AudioAudio BooksWilliam Pierce

The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: The John Birch Society

by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury

THE JOHN BIRCH Society was the most prominent anti-Communist group in America. Despite its professed philo-Semitism and “anti-racism,” it was a part of the lives of such White radicals as Revilo Pendleton Oliver, Richard Berkeley Cotten — and the subject of this audio book, Dr. William L. Pierce, who would later go on to found the National Alliance and pen the novels of race war and terror, Hunter and The Turner Diaries.

Today we rejoin Vanessa Neubauer in her reading of this week’s installment, chapter six, of Professor Robert S. Griffin’s masterful biography of Dr. William Luther Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds.

How did Dr. Pierce, an American scientist and academic, come to oppose Communism — and what conflicts did he have with other anti-Communists which ultimately led to his departure from the Birch Society? Listen in to this fascinating intellectual journey by pressing the play button below (or at the end of this article).″ text=”Listen to this week’s installment of The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds“]

This audio book will be published in weekly chapter installments on The American Mercury and will be available from the Mercury as a full-length audio book when the series is completed.

One of the most original — and controversial — thinkers of the 20th century was White nationalist, novelist, and founder of a new European religion, Cosmotheism, Dr. William L. Pierce.

The only real biography of Dr. Pierce is Professor Robert S. Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which was published in 2001. This week we continue with the sixth chapter, “The John Birch Society,” of the book. Experience William Pierce, the writer, the philosopher, the radical — and the builder of an intentional White community in the mountains of West Virginia — just as Robert Griffin experienced him, by pressing the play button now.

Read the other chapters we’ve published.″ text=”Listen to this week’s installment of The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds“]

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Source: The American Mercury

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27 August, 2017 2:02 pm

The John Birch Society is not what people are led to believe. I contacted them regarding their position on the anti-BDS legislation pending in Congress. This bill makes criminals of Americans who oppose what israel is doing in the middle east. JBS position? They refuse to respond to my inquiry, and “appear” to back the legislation. I contacted them three times, as well as my Senators, and Congressional Representative. No answer from any of them. Form your own opinion!