
Iowa: National Alliance “Love Your Race” Message Triggers Hysteria

by Chris Rossetti

ALL THE flier said was “Love Your Race.” Except for the picture of a White woman and the National Alliance URL, that was the entire message. Nothing but “Love Your Race.” But Fox Channel 18 television in Davenport, Iowa objected strongly. Why? For no other reason than hatred of Whites — and you may be assured, ladies and gentlemen, that the people who own the major media in this country do indeed hate White people. The quoted words are those of Fox 18’s writer, Kelley Bowles, or those she cites.

“On a quiet street in Davenport neighbors got a rude awakening Sunday morning.” All the flier said was “Love Your Race.”

“Elesha Gayman says… she found a disturbing flier in their driveway.” All it said was “Love Your Race.”

“I don’t want anyone to feel intimidated about living here or being part of this community.” All it said was “Love Your Race.”

“. . .what was most concerning was knowing someone had been so close to their homes, possibly delivering the fliers overnight.” All it said was “Love Your Race.”

“You question their motives and the fact that they want to hide about this.” Yet all it said was “Love Your Race.”

“He says his 93-year-old mother was especially disturbed by the fliers.” All it said was “Love Your Race.”

“A no-hate group called One Human Family QCA [run by Rabbi Henry Karp — Ed.] started a No-Hate Rally in response to the fliers.” And all it said was “Love Your Race.”

“They want those posting the flier to know hate has no home here.” All it said was “Love Your Race.”

“. . . knowing someone was so close to their homes. . .” All it said was “Love Your Race.”

“They don’t want the fliers to get into the wrong hands, especially their children’s.” All it said was “Love Your Race.”

“Neighbors say they won’t be deterred by the disturbing signs.” All it said was “Love Your Race.”

“It is very disheartening because there’s web addresses on it and kids have access to tablets and anything; I really do worry about kids finding it.” All it said was “Love Your Race.”

“Stand up and speak out against it so that people know that they’re not alone and that it’s not tolerated and won’t be tolerated in this community.” Yet all it said was “Love Your Race.”

Love your race. Join the National Alliance.

Read the Fox 18 anti-White broadcast text here:

National Alliance fliers are available here:

* * *

Source: National Alliance

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10 November, 2017 12:32 pm

If the picture featured a Negro, Pacific Islander, Mexican, or some other non-White person, that would be O.K.

It is thoughtcrime to even take notice of being White. Much less to love being White or rediscover the glories of the White race.

David Pringle
David Pringle
10 November, 2017 12:34 pm

Our Iowa people have started the #LoveYourRace2018 campaign with a direct hit! Great work!

Will Williams
Will Williams
10 November, 2017 5:56 pm

Snail mail received at the National Alliance National Office: “I live in Davenport [Iowa] and a few days ago you placed a flier on the windshield of my car. I was out of town at the time and my house sitter saw this disrespectful flier on my windshield. Don’t leave papers on my car. Honestly, I don’t want you touching my vehicles, I don’t think it was appropriate to leave that kind of flier on peoples’ cars. In Davenport we have a lot of crime, lots of shootings and stabbings for no reason at all and you leaving that kind of flier on cars is dangerous around here. All it takes is for the wrong person to see that flier, that person may not even care who left it on… Read more »

Reply to  Will Williams
10 November, 2017 9:40 pm

I would suggest that Miss Breanna’s fear is NOT from the Feral Niggers who would harass her but, her deepest fear is that the Police State will NOT protect her from said Feral Niggers. Unfortunately, White Men have thrown up their hands and are not sticking their necks out any longer to protect ungrateful White Women. The few Blue Pill White Knights who WOULD like to protect her will not do so. If a White Knight took action to slay the nigger who harassed her, he would be arrested. Or, he would face a shoot-out with the Police State. A martyr for his race but, who would mourn his sacrifice? Almost no modern White Woman in this day and age is worth the drama, and they have only themselves to… Read more »

Reply to  Will Williams
10 October, 2018 12:47 am

Because we Cosmotheists love our race did flyers get distributed to you, Breanna. In an all White society that we want you won’t have to worry about non-White thugs shooting or stabbing you. Help us reach this and higher goals we have. Want to know more? Go here:

Ann E
Ann E
12 November, 2017 4:02 pm

Of course we should Love Our Race regardless of which race that is. Its natural! The promotion of White ‘Guilt’ is a cultural marxist strategy to bring down ethnic-Europeans. Mohammed Ali calls those who do not Love their own race, race traitors and he called his interviewer Michael Parkinson (BBC) exactly this.

David Pringle
David Pringle
Reply to  Ann E
14 November, 2017 1:24 pm

I drop this one when questioned about “Love Your Race” fliers:
“I love my race more than any other race. Just like I love my family more than any other family and my children more than any other children. I don’t hate families that aren’t my own. I don’t hate children that aren’t my own and I don’t hate races that aren’t my own.”

This is at the core of the Racial Nationalist idea.

Self-determination for all; oppression for none. Is the one thing the scorpions riding our back don’t want.

Ann E
Ann E
Reply to  David Pringle
14 November, 2017 2:11 pm

Very well put D.P., I will follow that. Here is Muhammed Ali agreeing with you about his own race and calling Michael Parkinson, BBC, a race traitor who hates his own race for promoting miscegenation. This video should go viral:

Travon Martinsburg
Travon Martinsburg
13 November, 2017 9:02 am

The problem historically is that whites imported non-whites, and occupied and economically exploited their lands. Therefore liberals fall back on the fairness issue to support their totalitarian suppression of white unity. All while there are non-white legal immigrants building large, successful businesses, particularly in the western states, examples of such being the non-white officers in a powerful private equity firm, or the arab who’s connected to the aging white elite in Ca. by modifying high-end sports cars. If whites had filled those economic niches, those immigrants might not have been quota-ed in by the federal gov’t. Whites do not want to live around non-whites or send their kids to schools with them, no matter how successful the non-whites are (unless they’ve married them – another issue). The only solution is… Read more »

13 November, 2017 11:58 am

The “whites” in davenport are marching against their
own race and the Alliance. (((jews))) are right, some white goys are dumber than rocks.

A good idea, those fliers. Would make good bumper sticker too.

Sic Semper
Sic Semper
13 November, 2017 1:08 pm

Anything placing jews inside it is a recipe for the entire product to carry a kosher label. If but one jew is in the mix, the entire product has been poisoned and adulterated as if a plague carrier spat in the food upon which the entire society ate from. The insidious invasion is so far along that many Ethnic Europeans regard their tormentors as heroin addicts regard heroin, they go into withdrawal when the cause of their disease is taken from them and seek it out. Too many Ethnic Europeans have been poisoned to see the jew invaders as “necessary” for their lifestyle. Where would they be without the jew doctors who were pushed through schools for their jewishness and given practices? Where would they be without jewish inventions that… Read more »

12 September, 2022 3:51 am

At my workplace I work alongside a couple of muslims on a weekly basis. The first day I started there I told them up front I believed in national socialist principles and explained to all of them in a rational and truthful way what true national socialism was all about and that we are not racists according to what the Zionist media had to say about us. Amazingly within a week they all agreed with what I had to say about loving your race and advancing it to its full potential. We very often have in depth conversations when the manager’s not around about Israel and all the sick perverted ideas that the communist left promote on a daily basis to our women and children within western societies. One guy… Read more »