EssaysH. Millard

I am a White Person

by H. Millard

I AM A White person. My parents were White. My grandparents were White. My great-grandparents were White. My great-great-grandparents were White. My White line goes back pure White as far as I have been able to check. And my DNA test says I’m 100% non-Jewish White (they call it 100% European descent). I am an Aryan as that term was used in previous generations in Europe.

But, in addition to the biological reality of my identity as a White person, I choose to be White. That is, my Whiteness is my religion, my nation, my politics, my everything. I am very proud to be White and descended from all the Whites who have gone before me, both directly in my family line, but also in the larger White collective. I am one with the ancient Romans, Greeks, Germans, Irish, Scandinavians, and on and on. I am part of the great White Tribe that has made the Earth a better place simply by our presence. Where we are, things are better and holier and more righteous and just. We are the people through whom the Ineffable Divine enters our level of reality. He is the spirit in the DNA code that we carry that makes us, us.

I do not practice universality. I practice particularity. I do not butt into the lives, affairs, or destinies of non-Whites. I mind my own business as much as I can, and my business is only White business. All races must look out for themselves and not interfere in the lives, affairs or destinies of those unlike themselves. This is the law of the Ineffable Divine, but it is often broken by many people including, sadly, many low-consciousness Whites. I ask of everything: Is this good for White people?

Even the ancient books of many religions tell the truth of what God (aka the Ineffable divine) wants, but the message has often been watered down or misunderstood. Take the tale of the Tower of Babel. You may recall that in that tale, humans were all joining together to build a tower to reach heaven. God did not want this and He caused humans to diverge from each other. The tale is a clear-cut metaphor for God wanting humans to remain separate types. And there are sayings in the Bible against mixing different seeds, against mixing different fabrics, and against yoking different animals together. There also many stories about the evils of miscegenation. In the Bible, different races and different ethnicities are often called different “nations.”

Consider the ancient Aryan-Hindu Code of Manu. Most of the Code is about how Whites must stay separate from other types of humans. That’s what the caste system in India was set up to accomplish. Too often, people think the caste system was just about the type of work people did. That’s part of it, but the main part was based on color or race and the Indian term for caste is Varna which means “color.” And the major castes are divided along color lines with the Brahmins being the Whitest and at the top. Of course, like the rest of the present PC world, you’ll now find “modern” interpretations trying to erase what the Code of Manu actually says. If you have the desire, get a copy of the Code of Manu in English and read for yourself the laws about staying pure White.

In addition to my biological and genetic identity as a White person, I am also an awakened White person. This means that I choose to be White in all ways. It also means that I am spiritually or religiously White. I, and all other Whites, are born White. It is in our DNA code — but we must also think White and not deny our Whiteness. We must develop an intellectual and spiritual Whiteness, and perfect it, and learn to be fully and completely White in all possible ways while often still living in a world where we are the minority — and where a mistake in mating can take our families off the righteous White path and turn us non-White like the majority on this planet. I believe in the simple statement that we Whites must have Right Blood, Right Belief, Right Action. The first, Right Blood, means we are born White. It is essential and cannot be compromised or changed. Then, Right Belief leads to Right Action. These three simple headings cover all aspects of our White lives.

It is not usually necessary to say “Awakened” before declaring that one is a White person today, because the simple declarative sentence “I am a White person” is not usually said by any Whites who are not Awakened. in fact, it seems many un-Awakened Whites run from identifying themselves as being White. We should pity these neurotic, lost, often self-hating, identity-less souls who don’t want to be who and what they are born to be.

Just to be clear: What do I mean by saying that I am a White person? I mean that White is my primary identity and I am happy about it and I make no apologies for being born White. It is who and what I am.

But, in addition to my biology– my White genome which can also be called my White DNA code (a broader term than just saying White genes) — I am declaring that not only was I born White, but I have chosen to be White in all possible ways by dint of my intellectual acceptance and love for who and what I am.

White Individuality vs. White Collectivism

I am both individually White and part of a collective of other Whites. It is a false dichotomy to think they are mutually exclusive. I am both an individual White person and a part of the White people of this Earth — the great White Tribe — the people who have brought the Earth out of the darkness with our inventions, discoveries, philosophies, culture — and with our very presence, as the light of God shines out from us and makes wherever we are holy. We are the selected people to evolve ever higher — and even as you read this, we are evolving.

My identity has two main parts

There are many views, organizations, philosophies, and different religious views among Whites but among those of us who are truly Awakened there is an invisible bond of unity even though we may argue and disagree on many points. This invisible bond has two parts. The first part is our common White genome. We are truly related by blood. The second part of the bond is our unshakable belief in Whiteness. The second part activates the first part and makes us different from un-Awakened Whites.

