The Elephant in the Room: The Holocaust, part 1
The “official versions” of historical events are often extremely questionable, and we ought to doubt them.
IF AN AUTHORITY FIGURE — perhaps a parent or teacher — tells a young child an untruth, the child may believe without question the person whom he or she recognizes as someone important in their life. Even if the child has developed a capacity for logical reasoning and possesses accurate knowledge regarding the topic at hand, they still may question their current understanding simply because they expect their superior to be more knowledgable than they.
Children have an innocence and a degree of honesty that sometimes degrades in many of us as we age, but more importantly, a young child has not yet developed an ego which they feel compelled to defend at the expense of considering a view which opposes their own, even when the supporting evidence is compelling. Even if the child reasons that the hypothetical elephant is not in the room, they are probably more likely to look before arguing the point, whereas an adult is more likely to argue without ever having looked.
There are many widely accepted authorities regarding Germany’s role in World War II, Hitler and the Jewish Holocaust, including our school teachers, the authors of our history books, our governments and the mainstream media. Perhaps the most effective and prolific are the writers and producers of movies and documentary films emanating from Hollywood and elsewhere, all of which provide us with a generally consistent version of Germany’s role in the Second World War and the Jewish Holocaust. Many of us tend to blindly trust these historians and institutions because their knowledge is perceived as being more extensive and accurate than our own. We expect these professionals in their fields to adhere to higher ethical standards since the information they disseminate can have a significant impact upon public opinion and politics. We expect them to tell us the truth. The obvious problem here is that all of these mainstream institutions have been caught perpetrating deceptions time and time again, often with exceedingly deadly consequences in terms of human lives and yet, regardless of the fact that most of us are aware of at least some of these deceptions, we somehow continue to trust them as though their past performance has no bearing upon the the information they disseminate in the present.
Many of us now realize that Iraq did not play a significant role in the terrorist attacks upon the United States on September 11, 2001; that Saddam Hussein’s Republican Guard did not extract babies from incubators and leave them on the floor to die; that Iraq did not possess biological weapons, nor did it have a nuclear weapons program. These facts, well known by at least some elements of the CIA and the Bush administration at the time, did not deter the U.S. government from committing its military to a preplanned, geopolitical war in Iraq which has resulted in millions of deaths and displaced people, leaving in its wake a ravaged and enslaved country littered with depleted uranium, broken families and continued violence.
One of the primary objectives the U.S. military was tasked with when our government invaded Afghanistan was securing the poppy fields, the cultivation of which the Taliban had largely eradicated. Because of the security provided by the U.S. government however, poppy production was quickly rejuvenated and the multi-billion dollar heroin industry, which continues to grow each year, has made an astonishing recovery. The poppy from Afghanistan, which then makes its way through Turkey, is used to supply approximately 80% of Europe’s heroin market according to Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI translator turned whistle-blower who is known as the most gagged person in American history. What the proceeds from drug trafficking are used for is another story, one in which the CIA is intimately involved.
Many are aware of the recently declassified documents which clearly tell us that, at a minimum, the second attack upon the Navy vessel USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin on August of 1964, was a complete fabrication. This immense and deadly lie was sold to an unquestioning public by the Johnson administration and parroted by the establishment news media. This false-flag event was sufficient to manipulate public opinion in the U.S. and gain support of the administration’s goal of escalating the conflict in Vietnam, a non-war war (congress never formally declared a state of war) which resulted in the deaths of nearly 60,000 Americans and upwards of one million Vietnamese people, the majority of which were civilians.
Many are aware of the true purpose of Israel’s Dimona facility which is used in the manufacturing of nuclear weapons, an activity which John F. Kennedy tried to stop because of the threat a nuclear Israel posed to the stability of the Middle East. Kennedy’s policies regarding Israel, including inspections of Dimona and his insistence that the American Zionist Council register as a foreign agent, as well as a policy which signaled the end of the Vietnam war, were reversed by the pro-Israel Johnson administration shortly after the fatal shot was fired in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963. To this day Israel denies it possesses nuclear weapons and is therefore exempt from nuclear weapon peace agreements and inspections.
Many are aware of the incident that took place during Israel’s 1967, 6 Day War with several Arab nations when the Unites States’ closest ally deliberately bombed, torpedoed and machine-gunned the USS Liberty, an intelligence gathering vessel floating off the coast of Gaza in international waters. The attack took place on a bright, sunny day while a five by eight foot American flag billowed in the wind according to witnesses, who also stated that the Israelis illegally jammed international distress frequencies and machine-gunned the lifeboats, presumably to ensure the crew’s demise. Thirty-four were killed and 174 were injured during the attack. Israel still insists the attack was a case of mistaken identity, however audio recordings of Israeli military communications tell a very different story and further reinforce what many already knew; that Israel was well aware it had engaged a U.S. Naval vessel in international waters and it did so intentionally.
I could probably cite another 50 well-documented examples of massive lies, distortions, corruption, false-flag operations and cover-ups by various governments and media outlets without breaking a sweat, but I hope I have made my point, which is that it is foolish to blindly trust what our governments, mainstream media and educational institutions tell us without ever vetting the information they provide.
Regardless of your current position regarding Germany’s role in World War II, the Jewish Holocaust and Hitler, there can be no doubt that there are very powerful people and institutions that are dedicated to ensuring that a particular version of these historical events receives the lion’s share of the attention while those who oppose the mainstream view are persecuted and, in several cases, imprisoned. Perhaps the most troubling and clear evidence of this is the fact that it is illegal in many countries to challenge certain aspects of the Holocaust. As Kevin Alfred Strom said, “To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?”
With that said, I now address those of you who believe that the mainstream version of Germany’s role in the Second World War is generally accurate and that approximately eleven million people, six million of which were Jews, were systematically exterminated in German controlled concentration camps throughout Europe simply because Adolf Hitler was a psychotic, power-hungry dictator who hated Jews. Are you willing to put your beliefs to the test by reexamining the evidence with an open mind? Maybe there is an elephant in the room after all.
Part 2 will be published on Sunday…
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You must realize what Jews do. Jews falsify history for their own benefit.
A problem with holocaust deconstruction is that huge death-toll numbers are not needed to determine that there was large scale Axis governmental abuse of unarmed civilians during WWII. No WN should support such abuse in and of itself. Discrediting the gas chamber maxim/mantra diverts MSM to far smaller but more numerous affairs, more granular in their reportage, such as . Derived from Romanian government sources with its gaps and embellishments, it indicates a total death toll of under 5,000 jews, but within the larger framework of war, hatred by their once-friendly gentile neighbors, and sadistic brutality by various government forces. As such, this “pogrom” is more terrifying than if the 5,000 jews had been “gassed” instead. It is an invalid comparison, but just think if the holocaust were reported… Read more »
Its the same story over and over…Jews come…Jews offend..Jews ran off…FACT..the Communist Bolshevik Jews took over Germany and impoverished the German people..HEIL means ‘savior”….Adolf Hitler saved the Germans from the Jews WEIMAR REPUBLIC where Germans were starving to death..while Jews enjoyed the German wealth they pillaged…Over and over in history…the Jews are welcomed..then ran off…THERE MUST BE A REASON? Learn what Judaism in the Talmud teaches and you will see why people are impoverished by Jews over and over in history..then the Jews are kicked out OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER in history..Today..EUROPE wants the Jews to get the hell out…WHY IS THAT? learn about the Babbling Talumud and learn that you are deemed as an insect…cattle at best..put here in human form to… Read more »
They were actually Arabs that converted to Judaism, the Donme Jews.