The Political Soldier
by Max Musson
I AM AWARE that the term ‘Political Soldier’ and the concept of a political ‘soldier’ has been used before, and there are PDF documents available to be found on the Internet in which Derek Holland outlined in 1984 his vision for the formation of an elite group of political super-activists which he termed ‘Political Soldiers’ in order to emphasise their total commitment to our cause. I do not argue with Derek Holland in this respect, however an omission he made was in not emphasising enough the need for willing subordination on the part of those super-activists — the need for those ‘soldiers’ like a Jesuit order to submit to near military standards of group discipline in order to co-ordinate their actions to maximum effect and eliminate the cancer of infighting and division caused by petty rivalries.
In any confrontation between two or more opposing forces, the side that wins is the side that maintains order and discipline within its ranks longer than all its opponents.
The maintenance of order and discipline is the difference between an army and a rabble. Both may be involved in a struggle for power, both may display great courage and heroic sacrifice, but the side that wins is the one that provokes disorder and chaos within the ranks of its enemies, and by maintaining order and discipline within its own ranks, capitalises on the resultant ineffectiveness and collapsing resistance of the enemy.
For some considerable time now, we British nationalists have been continually retreating in the face of an organised and determined enemy. There have been sporadic displays of heroic courage on the part of certain groups and individuals, but these have been impossible to sustain and the overall effect of our actions has been one of retreat, because we have behaved like a rabble and not like an army. We have allowed our enemies to sow division, mistrust, ill-discipline and insubordination within our ranks, and we have behaved like a rabble!
There are many people of superior quality within the nationalist movement in this country, however they are often not recognised as such by those around them and despite their superior qualities, these people have also often let themselves down and those around them, through ill-discipline, insubordination, mistrust, petty rivalry, selfishness and egotism. This must stop!
Far too often we have seen individuals, motivated by petty feuds and rivalries, insulting each other in a vile manner — denigrating each other’s efforts — calling into question each other’s honesty or integrity — and often on the flimsiest of pretexts, and absent any convincing evidence to substantiate the claims made. This must stop!
Those who make a habit of denouncing fellow nationalists as ‘spies’, ‘snitches’ and ‘informers’, or who delight in spreading rumours that so-and-so is a ‘drunkard’, a ‘lecher’, a ‘pervert’ or a ‘paedo’, or who accuse others of being ‘crooks’ and ‘con-men’, must in future bite their tongues, because the climate of mistrust and division such ill-discipline creates is far more damaging to our cause than ever the actions or misdeeds of those who are the targets of such libellous slurs have been.
Those who refuse to play an active part in our struggle, on the spurious pretext of not wanting to be associated with so-and-so who is the object of some spurious slur; who refuse to join our ranks and instead start up in opposition their own miniscule micro-parties, thereby creating needless further division within our movement; who insist that their own pet side issue is of such fundamental importance that it precludes them supporting the wider movement; or who lack the self-discipline to conduct themselves productively and who instead speak out recklessly and constantly involve themselves in damaging, needlessly provocative, ego-centric publicity stunts, larping and pandering to their own egos — such people must desist!
Those who expect swift results and through impatience switch their support back and forth between groups, constantly proclaiming each and every new splinter group as the newly revealed instrument of our salvation, without giving existing groups the time or support needed to develop and grow, such people need to realise that the building of a mass movement for the salvation of our people will be a long and at times seemingly torturously slow process, and they must develop faith and exhibit loyalty, and urge loyalty and perseverance in others.
There are some among us who fail to make an adequate contribution to our cause, contenting themselves with posting Facebook comments and sharing the posts of others, or getting involved in pointless controversies between rival bloggers or vloggers, convincing themselves that such action alone will in some way bring salvation closer. Thinking such as this is however a cop-out!
