South Africa: Orania Schools Bursting at the Seams
THE AFRIKANER SETTLEMENT of Orania in South Africa — a project which has mapped out a survival strategy for Europeans in regions overrun by the Third World — is going from strength to strength and this year has seen its school population rise to unprecedented numbers.
A Facebook post made by the Oraniabeweging (Orania Movement) proudly boasts of the record enrolment at the beginning of the 2018 school year, with one of the town’s two schools having to hurriedly build extra classrooms to accommodate the new pupils.
According to the Facebook post, the Orania Christelik Volkseie Onderwys (Christian Own People Education, CVO) opened “with the largest number of pupils in its history” this year.
“For the first time, the school has more than 240 pupils. The school now employs more than 30 people, and four new staff members have had to be employed.”
The school has, the report continued, experienced strong growth particularly in the junior primary phase — the youngest pupils — and many of the classes have for the first time reached such numbers that they have had be to divided into two.
During December 2017 and in the first two weeks of January 2018, the school has had to build a number of new classrooms on the school grounds, while the junior primary part of the school has had to be upgraded at a cost of more than R500,000.
Click on the images below for a gallery of the CVO School Orania’s opening day [link to images].
Another post by the Orania Movement announced that the second school in to the town, the Volkskool Orania (People’s School Orania), the oldest educational institution in the settlement, and which specializes in computer-based educational methods, also opened with record attendance.
The over 120 Volkskool Orania pupils based in Orania are joined by hundreds more around South Africa taking advantage of the long-distance online educational program offered by the school.

The success of Orania carries many lessons for pro-European activists around the globe who seek the preservation and survival of their people. …
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Source: based on an article in New Observer
Can all-white charter schools be created in the US? They can if they have accelerated learning programs and no special ed. (to deflect the usual classroom disrupters and their violence-prone “parents”), and if they stress European origins, including languages, folk-songs, mythologies, pre-Christian religions, etc. (to disinterest jews and Asian invasive species). To learn that their genetics are the greatest gift from mom and dad, and to waste it by mixing with other racial groups and jews is an irreversible sin against nature’s evolutionary handiwork that has yielded modern civilization, invention, medicine, and exploration. To have pen-pals at similar schools in the US and around the world, such as those in SA. To learn to rationally question what their church leaders tell them. To play intramural sports only with other white… Read more »
This is what “Earl Turner” called the period of “government-enforced racial mixing,” affirmative action, what have you, and you might be able to base private school admission upon IQ tests but it would admissions would likely have to include something– say log drum signalling when one’s people are restless– to avoid the charge of discrimination.
The communist perspective: South Africa after 10 years of freedom – Lesson Plan …
South Africa is celebrating its first decade as a free society as it experiences its third election in which the entire population is enfranchised. This lesson will …
The White nationalist perspective: The Lesson of South Africa – Dr. William Luther Pierce – Nov. 7, 1998, available as part of the American Dissident Voices re-engineered collection of compact disks from the National Alliance here,
You can watch the first few minutes of The Lesson of South Africa (Part 1) here,
The South African government will boycott any corporation that donates to white schools.
Have they said-so?
My guess is South Africa isn’t purchasing much these days. The Jewsmedia fomented boycotts against nations and corporations that did business with the former White government when there was a little business being transacted and that, I suspect, was primarily to cut-off supply of important goods and services.
It seems to me that the best way to benefit White schools is not so much donating to them but boycotting the Black government; it broke the White will to continue maintaining and managing what they’d built. Total collapse, Earl Turner commented, was a stage that had to be gone through.
Earl Turner spoke of the previous 50-year period of government-enforced race-mixing. You might try basing admissions on IQ but you’d probably have to include jungle drumming to be inclusive.
In urban USA, Asians would flood schools that have IQ-based admission, to separate their kids from negroid idiocy, provided that a superior education were offered. Such reflects NYC’s system of specialized high schools. To dissuade Asians, white charter schools must include traditional European cultural activities in art/crafts, music, drama, and literature. To dissuade the less genetically-gifted, physical education must not only include basic skills in league sports, but also hiking, rock-scrambling, diving, snowboarding, target shooting, archery, horsemanship, and outdoor survival training. The question is budgeting; community involvement and business underwriting are a must! And if there were a few Japanese kids smart and skilled enough to pass and savvy enough not to be put off by the European cultural focus, so be it. Many of our kids have sat in… Read more »
JAMES CLAYTON: The White nationalist perspective: The Lesson of South Africa – Dr. William Luther Pierce – Nov. 7, 1998… — The lesson of South Africa that the Boer people have probably still not accepted, and that will be their eventual demise if not heeded, is laid out here for them in this excerpt from Dr. Pierce nearly 20 years ago: jettison the Dutch Reformed Church! Wouldn’t a race-based Cosmotheist creed for those good folks in Oriana be better for them than the DRC? —begin— Perhaps the most instructive aspect of the South African tragedy is the betrayal of the people by those in whom they had placed their trust: principally their church leaders and their business/military/political establishment. Let’s talk about the church first. For the Anglo element in South… Read more »
The White Afrikaners have one important thing going for them.
Their own language.
If you give away your religion and your language to the entire non-White 3rd world, like we White English/Anglo Christians have done – then all the non-Whites in Pakistan, Nigeria, etc. can present themselves into our countries and societies.
If you are considering some form of White separate schools in the USA/Australia – consider making some overwhelmingly White language like Russian or Polish part of the plan.
Unfortunately “Afrikaans”, the language of the Boers in South Africa, is also spoken by the so-called “Cape Colored”, who are a mixture of Whites with Bushmen and Hottentots, Malays and East Indians. There are now 4,8 million Cape Coloreds in South Africa against 4,5 million Whites.
unfortunately this project is null and void as the African population is skyrocketing orania can’t just cope with this You must be crazy to set up a white-only-town in Africa . if you wanna save your race you’d better negotiate with the EU for them to find land for you in Europe there’s still land left there think about it and stop wasting your time building things that will inevitably end up being yours no more . be wise
I agree; whites doomed themselves when they voted in favor of turning power over to negroid rule during the 1992 Apartheid Referendum. More whites than not voted in favor of it. Those that didn’t are victims, of course, and deserve our sympathy. But those that wanted negroid rule doomed not only themselves but also all whites in that country. As such, it’s too late to save the Land of the Lion, short of unleashing the most blood-drenched revolt the African continent has ever seen.
The EU are minions of the Jew. They won’t help you.