David SimsEssaysVideo

Student Loan Debt Slavery

by David Sims

THE FEDERAL Reserve and the banking system have many ways to make a slave out of someone, via his debts. Most people stupidly over-borrow and find themselves out of their depth, unable to repay even the interest on what they owe, helplessly watching as their aggregate debt rises toward infinity with exponential speed. They can’t get any more loans. They lose their homes.

And people who thought that they were keeping a manageable ceiling on their debts, upon losing their jobs, find themselves in the same situation as their more reckless fellow citizens: forever rising, forever unpayable debt, no more credit, and homelessness.

And people who get through their entire lives without debt, when they become old, begin to suffer the infirmities of age, and that’s when the price-scam for medical care kicks in to make a debtor out of even the most prudent citizen, assuming that he doesn’t decide that an earlier death is preferable to losing what little wealth he has to leave to his children.

The video below by Stefan Molyneux tells the story of a foolish girl who thought that it was worthwhile to borrow a lot of money to pay for a worthless college degree, and how impossible this decision made her financial circumstances for the next thirty years. She realized, too late, that she had become a slave.

Don’t let it happen to you. College was, once upon a time, worth what it cost. It no longer is. And if you do go to college, be certain that you are earning a degree that will bring you money enough to justify the effort and make it possible for you to pay your way clear of debt.

[And consider devoting your life to something great instead of just pursuing money as an end in itself. The libraries, and the ’Net, are full of the greatest books ever written. Real education has always been free. One thing among several that Molyneaux totally misunderstands or misrepresents in the video is that the banks do not give up any resources when making a “loan”; the money is created out of nothing. That’s called fractional reserve banking and that’s the kind of banking we are saddled with all over the Western world. It’s a Jewish system (scam, really) and it makes all of us slaves. — K.A.S.]

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Source: Author

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29 May, 2018 7:38 pm

If you expect to have any reasonable existence by working for a living in the U.S., you are sadly mistaken. Every well paying job is a pressure cooker with 20 people ready to step into your shoes. The owners of capital are doing very well with minimal effort. Crooked politicians, too.

1 June, 2018 5:59 pm

What can you expect from Stephen Molyneaux, more appropriately called Stephen Molyjew. He has about as much real concern for the human consequences of the debt crisis described in his latest video as a vampire bat has concern about infecting its host with rabbis. Molyneaux is in it for the money, and he will do nothing substantive that will put him in bad odour with the Jews. In fact he loves Jews, and has on many occasions given them much glowing praise. Let us be practical and tactical when we assess the virtues of any fledgling white messiah! And Molyneaux is just another money hungry shill for the Jews. I advised my children to forget about a University education – a total waste of their time and my money. Instead… Read more »

3 June, 2018 7:33 pm

Molyneaux is in it for the money, and knows that offending the Jews will make making money very difficult. Just ask him about his views on the intellectual superiority of Rabbis, and ask him his views on Hitler. Brother Nathanael speaks much about the Jews, but you must never forget he is a Jew. Norman Finkelstein speaks critically of the Jews but never forget he is still a Jew. Israel Shahak spoke unforgivingly about the Jews but never forget he was a Jew. One can speak at length and with brilliant poise about the symptoms of a disease like syphilis but it all becomes moot when you avoid any discussion about the cause of the disease – spirochetes. Molyneaux speaks about many things that the Jews cause but he never… Read more »

6 June, 2018 1:23 am

SM IS NOT A JEW JUST A PIECE OF FILTH I do not know why you have this love affair with SM. It is really weird in every possible way one could imagine. You have the written works of great minds like the late Dr. Revilo Oliver and the late Dr. William Pierce, as well as their many broadcasts to guide you. These great minds were talking about student loan debts and boob hatcheries, and fractional reserve banking long before SM lost his hair, in fact long before SM was even born. SM like Bill Clinton, like Hilary Clinton – like all the rest of the YouTube filth is an opportunist that will attach his money hungry claws to any cause if he thinks he can make some money at… Read more »

4 June, 2018 10:49 am

These are the comments I like to see. Uncover the criminal government, establishment and institutional violence. It reminds me of the nonconformists of the 2d half of the 1960s and early ’70s who had the moral courage to point at something and say — this is wrong. I realize modern day racists are largely repulsed by the revolutionaries of that time, but it’s undeniable they had the courage of their conviction. They had spirit and hands-on experience which is severely lacking in contemporary racism. Whatever the stereotype: rednecks, bikers, Texas rodeo hoods, southern racists, hippies, whoever; they told the agents of destruction to get lost.

The nonconformist racist who escapes the criminal establishment becomes stronger each day.

8 August, 2020 1:48 pm

I’ve saying this for years and am mostly hit by rolling eyes and shaking heads. You can’t convince most people because they’ve been brainwashed and don’t want to even allow the possiblity they have been duped.

Quit college and started my own business and was insluted for it by those closest to me. Now the business is good for many years – and even with everything on TV about college debt – they will not admit I was right to quit. I have freedom and mobility. The corporate cogs do not.

I wanted to watch the video but OMG he was BANNED. I can’t believe it. They actually banned the guy. What did he do that set them off does anyone know ?