The Trans/Sociopath Overlap

ABOUT A YEAR AGO I became interested in the study of sociopaths and the effects they have on society. I read several books on the subject, but one of particular interest to me was titled, Confessions of a Sociopath: A Life Spent Hiding in Plain Sight. Unlike the books, The Sociopath Next Door and The Psychopath Test, Confessions of a Sociopath was written by a sociopath, therefore the narrative was focused on insight as opposed to observation.
For those uneducated on the topic, sociopaths lack empathy (for all intents and purposes, sociopaths and psychopaths are the same thing, but for the sake of confusion I’ll use the term sociopath). Jay Harris defines sociopathy as such:
“Sociopathy is a syndrome in which either one or both of the orbital frontal association cortices cannot assess socially unconditioned somatic signals. Sociopaths cannot emotionally condition social experience. Because they have no capacity for emotional organization, sociopath’s source memory has no relevance to behavior.”
One of the most common tests to diagnose sociopaths is the Hare Psychopathy Checklist (a score of 30 or more confirms diagnosis as a sociopath/psychopath; most people have at least a few of the traits). There aren’t any conclusive theories as to the cause of sociopathy, and there is no treatment or therapy. Some think sociopaths are born that way, others (myself included) believe sociopaths have the genetic predisposition to sociopathy that is environmentally triggered very early in life (toddler years or before). Estimates vary (sociopaths know they’re different and avoid psychiatrists like the plague, so conclusive data is difficult to attain), but anywhere from 1% – 5% of the U.S. are thought to be sociopaths (more extensive research is done on prisoners and roughly 15% – 25% of the U.S. prison population is made up of sociopaths, which is also about the same percentage of inmates who engage in homosexual activity while incarcerated).
Individualized societies, like the U.S., are more conducive to producing a higher percentage of sociopaths than collective cultures, like in East Asian countries, where that type of behavior is intolerable and virtually non-existent (.003% according to a study in Taiwan). In a trust-based society populated by people who operate on shared morals, sociopaths (particularly those of high IQ; sociopath intelligence is represented along the same bell curve as non-sociopaths) game the system without emotional hangups such as remorse or guilt.
The higher sociopathic prevalence in individualistic cultures like the U.S. is likely the result of natural selection (there are evolutionary advantages to being a sociopath, as well as having sociopaths in a society). To the sociopath, life is viewed through the tunnel-visioned lens of wins and losses. The high IQ sociopath has the tendency to become a CEO, lawyer or politician (10 most common professions that attract sociopaths). The average IQ sociopath plays sexual partners for personal gain, becomes a soldier, or games the welfare system. The low IQ sociopath commits petty crimes to see if he can get away with it. Life literally is viewed as a game.

In her book Confessions of a Sociopath, the author M.E. Thomas (who writes pseudonymously) is a diagnosed sociopath who founded and moderates a website for sociopaths. She writes that she has dealt with thousands of sociopaths (and non-sociopaths — “empaths,” as she calls them — who think they might be sociopathic) on her forum, and she claims that of the many questions she is asked on a daily basis, the main one is, “Do you think I’m a sociopath?” It’s common for many people to have several sociopathic traits, but, aside from lacking empathy, which only that person knows for sure, she ultimately bases her determination on taking jabs at their sexuality (eg “What, are you gay or something?”).
Sociopaths don’t have an identity, they play roles (remember, life is a game to them). Thomas states she has encountered thousands of sociopaths and she has never met one who wasn’t at least bisexual (herself included). If the person takes offense to her sexual ribs, she eliminates them as a sociopath. When you consider that homosexuals and sociopaths represent roughly the same percentage of the population (about 2% of the U.S. population is homosexual), and exhibit many of the same characteristics (narcissism, high suicide rates, manipulative behaviour, etc) it’s almost analytically impossible to ignore the possibility that there may be a huge overlap between the two groups. In fact, the majority may be one and the same.

This observation led me to pose the following hypothesis: All sociopaths are LGBTQ, and most LGBTQ are sociopaths (technically just B, but didn’t want to leave anyone out; tomayto, tomahto). Undoubtedly, detractors will pass this hypothesis off as homophobic conjecture, but due to lack of empirical evidence (according to Thomas, sociopaths know they’re “different” and refuse to go to psychiatrists. There’s nothing advantageous that accompanies a sociopathic diagnosis.), the doubter’s rebuttal would be conjecture as well.
The significance of this, aside from homosexuality being accurately identified as a mental disease, as it was until 1990 (personally I view homosexuality as a genetic defect that acts as an evolutionary firewall for the gene pool), is on exhibit in the status quo. The “trans” agenda is currently at the forefront of the Marxist movement. Ten years ago nobody had even heard of the term “transgender,” and now 1.4 million Americans identify as such, doubled in just the last five years:
“About 1.4 million adults in the United States identify as transgender, double a widely used previous estimate, based on new federal and state data.
As the national debate escalates over accommodations for transgender people, the new figure, though still just 0.6 percent of the adult population, is likely to raise questions about the sufficiency of services to support a population that may be larger than many policy makers assumed.
‘From prior research, we know that trans people are more likely to be from racial and ethnic minorities, particularly from Latino backgrounds,’ Jody L. Herman, a scholar of public policy at the institute, said. ‘And they are also younger.'”
The following prediction almost seems too easy: Five years from now, at least 2.8 million people will identify as “transgender.” But will there really be that many more people held hostage in the opposite sex’s body? Or will the vast majority be sociopaths disguised as “transtrenders” doing their part to unweave the moral fabric of society for their “misery seeks company” pleasures? Doesn’t it seem as if homosexuals and sociopaths are the happiest when they make others unhappy? All in the name of love and rainbows, of course.
If the trans/sociopath overlap were established at a disproportionately high rate, almost certainly that would discredit the trans movement. Sociopaths at their worst are serial killers, and at their best are emotionless predators gaming something or someone. SJWs will have a hard time finding advocates of potential serial killers (although I’m sure there will be a few disturbed souls on board, like the feminist who proudly held her “Will trade racists for rapists” sign). Even if researchers found my hypothesis inaccurate, I’m confident that the findings would show a statistically superfluous amount of trans-sociopaths, as well as trans-psychotics.
Transgender isn’t an identity, it’s a role. It’s not a physiological reality manifested independently, it’s a psychological delusion based on conformity and collusion. A person is born either male of female, any gender identity differing from one’s biological anatomy is an influenced, assumed role. Nobody would check the “trans” box if that box didn’t exist. As Steve Jobs used to say, “people don’t know what they want until you show it to them” (for the record, I believe Jobs was a sociopath).

