The European Roots of Thanksgiving
And more about the strange evolution of Semitic religions, versions of which were eventually imposed on Europeans
by Carolyn Emerick
THANKSGIVING is modeled on Aryan agricultural ritual feasts.
The word “Lord” evolved from “loaf-ward,” guardian of the grain harvest. The last sheaf of grain (Barley King/God) was symbolically killed, the spirit was saved in corn dollies which were later sowed into a Spring crop to be resurrected.
The word “Lord” used in the Bible is not a literal translation from the Greek. It was first used in an early Germanic translation to convert the Goths — who then worshipped Freyr and Freyja, whose names meant Lord and Lady.
To this day, the Lord and Lady of the harvest can be found in agricultural folk traditions still enacted in Britain (the English and Lowland Scots being Germanic people).
Everyone who prays to the Lord, quite literally, is praying to a European pagan God. In fact, the very word God is indigenous Germanic.
Do you know what the Hebrew word for god is? El.
El was a Canaanite (Semitic) pagan deity within a polytheistic pantheon. He was a father sky god associated with high places. The Hebrew phrase El-Shaddai, which modern Christians sing in worship songs, means “god of the mountain,” because El was worshipped by pagan Canaanites and Hebrews at mountains (like Zeus’ association with Olympus). So quite literally (and literal in the truest sense, as we’re speaking of etymology and true word meanings) Christians singing El Shaddai are praising a pagan deity of the Semites. If you don’t know, Semitic is a distinct and separate linguistic-ethnic group from Europeans (who are Aryans linguisto-ethnically — modern scholars prefer to use the term “Indo-European” but scholars all used the term Aryan before WWII).
Yahweh was the son of El, just as Thor is the son of Odin, and Hercules was the son of Zeus. In the case of Hercules, he was born of a deified father and a human mortal mother. He was said to have walked as a man on Earth, performing miraculous deeds. Sound familiar?
El had a female consort called Asherah, and her title was Queen of Heaven. You can find references to her in the Hebrew Scriptures where Old Testament prophets were screeching to burn down temples to “the Queen of Heaven.” Later, in Catholicism, Mary was referred to as the Queen of Heaven.
What happened was that Yahweh, son of El, developed a cult following that grew in popularity among the warlike Hebrew tribes. These people’s extreme aggression is outlined in the Hebrew Bible, where the tales reveal they were constantly engaging in wars of conquest. This type of culture tends toward the eradication of any female deity, and the elevation of a singular, aggressive, male war-God. So El and Asherah were deposed — and Yahweh was elevated.
The New Testament is largely written by Saul of Tarsus, who renamed himself “Paul.” A Jewish man, he never met, and never even claimed to have met, Jesus Christ. He was a Jew who was raised in the very misogynistic Greco-Roman society. His teachings are antithetical to the northern European Aryan cultural worldview.
In addition, the original followers of Jesus rejected Saul-turned-Paul. They instead followed his brother James. The schism between Paul and James is outlined in the New Testament. The book of James makes zero reference to Jesus-as-deity. The original followers of Jesus and James were eventually called the Ebionites. They were “followers of Christ,” but did not recognize Christ as a deity.
Circling back to the beginning: When the word “Lord” was first used to convert the Goths, Gothic Christianity was called Arianism (not from the same word as Aryan, but rather named for its founder, Arius), and it did not recognize Jesus as a deity.
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Source: Carolyn Emerick writes on indigenous European religious and folk traditions, with a special focus on northern Europe
Very interesting!
Question: have you watched any of the Zeitgeist documentaries? I don’t necessarily buy a lot of the “esoteric” mumbo-jumbo that people like Jordan Maxwell go on and on about… but I did find a lot of the pre-Christian legends interesting inasmuch as many of them do seem to have had been amalgamated into what became the Judaic-Christian mythos.
JimB: If you’ve seen Zeitgeist, you might be interested in the series of three books by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy beginning with, The Jesus Mysteries: Was the original Jesus a pagan god? Since there is zero archeological evidence for any of the Bible stories, characters and jewish “kingdoms”, it makes sense that Jesus was just another anthropomorphized god like many others created to celebrate the larger ineffable aspects of life, which many other people were doing with their own deities and demigod offspring. Of course, the Jesus story was likely taken and made literal as a control mechanism–the rest is real history, as they say.
Zach, no I haven’t read those books but they sound interesting. I watched the Zeitgeist series back when I still gave a damn about trying to delve into the deeper mysteries of esoteric intrigue and stolen legends… and have since that time pretty much stopped caring about the Jesus mythos or any of it, to be honest. I have a good friend, who I’ve known since childhood, who, since becoming racially-aware and “anti-Semitic” several years ago, is really deep into Odinism and other forms of our Pagan ancestral past… and even that doesn’t interest me anymore. Neither does the more “supranatural” aspects of Cosmotheism, as blasphemous as that may sound here! LOL I’m at a point now in my life where I’m much more concerned with keeping my head out… Read more »
Jim: Yes, it makes sense. As for myself, I have to hold higher ideals beyond just the physical matters of this world. I think waking up from the jewish dream of semitic religions is vital, but to then replace that belief system with nothing else, nothing greater than oneself or immediate needs can lead to hedonism and apathy, which is where society has been for a very long time. It’s part of the demoralization phase of the communist subversion process of a society, if you’ve seen the Yuri Bezmenov videos. Somehow, I’ve instinctively always felt the ideals of cosmotheism were really what it was all about, even before someone put a name to it. I believe in race memory. That’s where I think the knowingness comes from.
That belief in race-memory… and my own fascination with Consciousness ItSelf (instilled from my 12+ years as a student of Siddha Yoga) touches upon what I meant by “the Intangible” in my comment above about blood and soil. I’m by no means a dried-up atheist!
I just meant basically that I lost interest some years ago in trying to untangle the mess of Christian-dom… I don’t care anymore what “they” plagiarized and amalgamated the religion with. I don’t believe in a pre-existing, all-knowing and benevolent God.
I do however believe in Consciousness…in Is-ness… and in Becoming. And I believe that not everything having to do with “this mortal coil” necessarily has to have mass or can be seen physically.
It’s really too bad that Carolyn deletes almost all of her work shortly after it appears – at least on YouTube – out of fear of the internet Stasi. Check out her work on Charlemagne, the axial ages, the Reformation and a host of other subjects – if you can find it….. Our European ancestors were primarily a farming, herding warrior people, their ‘fall’ or, more accurately, harvest season started at the beginning of August with Lammas, the grain, hay and strawberry harvest, followed by Mabon, the fruit and nut harvest and finally Samhain, the blood harvest and ‘official’ end of summer (samhradh = summer, fuin = end). Even today, the months of August, September and October are filled with minor harvest-related festivities throughout Europe, especially in the smaller towns… Read more »