David SimsEssaysVideo

Jews Commit White Genocide as a Hiding Mechanism

Ingrid Carlqvist

by David Sims

BELOW YOU can watch an episode of Red Ice TV in which the guest is a Swedish journalist who researched the transformation of Sweden from an ethnically pure state (and proud of it) to a multiracial state plagued by immigrants with a high crime rate.

It started in the mid-1960s when a Jewish man wrote an editorial in a big Swedish newspaper, claiming that Jews perceived themselves threatened by the Swedish majority, and called for the importation of non-White immigrants as a means of diluting the Swedish perception of the Jews as a foreign element.

Long ago, White nationalists were saying the same thing. This is what Jews do. They don’t assimilate. They keep their Jewish ways. They feel threatened because, having kept their ways and not assimilating, the majority of the population views them as “different,” as “other.” The Jews desire, and lobby the state for, the importation of other minorities, so that the Jews won’t be the only minority. Further, the Jews prefer minorities that bring troubles (low IQs, chronic poverty, no particular work ethic, high crime rates, and violence) with them, so that the Jews can seem the best of minorities.

Notice that the additional observation that Jews are also usurers, monopolists, censors, corrupters of government, and debasers of culture doesn’t need to be mentioned. Jews do indeed do those things, too, but arguing that Jews are bad for any non-Jewish country doesn’t require them. Their pushing for open borders and multiracialism is reason enough to reject their presence.

Here’s the introduction to the video, by RedIce:

Ingrid Carlqvist worked in mainstream media for many years, before starting Dispatch International with Lars Hedegaard in 2012. She has been a writer for the [neocon, anti-Islam] Gatestone Institute and co-hosts the popular Swedish podcast, Ingrid & Conrad.

Ingrid discusses her experience as a journalist telling unpopular truths in Sweden. To begin, she tells us about how she set out to understand why Sweden had become multicultural. Ingrid quickly realized that it is nearly impossible to discuss Jewish influence, as most people — even those critical of Islam — are unwilling to venture into such controversial waters. We then discuss Barbara Spectre, an influential American Jew in Sweden who has called for the end of European civilization through mass immigration from the third world. Later, we discuss Holocaust revisionism, and how Ingrid’s willingness to question – not deny – this historical event has affected her journalism career.

* * *

Source: Author and RedIce TV

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17 April, 2018 3:10 am

I’m very familiar with Ingrid’s work, have seen the video before (a little while back), and totally agree with her assessment about Jewish behavior in this regard. But I believe this assessment only partially explains things.

Coupled with this need to seem the “better of the aliens” in majority-White nations, to “hide” or insulate themselves among other, more obviously hostile invaders, I also strongly believe that there are also sinister, more “automatic” pathologies involved when it comes to Jews and their destructive behavior towards us.

18 April, 2018 10:42 pm

Yes, there ought to be a volume of essays on; “The Psychology of Jewish Psychology”. A sound reference movie for this aspect of their subversive presence is Val Guest’s, “The Full Treatment”(1960).

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
Reply to  Harvey
19 April, 2018 8:37 pm

There is a book on the psychology of the Jews by the French author Hervé Ryssen, Psychanalyse du judaïsme (Psychoanalysis of Judaism), but it hasn’t been translated into English.

Reply to  Harvey
25 April, 2018 4:47 pm

There is also the Culture of Critique, if you haven’t heard of that.

Luis Rodrigues coelho
Luis Rodrigues coelho
25 June, 2019 12:25 pm

You can also get Herve Ryssen’s “The psychopathology of Judaism”, which touches this subject and others…His only mistake is to say that jews are not a race, when they of course are a race !!
But always remember that the world conspiracy is spiritual, not racial.

Stephanie Baumm
Stephanie Baumm
27 July, 2019 6:36 am

Nobody has to do anything against their will in Western Democracies with regards to allowing third world invaders. Non-Jews, they agreed to destroy their countries forever, jews cannot do anything alone so stop blaming them solely. I am Christian not jewish but many jews are conservative and nationalists. Telling you non-Jewish men made these moves and destroyed white European culture forever and nothing is going to happen to them.

Reply to  Stephanie Baumm
3 April, 2021 4:26 pm

Oh please another white dim liberal, you are funding Israel and killing off your own due to your stupidity and gullibility