As I’ve already stated, and which can’t be overemphasized, sociopaths don’t have an identity, they play roles. But nonetheless, as a rational empathetic person, I’m all for compromise. I wouldn’t have a problem with Washington D.C. granting gender neutral driver’s licenses as long as the licensees agreed to submit to a psychiatric evaluation to prove that they aren’t delusional or sociopathic. As healthcare officials will attest, the biggest problem with mental illness, is the mentally ill don’t think they’re mentally ill and refuse treatment. As long as they can pass an examination that states they aren’t a threat to themselves or society, and aren’t sociopaths gaming the system, then give them their desired “X” for gender on their driver’s license (and if Target wants to spend $20 million to build gender neutral bathrooms in all their stores, that’s their decision, but considering their stock has dropped 25% since the announcement, and during a record high bull market at that, their PR stunt speaks for itself).
The Army has a slogan that says, “be all you can be.” I agree 100%; as individuals we should be all we can be. Not just for ourselves, but for our family, our nation and our God. But in the same breath we shouldn’t be disillusioned by ourselves, or anyone else, into believing we’re something we are not (it took awhile, but about age seventeen I realized I wasn’t Larry Bird). The transgender movement of today, will be the trans God-knows-what of tomorrow (radical liberalism can’t stay stagnant, it always has to double down). In my mind, the only difference in a woman who claims she’s really man and a wacko like Jim Jones who claimed to be the messiah is that it’s still politically correct to call Jim Jones a wacko (I was actually banned from Facebook recently for saying, “Trannies are mentally ill“).
The modus operandi of the trans movement is transparent: transplant the morals of traditional Western culture with the depressive emptiness of degenerative Marxism. The modus operandi of the sociopath is also transparent: assume whatever role necessary to achieve the end goal, leaving a path of destruction along the way. When the two are merged you have another cog in the wheel for a future Cultural Marxist dystopia.
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Source: Alternative Right
“…according to Thomas, sociopaths know they’re “different” and refuse to go to psychiatrists.” But based on psychotherapists I know, their offices are flooded with gays, so that would negate the author’s assumption that gays are sociopaths. I’m not sure about the bisexuals. I don’t recall discussing them. If homosexuality is a genetic defect that acts as an evolutionary firewall for the gene pool, what’s it really protecting us from, since gays can’t have biological children anyway? It’s heterosexual people that continue to give birth to homosexual people and thus, pass the homosexual gene on. Like the author, I do believe there is a biological basis for homosexuality. What it is, I’m not exactly sure. Regardless of how one feels about homosexuality, I don’t think anyone could deny that history and… Read more »
Thomas states she has encountered thousands of sociopaths and she has never met one who wasn’t at least bisexual… — Perhaps the National Alliance is the only organization that has had for 40+ years a stated policy that queers are ineligible for membership. And since “bi-sexuals” are queer some of the time, they, too, have been and will remain ineligible, all of the time. That is the way normal, healthy-minded White people who know right from wrong and act accordingly like it! The queers, the “bi-sexuals,” the transexual freaks, zoophiles, necrophiles, and coprophiles — the LGBTZNC community — have plenty of “democratic” organizations that gladly will accept them, just as they will accept race-mixers, Jews and other non-Whites. The Hare Psychopathy Checklist is somewhat subjective, but like the shrinks admit:… Read more »
In running down the psychopathy checklist, it’s surprising and yet, NOT at how many apply directly to jewish behavior. To my count, it’s all but four. Quite telling.
The cultural effect of separating the public perception of supposed benign rainbow homosexualism from violent criminogenic repeat offenders is insidious. Pragmatic to think that they can now both be conveniently read as mutual identifiers.
The high prevalence of blacks in serial killing crime, reflected against their known prison “down low” traits, tribal and ritual buggery of their own children, could be a rich data sample set for working out more scientific results in correlating these behaviours.
Alternately, the rare but recent stories exposing the prevalence of sexual abuse throughout jewish communities could also provide case studies, or possibly numbers to localize and correlate madness and badness.
Are you ready for this?
California man spends $50,000 to transform
into a ‘genderless’ ALIEN!
Quote: “Individualized societies, like the U.S., are more conducive to producing a higher percentage of sociopaths than collective cultures…”
But such societies also tend to be more innovative and creative, whereas the opposite is true in Asian societies.