
Quad Cities Rabbi Promotes Immigration Invasion to “Counter” National Alliance

The group One Human Family QCA is seeking volunteers to help sell “welcome neighbor” signs door-to-door.

Rabbi Henry Karp is the brains behind “One Human Family QCA,” an anti-White group formed to counter National Alliance activism in eastern Iowa and western Illinois. We publish below, verbatim, the Quad-City Times article describing Rabbi Karp’s plan to pressure residents to give him $10 apiece for pro-invader yard signs. Great ploy, Rabbi — positioning yourself as an advocate of open borders, one of the most unpopular government policies ever, and positioning the National Alliance as the foremost proponent of securing our borders. Thanks, Rabbi!

MEMBERS OF THE group called One Human Family QCA want to turn up the notch on its welcome signs.

For more than a year, the group has sold red, white and blue “welcome neighbor” yard signs that say, “No matter where you are from, we’re glad you’re our neighbor” in Spanish, English and Arabic.

They are meant to promote inclusiveness and respect of diversity, and the group’s goal has been to have so many signs in the community that wherever one goes, one will see a sign.

Now the group has decided to get more aggressive, with members going door-to-door in selected neighborhoods, offering signs for a suggested donation of $10, while accepting any donation, large or small. The first outing will be 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 28, and volunteers are needed.

“This will go hand-in-hand with our intention to start going to neighborhoods that have been targeted by the National Alliance flyers and offering their residents free signs,” Henry Karp, rabbi emeritus of Temple Emanuel, said.

The National Alliance is a White supremacist group founded in the 1970s and based in Tennessee.

“If our initial experiments are successful, we will continue until we have hit most or all of the neighborhoods in the QCA,” he said.

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Source: Quad-City Times

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27 April, 2018 6:32 pm

Great advertising. And someone else does all the footwork!

Will Williams
Will Williams
Reply to  Donny
28 April, 2018 10:14 am

Not all of the footwork, Donny. It has taken a man like JIM/IOWA who has worn out two pairs of shoes in the past nine months, distributing National Alliance material nearly every day, to get Rabbi Carp, his Christian churchmen, the LGBT community, the SPLC, local print and electronic media, law enforcement and now the local court all in an uproar over NA’s “Love Your Race” being placed on car windshields that were allegedly on “school property.” Update on Jim’s Motion to Dismiss charges brought against him while legally pamphleteering, here:

Will Williams
Will Williams
Reply to  Will Williams
18 November, 2018 10:51 am

Another in the ongoing series of articles about Rebbe Carp’s anti-NA campaign appeared yesterday: Q-C businesses encouraged to welcome all people with signs JONATHAN TURNER [email protected] Nov 15, 2018 Updated Nov 16, 2018 DAVENPORT — Hate and bigotry are not welcome in the Quad-Cities. To counteract growing incidence of hate crimes and speech, a new campaign was launched Thursday to encourage local businesses to display “We Welcome All People” signs. The signs aim to reflect the community’s commitment to diversity and openness to customers of all backgrounds, including race, ethnicity, country of origin, age, religion, gender and sexual identities. “Encroachments on the rights and freedoms of any of us affects all of us,” said [the Negro] Rev. Rich Hendricks of Metropolitan Community Church of the Quad Cities who started… Read more »

28 April, 2018 12:10 am

Polluted messages for polluted minds, and a Jew at the bottom of it.

Imagine that!