s as the country was being overrun with violent crime and welfare abuse, and northern cities slowly burned. They had a chance, in a pathetically small time-frame then, to bash the jews politically with the discredited ideology of equality while unionized whites and New Dealers still supported the Democrat… Read more »
Please note that I was referring to African Blacks and I acknowledge the situation is different here.
True, but ultimately that will backfire. The Jews teach Blacks to hate Whites as Whites, but for Blacks Jews are simply another kind of Whites. Ultimately they will hate the Jews too, especially when they learn that it was the Jews who were the slave-traders. This happened in the US, this will happen in Africa too. And in the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, which they see as a racial “colonial” conflict, they will choose the side of the Palestinians. This too happened already in the US. The Jewish strategy of using Blacks as a weapon against Whites gives them only a short-term advantage.
I am a white 57-year-old South African male ……our country is descending into to the abyss; 24 years of black rule and the descent is showing no signs of slowing down, the natural wealth (minerals) and hard working whites (agriculture) are slowing the rot but the ineptitude of the natives weighs heavier!
You Americans are heading in the same direction… must act (military takeover ) before it is too late!!
We White Americans feel for our kinsmen in southern Africa. Your homeland is lost territory. It would be reasonable and ideal if we could have a peaceful exchange program: our Black inmates for an equal number of dispossessed Whites from southern Africa.
That will never happen because of (((you know who))) that control things, any more than a military coup will take place in our authoritorian, multiracilal, unisex/LGBT, PC military. It is too far gone. Imagine Commander-in-Chief Biden, or rather the Jews who control him, allowing that — or his successor, Ms. Harris, or her successor, Ms. Pelosi.
The best hope for the renewal of our people is for them to withdraw their consent to be governed by anti-White regimes and join our Alliance en masse.