
New Poll: Most Europeans Oppose Invasion

Something neither the pollsters nor even most alternative media will acknowledge: This isn’t just about religion. The invaders are non-Whites who would be incompatible with our civilization no matter what their religion.

CHATHAM HOUSE reports that their detailed polling finds that the majority of Europeans favor a complete moratorium on Their detailed polling finds that the majority of Europeans favor a complete moratorium on Islamic immigration into their countries. The United Kingdom and Spain are the only two major European countries where a moratorium is a minority opinion.

According to the report:

Majorities in all but two of the ten states agreed [with a moratorium on Islamic immigration], ranging from 71% in Poland, 65% in Austria, 53% in Germany and 51% in Italy to 47% in the United Kingdom and 41% in Spain. In no country did the percentage that disagreed surpass 32%.

Public opposition to further migration from Muslim states is especially intense in Austria, Poland, Hungary, France and Belgium, despite these countries having very different sized resident Muslim populations. In each of these countries, at least 38% of the sample ‘strongly agreed’ with the statement. With the exception of Poland, these countries have either been at the centre of the refugee crisis or experienced terrorist attacks in recent years. It is also worth noting that in most of these states the radical right is, to varying degrees, entrenched as a political force and is looking to mobilize this angst over Islam into the ballot box, either at elections in 2017 or longer term.

The polling data from Chatham House is consonant with data collected by other entities.

For example, Pew Research found that the majority of Europeans (59 percent) believe that Islamic migration increases the likelihood of terrorist attacks in Europe. Furthermore, strong majorities in Hungary (72 percent), Italy (69 percent), and Poland (66 percent) have negative views towards Islam as a religion itself.

Of course, none of this data is surprising when placed in its broader context. Europeans are right to link Islamic immigration and terrorism. Even the European Union’s terror chief admits that some 35,000 Islamic “fanatics”currently reside in Great Britain.

Likewise, many Europeans are worried about the impact of immigration on their welfare states. Again, they are right to be concerned. In the UK just 20 percent of Muslims work full time, while in Denmark non-Western immigrants consume 59 percent of Denmark’s tax surplus. Europe’s welfare states cannot survive under a regime of high migration — this is not conjecture, it is an objective fact.

Europe will have to choose between immigration and social welfare — they cannot have both.

* * *

Source: National Economics Editorial

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Michael R
Michael R
27 December, 2017 6:12 am

Since at least 90% of all non-Whites in Europe are Muslim (someone correct me if I’m wrong) this is effectively the same as saying you support banning all non-White immigration.

31 December, 2017 6:47 am

The (((system))) and their servile liberal lackeys will try their utmost best to override the will of the people on this one (just like with Brexit) in the name of pseudo-humanism and “compassion for the somali and eritrean 30 y/o child migrants fleeing the brutal civil war in Syria” and what have you, by bringing pressure to bear on the at least partially-sane leaders of Europe such as Orban, by threatening to cut off the $goodies$ and impose sanctions for misbehaving. Unfortunately, I don’t think we can put much faith in those like Orban. He’s still a better choice, though, at least for now. He didn’t open the gates to his fort, nor did he sit idly by and let the invaders do it themselves, nope—he built a fence instead.… Read more »

Hans Rugermann
Hans Rugermann
31 December, 2017 12:38 pm

This poll must be in error, or else Angela Merkel would not be in power.