Once Awakened, one can never sleepwalk through life again. Once Awakened, one is on the path to being what one truly is — and what one can truly become. Once Awakened, one knows that one’s life has meaning and purpose and that one is connected with a great people — and with the spirit and ways of that people. One has a religious or spiritual feeling that one is doing what something greater than each of us as individuals wants us to do — and this is true no matter how we conceive of God or even if we are agnostic or atheist. It is a feeling of awe that connects us, through our essential sense of our Whiteness.

* * *

©2017 H. Millard

Ourselves Alone & Homeless Jack’s Religion: Messages of Ennui and Meaning in Post-American America by H. Millard — In this book, H. Millard, the hard-to-pigeonhole author of The Outsider and Roaming the Wastelands, has put together some of his category-bending commentaries on post-American America. They deal with politics, philosophy, free speech, genocide, religion and other topics in Millard’s edgy style — and lead up to “Homeless Jack’s Religion,” in which Homeless Jack lays out revelations he found in a dumpster on skid row. ISBN-10: 0-595-32646-3

Roaming the Wastelands by H. Millard — The groundbreaking novel of post-American America and of a life-affirming philosophy that is beyond left and right. From Chapter 1: “There are some among us who can’t help but listen to a different drummer. The drumming they hear is from their DNA. Some try to block it out, but it is heard in the blood which has no ears that can be covered to stop the sound that is not a sound. It is a call of the wild from centuries past to the wild in some humans. Those who try to deny the drummer are doomed to unhappy lives, for they are denying what they were born to be.” ISBN-10: 0-595-22811-9

The Outsider by H. Millard — Non-conformist and alienated, Buck wanders alone through a post-American America seeking meaning and the authentic. H. Millard’s iconoclastic, sacred-cow-toppling essays and fiction have appeared in everything from the high-IQ society Mensa’s publications to newspapers and magazines. Follow the linked title or get it by telephone: 1-877-823-9235. ISBN-10: 0-595-19424-9

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17 October, 2017 10:57 pm

Very excellent article! I have a question for you, Mr. Millard, if you have any experience with Hinduism: How did Hinduism come to be the main religion in India? Are the Indians there a subspecies of us, of Aryans? Back about 15 years ago, when I was in prison, I was enrolled in a SYDA Correspondence Course For Prisoners. SYDA is the Siddha Yoga Dharma Association. They had a Correspondence Course which was free for inmates, through the mail. It was a 13-year course. I loved it. It helped change my entire life, actually. The main teachings of the Course were extracted from the sect called Kashmir Shaivism, although there were included teachings from almost every other Hindu text, too. I soon discovered, during the course of the Course, that… Read more »

Reply to  JimB
18 October, 2017 6:54 pm

Jim: All I know is that the people who inhabit India today are a mixed race group that can vary from almost black to relatively light. Mostly due to civilizations rising and falling with conquests and so on, the people who inhabit countries like India, Egypt, and Iran today look nothing like the original inhabitants of those lands. How could they after millennia of conquests, wars, migration and miscegenation? We know the ancient Egyptians were White, as the blonde and red-haired mummies of the royal class still exist. Egypt today, however, is a mixed race group of people. Iran actually means “land of the Aryan” because the ancient Persians we also White. The Arabic invasions changed all that and can be seen in the people of Iran today, although like… Read more »

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
Reply to  ZachP
26 October, 2020 2:44 pm

Prior to the Aryan invasions, the true natives India were very dusky. Even today, some can be as dark as the very darkest black Africans; literally jet-black. I don’t see them as mixed race, but rather Dravidians with Indo-European admixture. I think there should be a distinction between the Negroid and Arab admixture of Egypt and the non-white (actually non-Arab) admixture in Iran. Even beyond that, there are distinctively non-Persians who constitute about a third of the country. I could be wrong, but the non-white ethnic groups in Iran have improved their intrinsic national status under Islamic extremism, whereas the Westernized Persians had been moving away from Islam. The ancient Aryans deeply affected India, so at least some of their spiritual beliefs had an Aryan origin. These were white Aryans who… Read more »

20 October, 2017 1:13 pm

Thanks, Zach. I enjoyed reading that post. I knew some of what you wrote to be true, like the “Iran” etymology… and I was already somewhat aware of a few more points you made. But not totally. It’s some fascinating stuff! Makes me even more determined to speak and act against the hatred directed against us.

Khashayar ahmadson
Khashayar ahmadson
Reply to  JimB
3 July, 2018 11:14 am

‘Iranians are non white’ then you quote Cavalli sforza! That doesn’t make sense sir! If you look at Cavalli sforza’s graph Iranians are paired inbetween Italians and Danes! It is a known fact that Iranians were seen as pure aryans by the third reich!

Why are you trying to pair my people with Indians and egyptians, there is a clear difference!

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
Reply to  Khashayar ahmadson
26 October, 2020 5:05 am

At best, wouldn’t you mean specifically Persians?