Everyone connected with our struggle should be actively involved in some form of outreach: writing and producing literature or multi-media material; distributing leaflets and canvassing, or involved in some capacity in community causes or projects, or in formally contributing money to our cause on a regular basis. Too many people have failed to attain any degree of activism because of a self-imposed lack of mobility — having never learned to drive a car — making it difficult for them to travel, either to support events or to visit potential new recruits. Too many people have ‘opted out of the system’, meaning that they do little or no paid work and therefore are unable to contribute financially to our movement, or cannot afford to raise a family to provide our people with a future. The Fourteen Words fall a bit flat if we have not secured a future for our people by having children, and therefore have no White children to secure a future for.
It is not enough to simply have an interest in politics. It is not even enough to merely dabble in political activism, and nor is it enough to merely share the wishes and comments of others on social media — this is the behaviour of those who do not care enough! This is the behaviour of those who would willingly see our people driven into extinction rather than climb out of their comfort zones and expose themselves to the heat of battle. We must become ‘soldiers’ for our cause if we are to experience victory!
In a war zone, civilians hide in shelters and watch from the side lines, wishing for victory for their favoured side. It is however ‘soldiers’ who take the action needed to determine victory on the part of one side or another. We need to become ‘soldiers’ in our people’s cause and become the instrument of our own salvation and to do that we need to produce children; we need to attract new followers who will also take up the cause; we need to contribute our time and we need to contribute money, and if we have it within us, we need to exercise leadership and above all, we need to co-ordinate our efforts with others so that a united movement can form and function as an integrated whole, as a well-oiled, well-disciplined and synchronised machine.
Our struggle is a ‘war’ of words and of ideas, and it is also a ‘war’ of competition with rival racial and ethnic groups — with rival communities, for political power, for limited resources and for living space within what was once our exclusive homeland. We are not involved in a military struggle and I use the term ‘soldier’ here only to emphasise the need for self-discipline and the willingness to selflessly subordinate oneself to a common leadership so that we can act effectively, as a unified whole.
Our methods must remain lawful and we must discipline ourselves to resist any urge to initiate violence against our enemies. We have a new strategy, the fourth and most potent revolutionary strategy and violence that would bring us into direct confrontation with the state is not necessary. We must be ‘soldiers’ of a militant revolutionary idea, fighting for the survival and future wellbeing of our people and the militant communities we must forge and in which we must learn to live. To err from this strategy would be to let ourselves and our people down.
When we let ourselves down, when we let down those around us, and we let down our movement, through selfishness, egotism, petty rivalry, ill-discipline and insubordination, we play into the hands of our enemies — we do their work for them — and we desecrate the heroic memory of our forebears, progressively rendering null and void their efforts, their struggle and their sacrifice going back thousands of years, and making our extinction — the extinction of our kind — all the more likely.
We must stop behaving like a rabble: we must become selfless and generous in the service of our people’s cause; we must put aside petty rivalries, suspicions and mistrust; we must become disciplined, loyal and subordinate to the will of those who have proven sound leadership. As Derek Holland advocated back in 1984, we must train ourselves and equip ourselves and dedicate ourselves, utterly, to the task of securing the salvation of our people, but more, we must adhere to the fundamental principle formulated during another nation’s struggle for salvation almost 100 years ago: ‘Meine Ehre heißt Treue’.
We must become, not merely people with an interest in politics, not merely people with a predilection for dabbling in politics, we must become the most extreme political fanatics — we must become ‘political soldiers’ — determined, disciplined, loyal and above all selfless — united in our movement of National Salvation!
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Source: Western Spring
While I don’t support petty bickering over minor issues among those within the movement, we must be honest with ourselves and understand that the movement will be infiltrated and almost certainly has been already. The best way to control the opposition is to lead it, as Orwell said. So, while a no arguing policy in an effort to maximize success is fine, it can’t be at the expense of ignoring our intuition or straight out red flags about certain people. We would do so at our own peril. Not all Whites have good intentions, and many jews pretend to be White to negatively impact our progress. Anyone whose purpose is to damage the movement has to show their hand at some point. That’s why they’re in the movement to begin… Read more »
The pages of this site and other National Alliance publications are 99 per cent. free of intra-pro-White disputes. I make sure of that. But there are a few — a very few — people whose activities are largely dedicated to spreading disinformation, rumors, and creating disputes and distrust. On rare occasions we find it necessary to warn others about such agents of destruction.